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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • nwood450
    nwood450 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    Harley and Bonnie ...

    Thanks!  So if I go by when they did the surgery, it will be one year for me on Saturday!  Praise God ...

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 

    Wink Nancy

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited March 2010


    Yippee...   Happy ONE year N E D anniversary!! 


  • Ainm
    Ainm Member Posts: 362
    edited March 2010

    Just started my 8th month of Tamox and have noticed I am quite moody and anxious.  Another thing I noticed is that since I started T I have been successful in losing 60lbs weight - really worked at it but still have a ways to go and over the past 2 weeks I seem to be stuck - can't seem to stick to it and not losing anything even though I exercise every day and so am even more cranky!!!  It's driving me mad. Have never got back to a proper sleeping pattern either. Any ideas on how I could kick start the weight loss again!!! and not kick anything else while I am this cranky!!

  • Sparrow
    Sparrow Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2010

    Nancy, congrats!!! :D   I want to follow in your footsteps!  :)

    Ainm, moody and anxious, that's me.  ;)  As for losing weight, I really don't know.  If you ever find an answer to this puzzle, please post it!  ;)

    I had a gyn exam today with a new gynecologist whose main interest is the gynecological issues of women who have had breast cancer.  She's great!  :)  She knows what to watch out for when her patients are taking Tamoxifen.  I have a vaginal ultrasound scheduled for next week... just to calm my nerves.  If it's normal I vow to quit worrying over every little thing!  :D

  • lottie
    lottie Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2010
    don23 - I start tamoxifen tomorrow. My onc told me that thickening of the uterine lining is very common. I hope everything works out ok.
  • CatbirdC
    CatbirdC Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2010

    Hi All,

    Nancy...Yep..the surgery date makes the most sense to me.  Some even count from the day they were diagnosed.  I've never noticed how it's counted in any reference material ?????

    I take the Big T  one half in the morning and one half at night.  That doesn't stop all my se's but I think it lessens them.  It's whatever works for you.

    Ainm...   do think the mood swings are caused by the T.  I'll go along for a month or so without any and then bingo.  Same with the hotflashes, foot cramps, etc.  The dry eye problem is one that came early and stayed. 

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend.  It's 19 here but at least it's sunny.


  • brendaw
    brendaw Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2010

    Hello Girls,

    I started 5 taking this 5 days ago and have noticed increased head aches and then today I noticed that my feet are swollen.  I don't think I read that that could be a side effect.  Has anyone ever heard of that?


  • Marion
    Marion Member Posts: 116
    edited March 2010

    Hello Brendaw,

    No, I haven't heard of swollen feet or headaches but I have heard of swollen legs. Sorry I could not help!

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited March 2010

    Oh, Brenda - ask Susie about headaches, as well as several other women on this site! Mega headaches for some - they can tell you what helps....

    Swollen feet - no - but cramps in feet and legs - yep!

    Best of luck


  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758
    edited March 2010

    I started my Tamox the end of January and my onco has me taking 5mg in the am and 5mg in the pm right now.  He says he'll eventually have me take take it all at once.  I can tell it makes me more tired in the daytime, but I can't imagine more night hot flashes going on.  I already have restless sleep because of it.  It might help the daytime bouts of crying for no reason though! 

    If sugar helps those hot flashes and sweats, I think I'll have to live with them then.....I don't know if I can quit sugar unless I absolutely HAD to medically.  Good for you! 

  • louey
    louey Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2010

    Hi brendaw:

    I am new to the site - a year and a half after surgery and 9 months after starting tamoxifen.  Feel I need some support as I've pretended all is well.  The first few weeks of T were the worst - severe hot flashes, severe swelling of my hands and feet to the point of having trouble putting weight on my feet.  That has subsided - did after a couple of months.  The hot flashes have been getting better as I have increased exercise.  Just battling some depression and mood swings now - hesitant to take anti-depressants.  Want to try acupuncture for the hot flashes and depression - has anyone tried this?  Keep perservering. 

  • brendaw
    brendaw Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2010

    Louey;  Going through what we are going through is tough, so my opinion is if you need an anti depressant, I would take it. I have battled depression and I don't think I would got through it without medication and with a lot of prayer.


  • nwood450
    nwood450 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    Good Morning tamoxibuddies,

    What a beautiful weekend (finally) on the east coast!  Temps hit the mid to upper 50's and the sunshine was warm and felt so good on my face!  Walked in the park, opened the windows!  Now... if it will only last.  But, this is New England! 

    Ainm: Congrats on the 60 lbs weight loss!  That is wonderful!  I have found that the T makes it extremely difficult to lose weight.  I have gained and am constantly battling to shed the extra pounds.  I think the combination of the T and this forced-menopause really messed with my metabolism.  I never had a weight problem until now.  I don't know what the answer is to this one!

    Louey:Welcome - sorry to hear that you are having such SE's from the T.  It is difficult.  I am very moody at times.  But I have suffered from depression as well.  I take an anti-depressant.  I've tried going without but just found myself spiralling into a dark hole.  I say, we have been through so much that it's not worth it, to me, to feel miserable. 

