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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • Jeanne_D
    Jeanne_D Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2009

    Michelle, I think it is a crazy ride, but, what the heck, it is suppose to be in our best interest.  And, as others said, if you can't tolerate it, you can stop for awhile and restart, or, just stop it completely.  We do need to try to do everything possible to keep the "beast" away and out of our lives forever!  Good luck to you and to Debby and Alaina!  We can all get thru this together!

    MTG, I love reading your posts!  You know so much and it helps me out a lot!

    Hey, did anyone see that video on youtube about the "pink gloves"?  I saw a little of it on the news tonight.  Quite a tribute to breast cancer.

    And,mabbam, get that appt. with your doctor and see what is going on.


  • brenda63
    brenda63 Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2009

    harley 44.... I have been on tam.. and the last few mons i have been getting my periods every 2 weeks so my onoco... had me stop taking the tam and to go and have a d n c.. he never told me why he wanted me to stop and why the d n c... so is this to see if i am having bad side affects to the drug or is it something more serious?  what is a d n c? so i guess from ur commit, it is pretty bad to have. I need to learn to ask more ?s when I don't understand because I have been thinking the worst that now I might have cervical cancer. I hate it when I get pains or being really tired, It makes me think that cancer is some where else in my body! I hate this roller coaster ride. up n down..

    linn56... this is what i am hoping but I don't understand y he had me stop the tam until i see him after the d n c.

  • debnyc
    debnyc Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2009

    I've been on tamoxifen for a little under 2 months. I just got my 2nd period while on it, and it came 3 days early. It was also lighter than usual and only last 2 days. My first period on tamox came on time but also was light. I'm guessing this is normal but would love to hear from someone else who's had this happen?

    I'm currently doing radiation and mentioned it to my rad onc. Even though it's not her specialty, she said that I needed to be it on for more time to really see what's happening. Also, she said they will test my blood in another month or so to check my hormone levels. This sounds like sound advice to me, but wanted to double check with you guys as my appointment with my med onc isn't until January.

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322
    edited December 2009

    Staci/mabbam, The radiation is used to prevent local recurrences (in the breast) because the surgery can interfere with blood flow to the immediate area possibly making systemic treatments less effective in the area that has been disturbed by the surgery. 

    Tamoxifen is a systemic treatment that has been shown to prevent distant recurrences (mets). 

    If you have a local recurrence, it can be cured with more surgery, if you have a distant recurrence, there is no cure. 

    If you can take the treatment that prevents a distant recurrence, do it.  Many women here have taken a break from the Tamoxifen, and found that the side effects were less onerous when they went back to it, so you may not have the same issues with it that you had when you took it before. 

    I hope that you have a long and gentle ride on the Tamoxitrain. 

  • mabbam
    mabbam Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2009

      thank you all for the helpful words, they mean and help alot-it's just kinda scary for me-i see the dr. on monday-will keep you all posted, so much to think about- you girls have helped and reassured me alot-

  • j414
    j414 Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2009

    Hi Deb,

    I'm entering my fourth month and my only SE has been an extra period (2 in a month), stronger than usual PMS and lighter periods overall.  My onc and gyno both said these were normal SEs and not suggestive of "gynocological problems".

    Tamox does not cause, accelerate, prompt etc. menopause unless (and this is in debate) the woman is close to the age of entering natural menopause. In fact, the ovaries produce estrogen at the same or increased amounts with tamox.  Certainly keep your doctor abreast of any SEs, especially abnormal bleeding/spotting or pelvic pain and schedule bi-annual transvaginal ultrasounds to alleviate any lingering concerns.

    I also just took the CYP2D6 test and I'm an intermediate metabolizer.


  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2009

    Mabbam - Good for you for making the doctor's appointment so quickly. The more information the better.

    Jeanne - Thanks for your kind words but I actually dont know much; what I am good at is research (and the ladies on this site have made that easy as well) .

