Bottle o Tamoxifen
mfrog, just wondering if you have had your thyroid checked? Just a thought.
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haltsaluteatx, I've got an appt on Thursday with my family Dr., I'm going to ask him about my thyroid. But I was just to see him about all these symptoms & he didn't mention it, but I will ask.
Thanks, Dee
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Well after 3 glorious months of my period returning, this month it is gone..... Hot flashes are back in full swing, I am wet in the middle of the night sweating and then freezing. Sleep is awful ~ I really need some ambien or something as I can't take tylenol pm or anything over the counter due to the benadryl that we aren't supposed to take on tamoxifen. I enjoyed my 10 day break off tamoxifen for my reconstruction surgery, but have been back on for about 2 weeks. Was nauseous in the beginning but seem fine now. Going back on has been uneventful not too much to complain about other than the flashes and no period.
Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for the holidays.
I got my period for the first time after chemo 3 months later then didn't get it until YESTERDAY! I had night sweats until about a month before it returned and haven't had one since. My onc told me he thought I was cycling because I always fetl like I was getting it but then nothing. Then once I got it he said that it would be irregular until my body adjusted to T. He said T sends your hormones in a state of flux and then they plateau. He said it can take 6 to 8 months for the plateau. I have to say I don't want to be in menopause but I forgot how much I hate the cramps!
I feel almost ready for the holiday...baking more cookies today then done and wrapped! Now I just have to kick back until next Monday for my revision...UGH!
Happy MONDAY!!!!
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Has anyone changed their diet since being on Tamox? I was in the natural alternative and they are saying we should NOT eat dairy? Anyone know anything about this?
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Jan508, I hadn't heard anything about not eating dairy, but I have cut most of it out of my diet, I was finding that I was having such severe bone pain in my shins & read that this could be a symptom of lactose intolerance. So I stopped all of it, except for a bit of light cream in my coffee & within a few days my pain was gone. I went back on milk etc, & the pain was back. I've been off it for over a year now, so I don't know if this is what you've heard?
Alicia, I just went on gabapentin & it helped almost instantly with temp issues both hot & cold & helped me sleep at night. There is a study out a couple of years ago that shows that gabapentin doesn't really do much for seizures but is tremendously helpful for SE from Tamox.
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mfrog: Interesting about the shin pain. I usually go to the gym every other day and walk and my legs (shins and calfs) have been bothering me off and on. I wonder if it's a combo of the dairy and Tamox? I'll have to try eliminating it to see if that helps.
Thanks for the info
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Jan508, I still have some calf cramping, it seems to act up if I don't have a whole banana every single day. It was worse before I upped my Vit D, but all my leg issues seem to be under control. I would be interested to hear if cutting out the dairy helps you as well. Like you I get quite a bit of excercise, I run every day.
Cheers! Dee
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I walk every other day so I'll try elimating the dairy...after the holidays! Too many goodies around then.
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Jan I eat pretty healthy to start with but since my diagnosis I've been more aware of what contains Hormones and steroids. I stay away from most dairy unless it's organic which doesn't contain all the crap they put in foods these days. Of course cheese doodles are ok right?! I knew I shouldn't bought the bag...I can't put it down at the moment. So much for my healthy eating LOL yes the Holiday feasting is killing me on top of I feel pms-y.
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Yeah cheese doodles (yummy) and chips are ok I think!
Keep up the healthy eating over the holidays!!
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Thanks as I literally swallow the last bite of my chocolate chip cookie!!
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I just had 2 of those
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Well, I'm getting ready to start on tamoxifen. I'm glad to hear you girls have decided on a healthy diet plan for us to follow - cheese doodles, chips and cookies....YES!
Just finished rads today, and my onc said to wait about a week. I decided to start on Jan. 1st when I fix a healthy meal anyway - you know the greens, black-eyed peas and cornbread (brings you good luck in the New Year). Never worked much for me, but it tastes good. Then on Jan. 2nd, bring on the green smoothies - yum.
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Don't you just love our new diet?
Seriously, I hope you sail through the Tamox with no se's.
Good eating (healthy) awaits until Jan 2nd.
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You are so right - we should be thankful! This journey can be so hard (and after 4 years on Tamox, some of my SE's are worse than they were in the first two years. It seems as I read the posts we have some similarities but others tolerate it in very different ways.
I am just trying to get through this next year without letting the SE's bug me too much..and its the holidays - I want to be happy! My period is screwy (after having it come early, now its late - hahaha - luckily I know I am not pregnant) but the hot flashes are less than last month. Either the T is messing with me or perimenopause is settling in. If I don't get my period in a few weeks I will call my GYN.
I see gals here with some of the same SE's and stories and others I've never had. BUT...we are all in the Tamoxifen boat (or is it bottle?) and knowing there are sisters out there who are strong, positive and LIVING in spite of any pain we have.....that makes me feel better and I hope it does you too!
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Last month I got a period after not having it for a year. It was brutal to say the least. My Obgyn said my left ovary is working and the right has stopped. I should expect more periods.. uggh.
Interesting enough my WBC was 3.5 which is low. Has anyone had a low wbc after being treatment free for a year and only on tamoxifen?