    Ok - I know this is not a very "pleasant" topic, but I've asked before ... Is anyone having trouble with (here goes)  constipation?????  Girls, I am sooooooo miserable since the T.  I have been doing the stool softeners, senakot, miralax ... I just can't seem to get things "moving" !  Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

     Love to all,
    Nancy xoxo

  • Sparrow
    Sparrow Member Posts: 80
    edited March 2010

    Nancy, we had beautiful weather last weekend too!  :)  My DH heard about a nature preserve not far from us so we took our best-behaved dog and went for a hike.  It was so beautiful there!  It's on the site of the civil war battle of Utoy creek-  one of the battles the confederates won.  You can still see the trenches they dug.  Our dog, Boris, played in the creek.  It was like Disneyland to him.  :)  I'd love to take all 3 of our dogs but they get so wild when we try to walk them together.  Maybe next weekend we'll take Max too and see how it goes.

    I'm still feeling constantly crampy with lower back pain from the Tamox but the hip pain has gone away.  I saw my gynecologist last week and she ordered a transvaginal ultrasound for this Wednesday.  She told me to take 800mg of ibuprofen for the cramps but it only helps a little.  I'm really worn out from this and I'm staring at my bottle of Tamox and I just don't want to take it today.  Maybe I should take it before bedtime so I can sleep off some of the SEs.  It's weird that I haven't had a hot flash yet.  I would almost trade hot flashes for these cramps.

    I've noticed that about 2 hours after I take Tamox, I get into a terrible mood that lasts about an hour and then goes away.  Has anyone else had that?

    Nancy, have you tried increasing the fiber in your diet?  Women need 25 grams a day.  I went on a health kick a few years back and  made sure to get enough fiber every day and it really helped in that area...  I started eating a lot of 'health foods' with high fiber content and snacking on raw carrots and bananas.  On days when I couldn't get enough I drank orange flavored Metamucil.  We mostly eat vegetarian now, so I don't have a problem getting fiber anymore.  ;)

  • nwood450
    nwood450 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    Hi Sparrow,

    Wasn't it nice to get outside?  The nature preserve sounds like a beautiful area.  My DH and son love all of that Civil War history!  They visited Gettysburg two years ago and loved it! 

    I know what you mean about walking all the dogs at once.  I have two dogs and cannot walk them together.  They are crazy!!!  One is a very energetic beagle and the other is an australian shep /border collie mix.  Both rescue dogs ...

    I have increased the fiber in my diet.  I've been trying to lose weight so I've been eating lots of fruits and veggies.  Drinking lots of water and excercising.   I just feel so bloated!  I feel like I'm doing everything right but nothing is working! Yell

  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited March 2010

    Good morning tamoxibeauties!  This is another driveby!  lol

    Still have company and can't seem to get on the site long enough to read everyone's posts, so, I apologize for that.   Praying that you all are feeling better and getting along well with tamox. 

    My main problem right now is not is these stupid ladybugs or whatever they are.  We live in the country and they originally started coming in this winter.  The farmers, apparently, imported these stupid things to help with their bean crops and they just won't go away.  Everyone has them, but, I am so sick of them.  I sweep them up, but, they still are in the house!  Hubby says he can spray in the basement when we finally can open up our windows.  I don't want to spray chemicals down there until I can get some fresh air in the house.  Ok..enough of that!  lol

    You all have a great day!  Spring is just around the corner..isn't it?  ( praying )

    ♥ Susie

  • echosalvaje
    echosalvaje Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2010

    Yes Nancy, I've been struggling with constipation too. When it gets too bad I use the stool softener at night but it usually takes a couple of nights before a notice a difference. While I was on vacation last month and walking much more than usual, it seemed to be better. Could have been the increase of sunshine and loads of food, (didn't leave any room in the bowel, eh?) So I'm not sure what the answer is. Now that the weather is getting better I hope to be walking more, hopefully that will help.

  • tea
    tea Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2010

    Hi -

    I've been lurking for a while, but this is my first post.  When I get the nerve to actually take the pill, I will be starting Tamoxifen today.  I'm very nervous about all the potential side effects (I hate taking medications).  To top it off, I now have a cross country flight on Thursday to attend a family funeral, so I'm even more worried about blood clots in the legs.  Does anyone do anything extra to help prevent clots when flying?  Thanks.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Hi Sarakty!  Welcome!  And I take Tamoxifen with a baby aspirin every morning...Just for 2 months now, but I have no side-effects so far....But when you are flying for a long time like that, I heard you are supposed to walk around a lot, or even get some of those support stockings...They should help your legs!   I get mine from a regular medical supply place, & they "fit" you better!  And just stretch your legs a lot, or elevate them on a "case" or something in front of you! 

    Suzie....You have Lady-bugs now?  I usually don't see them until further into Spring here in Denver!  And yes, I have seen them sold in packages here in the garden shops, to eat the "bad" bugs, Ha!  I even tried to "save" one in the house on my Norfolk Pine...But he disappeared...Wink

    Sparrow...I don't notice bad moods that last very long, but I surely don't like to take any crap now, Ha!   (if you know what I mean...)  So I'm a little bit "sassier"....but that's a good thing! 