    Brenda - First and most importantly:  the one good thing about having 2 periods a month is that that means IT IS ALMOST CERTAINLY NOT CANCER ! Endometrial cancer is rare in premenopausal women simply because the lining of the uterus is shed with periods.

    The weird thing about Tamoxifen is that while it starves the ER+ cells in our breast cancer, it has a pro-estrogen effect on the uterus - thus our ovaries are more active and we have more crampy feelings,  discharge, and increased thickening of the lining of the uterus. This is the same thing as happens during the first part of our menstrual cycle but in hyperdrive.  As with our normal cycles, if we're not pregnant, the thickened endometrial lining breaks up and leaves our body as menstrual blood; if the lining is really thick, you get heavier periods or, as in your case, 2 periods.

    By doing a D & C, your doc is basically hitting the restart button and putting the uterus back to a normal thickness; he'll actually scrape down the lining.  He is also going to look for a reason why you are having to periods. It may be (a) just that your body has to get used to the extra estrogen (one of the reasons he had you stop T, to see if things "fix" themselves), (b) it may be that there is a cyst/ polyp/ fibroid (I'm not certain if there is a distinction) which would be removed during the D & C and after that are normally not problematic except that they can recur and (3) he will most probably also do a biopsy just to be certain.

    And, although a D& C is uncomfortable, it is a fairly common, straightforward  procedure.  (If the term sounds familiar, this is the same procedure as used to terminate an early pregnancy)

    For more info about D&Cs: . I'll look up and post some additional sites for more information later on in the day. And, of course, you can always call your doctor's office and ask for some more infomation - they probably have something printed up since your questions are very reasonable and right on point.

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2009
    Jeanne_D - You mentioned the Pink Glove Video. BetsyBuzz posted it on our September Rads thread; her doc is actually IN THE VIDEO. Too cool! Anyway, here's the link she posted:
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2009

    M I will try the yogurt sauce I love curry as well.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2009

    Susie you should post that photo on the cute thread.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited December 2009

    This Jan it will be the oneyear mark since I started taking Tamox.Dpression and my weight issues are my major sideeffects.If I can't drop some serious weight in the next 6 months I think I might go off the pills.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2009

    I did it!  I know, but, that was huge for me.  I took the tamox this morning, so, I am officially on the tamox wagon or train or whatever ride it is.  I just pray it isn't too rough of a ride for me. 

    Michelle and Alaina, we are starting at the same time?  That would be kewl so that we could compare how we are feeling and doing.

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. 

    Susie, that soup picture made me so hungry for chicken noodle soup and the cat picture is so funny!  Love them both!

    This thread is so busy that I know I missed a lot.  I will post more in a little while regarding them.  I just can't keep up!  HA


  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited December 2009

    Good Afternoon World!  The air is so crisp outside, the sun is shining and I had no headache this morning!  Do I hear a yippee?  Yes, I do!  YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  Laughing  Now, I realize they may and probably will come back, but, just to get a break and to not have to take excedrin is great, even if just a day or two.  But, that is my only se so far on tamox!  YIPPEE again!

    Welcome DebbyM, Alaina and Michelle.  So,  you took your first one Debby?  WTG girl!  You will do fine.  Just come here and vent and talk about what is happening and we will all help you.  I know everyone here now has been wonderful and supportive to me!  I love it!  Some of you talked about weight gain?  How soon did that happen on tamox?  And, did you gain much weight? 

    Mumayan:  Have you tried taking an antidepressant?  Or, talked to your onocologist about possibly putting you on one?  I know a lot of women seem to be them just because of the bc diagnosis.  It is hard dealing with bc, let alone tamox and all of the other stuff.

    MTG:  I love everything you post!  I always learn so much!  So, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I did see that pink glove video and it is so funny!  I just wanted to dance my heart out and that janitor!  Love it!

    Glad you all like my pictures!  I will be posting more.  We all need a smile every now and then or a bowl of homemade chickie noodle soup to comfort us!

    Speaking of smiles..Read this and I hope you do!Laughing

        Ways to ANNOY people! lol

    1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

    2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensual massage."

    3. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."

    4. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeep Bip..."

    5. If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others.


  • Alexis2u
    Alexis2u Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2009

    This is great here!  Not only can I meet new friends and get good advice, but, I get a laugh along the way!  Thanks Susie for those!  They are hilarious!  I especially love #5!  Where do people come up with these things?

    I am trying to catch up on this thread, but, find it difficult since it is soooooooo big and has so many posts, so, I think I will just stay from my original post and go forward.  If I ever have a lot of time, I can go back and read what others wrote long before me.

    I have no side effects yet from tamox that I know of.  So, I am grateful for that.  But, I don't know if a lot of them come right away or not.  The women at the support group said their symptoms didn't come for a few weeks.  Great :( 

    BBL!  Lex

  • Alaina
    Alaina Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2009

    Well, I was supposed to start today...left the pills at home.  Rushing out of the house.

    Although, I think I might take it at night anyway, so I don't have to worry about forgetting to bring the pills with me during the day in the future.  If it's always home, just take it before bed with a healthy snack.

    But I will definitely track along with all the December 1, 2009 - December 1, 2014 TamoxiTrain Riders!!!

    Day 1 of 1,826 days!!!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited December 2009


    I sent you a pm...

    Don't worry...



  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited December 2009

    YEAH Susie!!!! No headache. And Debby GFU!!! One day down ;-))) I am now officially two months down Yahoo!

    Don't worry about reading past posts. Just ask the question again - noone here minds. Lots and lots of info there but until you need it, it is a bit irrelevant.

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2009
    bcamnb - I'm losing it. I read your, "I am now officially two months down Yahoo!" and thought to myself, "Wow, I didn't realize that Yahoo can track our progress; I wonder is AOL can as well ?" Duh !
  • Jeanne_D
    Jeanne_D Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2009

    LOL MTG!  I was saying the same thing to myself!  I was like Yahoo?  How do they know?  OMG, what is wrong with us?  Ok, I have Rad Brain, yea, that is it!  Whew! 

    Yes, YAHOO Susie for no headache.  I hope they don't return.  I hate headaches and they are so hard for me to get rid of when I have them.   If it is really bad, I usually just have to go to bed for awhile. 

    You can take your tamox tonight Alaina, if you want.  I think we all vary on when we take it.  But, the main thing is to not go over 24 hours between taking them. Is that right?  I think I read or was told that. 

    Don't worry as they said about trying to catch up Lex.  I never can, nor do I worry about it.  I just ask the same thing again or I forget about it.  lol  I can't keep up.  I don't know if I could even if I sat here all day.  Well, maybe then, but, I can't do that! 

    And Susie, those are hilarious!  I love that stuff!  Thanks!


  • CatbirdC
    CatbirdC Member Posts: 235
    edited December 2009

    Hi Everybody,

    I've been sidetracked with a cold or sinus thingie or both for a while. 

    SUSIE'S soup sure hit the spot.  What a pretty picture too.  It makes you hungry to look at it.  :o)    And so glad to hear you went at least one day without a headache.  I wish you many many more.

    Debby.... see you started the Big T.  Hope all goes well with you.

    On the flax seed oil thing, couldn't you get the same benefits from Omega 3 fish oil caps?  My eye doctor prescribed them for dry eyes caused by Tamoxifen.  I can't believe the benefits of taking those buggers.  If you do take them, I suggest the enteric covered ones to avoid getting any fish taste.

    Take Care.


  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2009

    I keep waiting for a side effect.  How sad is that?  Ok so far.  I have been reading a lot about tamox on the internet and there is some horrible stuff out there.  I think I will just stick to this site and not even look elsewhere.  I realize that not everyone has horrid se's and tamox is saving my life.    Tamoxitrain, I am on!

    Love those Susie!  You put a smile on my face!