    And Nancy....If the stool softeners don't work very well, just go get some prunes, or prune juice....And Aloe Vera  juice is supposed to be good for that too...I mix mine in a smoothie...But DON'T do like I did....Take prune juice AND Milk of Magnesia at the same time....MAN....You will be riveted to the porcelain throne for DAYS it seems like, Ha! 

    Okay Tamoxibeauties.....Love you! xoxoxoxo Jeannette

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2010

    nwood450 - for constipation, as well as keeping cholesterol in check, general heart heath and even appetitie suppression (I sound like an ad, dont I ?) try Psyllium Husk Caps. These are nothing more than fiber pills. 

    I think I first heard about it on Oprah or some such show talking about healthy eating. And it reminded me that when I was in college  I had bought these huge horse sized fiber pills in Paris; French women used them to curb their appetitie and promote weight loss. I used to add this in powder form into my breakfast smoothie but the caps are so much easier.  They have no down side; however, start with only 2 or 3 caps a day to prevent bloating and gas.

    See and

  • bcincolorado
    bcincolorado Member Posts: 4,758
    edited March 2010

    I haven't had constipation issues from Tamoxifen, just from my pain meds.  I got tired of taking Dulcolax all the time and just started eating raisins every day and that seemed to do the trick!

    I saw my onco today and he said that if my hot flashes got too bad he would prescribe Effexor. So far I can't see adding meds at this point, but for anyone who has them that keep them up or wake up in sweats badly at night, you might want to check it out.

  • avalin
    avalin Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010


    I have been utilizing acupuncture for about 3 years, for depression and hot flashes.  While I was on chemo I chose to forgo any alternative treatments as I wanted to allow the chemo to hit me "full force".... so after 6 months I have started back with acupuncture... and boy my body and soul are thankful.

    As with most complimentary treatments it will take some time for you to see results, but you also know you are not doing anything invasive to your body.

    Find someone you can really relate to and trust, as that is part of the healing.  I tried someone new and she just didn't get me or listen very well, so I wasn't relaxed, and the treatment didn't help.

    My current Dr. is wonderful and he is seeing improvement in just 4 sessions..

    Best of luck, I hope it works for you.

  • louey
    louey Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2010

    Thanks for the feedback on the acupuncture.  I am so looking foward to it and excited to get started.  I just want to feel bettter.  I really have an aversion to anti depressants and don't want to take more medication - it just seems like more toxins in my body. I'm going to give it a whirl.

     As for constipation - I went to a nutrition course for women with breast cancer.  We should be eating 30 - 35 grams of fiber per day.  High fiber, low fat.  Berries are high, almonds are great, avocados and there is a bread here - don't know if its available everywhere - called Squirrelly bread.  It has 5 grams of fiber per slice.  Spinach, apples - with the peel, beans, I could go on with the high fiber foods.  If you look online you should be able to find foods that are high in fiber.  The nutritionist said fiber supplements really don't have that much fiber in them.  Once you get into the habit of eating high fiber foods, you'll just keep doing it.

  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited March 2010

    Ok..doing another driveby!

    Hello and goodbye!

    ♥ Susie

  • kcl65
    kcl65 Member Posts: 741
    edited March 2010

    Hello All,

    I've been out of touch for a few days and will be unable to get on again tomorrow, so I just wanted to do a "Susie driveby" and tell ya I miss ya. JEANETTE ~ I'll pm you Wednesday... :)

    Hugs to you all!

    Kelly :)

  • nwood450
    nwood450 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    Thanks so much for all of the help.  Bought some prunes last night and I'm going to look into those Psyllium Husk Caps,

    Busy busy busy day here ...

    Love to all,
    Nancy xoxo

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2010

    Crap. Just got the results of my CYP2D6 test... apparently, I'm a very poor metabolizer..the levels of T in my blood show as "sub-therapeutic" and the enzyme to break T down is not working at all. So I'm going up to 30mg, meeting with my onc tomorrow and starting to research like mad. Aargh !!!

  • Susie09
    Susie09 Member Posts: 225
    edited March 2010

    Sorry M!  Hope that by upping your helps you!

    ♥ Susie

    p.s. Hi Kelly!  

  • jane1234fam
    jane1234fam Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010

    My question to my ONC was - how about an oopherectomy instead of Tamox?  He said that since I had chemo, it will most likely put me into post M, because of  my age (52), but he still wants me to go on Tamox.  Since reading about everyones S/E - not in a hurry.  It's sad that we have to put up with all the S/E and troubles.........thanks for all your info.  Getting PF test and xray before they will start me.  Later...

  • bcamnb
    bcamnb Member Posts: 334
    edited March 2010


    So sorry about your CYP results. If it is ANY consolation, I am taking 30mg (and have done so for 5+ months)......

    Good luck with your discussions and decision