    Yahoo?  I was saying the same thing. 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2009

    DebbyM - I am taking my first pill tonight...I have been having hot flashes since August and figure if I am going to break out into a soaking wet pile of goo I might as well do it at home in my own bed then a work in front of a client (I HOPE!!!!!  I am already having to dress in layers at work and spend half the day pealing layers off and on, off and on...)

    Alaina - Good luck this evening with your first pill as is hoping none of us have any SE's

    Thank you everyone for you words of wisdom and support!

  • peg119
    peg119 Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2009

    Lex - I am also done with rads.  About 1 1/2 months out now.  It wasn't too bad except I hurt my back in the middle of it and getting up onto the table was quite difficult.  I had to have two lumpectomies on the same breast.  I still had calcifications after the first one and they wouldn't start rads until they were gone. 

     I am having bad back pain again but don't know if it is a se or just me.  I just need it to go away since it makes it hard to do a lot of things.

  • Alaina
    Alaina Member Posts: 153
    edited December 2009

    Well, one down the hatch!  Looks like it's gonna be me, a pill and Jay Leno for the next 5 years!  LOL!!!

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2009

    YEH Alaina, Michelle and me!  The 3 tamoxiteers!  Tongue out  We can do this, we have to!  We have to at least try everything to help our chances against a bc recurrence and tamox is one of the ways for us to stop it.  So, bottoms up ladies!

    Michelle, why are you having hot flashes?  You look so young.  I haven't had one yet.  I asked someone once how would I know if I did or not, and, they were very emphatic that I would know for sure. 

    I need to start decorating for Christmas here.  I had my husband bring down some decorations tonight when he got home.  I am thankful this year for so much.


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2009

    ~1st one down...1,825 to go! 

    Debby - I am 38 yrs old, went into chemical menopause from chemo, no period since July, major hot flashes and mood swings.  I can tell you, I was not prepared for the hot flashes... I thought I had time before the hot flashes hit or at least until after I started Tamox.  I have been on Effexor for the flashes and mood swings.  My moods have really leveled out and I am more like my old self that way, the hot flashes continue but are less frequent. I will say that for me Effexor was a life saver because I really thought I was losing my mind for a while will know if you are having a hot flash...I was a a dinner party with friends one night & kept having 'flashes'...I thought I was hiding it well but my girlfriend looked at me and started to giggle...apparently my ears turn red when I am flashing, pretty hard to hide whe you have no hair. Embarassed

  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited December 2009

    This has just been the BEST day!  It really has!  Laughing I am so Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bonnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so glad to see you back on here.  How are you feeling?  Any better?  You didn't say.  You are welcome for the soup!  I wanted to make you feel better incase you might pop on.

    The 3  That is cute Debby!  Good luck to the 3 of  you.  I am fairly new on tamox myself and doing pretty well.  I just have the headaches, but, escaped one today! 

    I take fish oil capsules too.  My oncologist said it is good for everything, whatever that meant.  lol

    MTG and Jeanne, I read it the same way too.  Then, I just laughed when I realized what it was.  Duh me.    Caroline..YAHOO on your 2 months down.  You gave us all a laugh today! 

    These are for you Bonnie...Enjoy them   ( unless you are allergic to them  yikes )

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2009
    Hey Harley - Unless I screwed up my counting, you only have TEN DAYS LEFT on T !!! Right ? Now, this is true countdown time !!!! Woohooo !!!!!!! (As opposed to Yahoo !)
  • Jeanne_D
    Jeanne_D Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2009

    Is that true Harley?  Only 10 days left? 

    This will call for a HUGE celebration! 

    A Woohoo or a Yahoo!  ROFLMAO


  • Alexis2u
    Alexis2u Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2009

    Peg, so sorry about your back pain.  Isn't there anything they can give you for it?  Drugs, physical therapy, massages, something?  I know that back pain can be very traumatic.  I bet it was hard to get on that little metal table during rads with a bad back.  Thankfully, you are done now with rads as I am too. 

    It is weird though, I really miss my rads team there.  Everyone was so great and so nice to me.  Kind of miss the routine of going and seeing everyone.  Frown