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Jan - yes, my diet for now consists of all these things I don't normally eat. Probably why I'm nauseous...
I think I'm going to start eating right the day after Christmas, so I might feel better before T-Day hits! Just swoop all the sweets and treats into the trash the day after Christmas! Okay, maybe I won't be that radical, but I think I will freeze it all so my son can stretch it out for a few weeks after Christmas. Okay, my son just said I can sweep them all into his mouth - he wishes!
I'm getting a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas so I'm hoping that will help amp up my exercise program!
Going out to look at lights before they go off!
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Anyone having ugly headaches after taking T for awhile? I started taking it in September of 2010 and was doing really well but now I'm having really bad headaches, almost non stop the last couple of weeks.
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Lindy137, I had constant low level headaches for almost a year while on T. I started taking gabapentin for the chills, hot flashes & sleeping, one of the other side benefits was the headaches are gone. I take 300 mg 3X a day, which is a low dose, 3600mg is the max daily dose. I don't know if this would work for you, but you might want to try it for a few days. I found it helped my SE's almost immediately.
Good luck! Dee
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Merry Christmas Eve gals! And Welcome heartnsoul76 !!!! So you are on the "Tamoxifen Train too now? It's been almost a year for me, & I feel great! Some side effects might sneak up on you, but nothing you can't handle. And we find they only hang around until we think we are going nuts, then they leave. So try not to take anything FOR the side effects, without waiting a week or two, to see if they go away. Like I had trouble sleeping, & that dreaming!!!! So I thought "I'll fix THAT!" and I started taking Melatonin....Weeeelllll! That gave me, well let's see, how can I put this????.....Well I made best friends with the bidet....until I figured it out! THEN I had to take Imodium AD for THAT!!!!! But then I said to myself....."SELF.....what started all this?" Then I KNEW the Melatonin started it all! So I can't do THAT one! Maybe some can, but man, not me.
Hi CatMom4 ! Yes! Even when things happen in our personal lives, if we can just get through it! We DO really have a lot to be thankful for...just look around.....The other morning I went outside before sunrise, & it was barely snowing...I looked towards the lamp on the garage, & it made those little snow flakes sparkle just like diamonds! They were falling so slow, it looked magical....And it was such a beautiful way to start the day! ....I just got chills.....Then I went in because I didn't have a jacket on...
I am a lot older than the rest of you, so I don't have to worry about those...what do you call them? Periods? I think I kind of remember those....kind of....But I grew up, & now they are gone.... Along with firm and toned muscles & a smooth neck & a flat tummy...
You guys, be careful with your headaches....Can't we take Aleve for those? I know a LOT of people are getting them lately, even without taking Tamoxifen...Could it be something else? At least I don't get THEM!
SNACKS???? Oh okay....I like onion pita chips with roasted red pepper hummus, or pickled jalapenos, sliced in half, filled with chunky peanut-butter.....maybe even a taste of a Mounds....or cashews....or a chocolate coke! Man, I haven't had one of those in YEARS I think....but they were soooo good!....I remember I ordered one at Johnny Rockets once, & it was $2.50!!! You would THINK it was the 2 liter! With a bottle of chocolate syrup!! I said "Are you KIDDING?" Nope, she was not I can make my own!
Well Merry Christmas everyone! Take care of yourselves! xoxoxoxoxo
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Just me again! This picture was posted on another link, but it is all over the Internet! My friend sent me this...Merry Christmas! It says "FELIZ NAVIDOG!"
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Chevyboy cute picture!! Too funny
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!!
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Hi everyone--I am just about to start Tamoxifen--has anyone found it better to take in AM or PM? Just curious--I know that it indicates to eat with the pill. I am guessing that you need to take it at same time every day---gosh, just like being back on birth control
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Merry Christmas Eve Everybody !
Christmas Eve is MY Christmas so I'll wish it to you all while I'm feeling my most Christmassy !!!! LOL
All the hustle and bustle will soon be but a memory. )
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May we all have a blessed and a happier and healthier year in 2012.
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Hey T Buddy, it been a long time, I had to go off T several months ago, due to extreme side effects! But been thinking of all of you & wanted to wish you a Special Christmas!
Christmas {{{hugs}}}Love ya, Gina
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Happy holidays to everyone!
So today is a special day not only because it is christmas but because it has been one year since I started Tamoxifen. I started on Dec.25th 2009 which is a weird day to start ... 4 more years to go and I am done!
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Congratulations Marion! I started Jan. 6th! I don't even notice any side effects now, do you? Or if I have them, they just seem "normal."
Merry Christmas everyone! xoxoxoxoxox
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I have been on tamoxifen for 3 years and YES I have had weird head aches on and off. Ones that I have never had before. Last year--it was so bad for two weeks with no relief I went to the ER and they did a head CT scan--found nothing luckily. They seem to have gotten better and I just go through bouts every few months. They are more behind my ears and the back of my head. I asked my surgeon and she said that due to altering your estrogen levels that is a side affect but I decided to try to get through it and not stop the tamoxifen. I hope you can too...who wants to start all over and try something new? Good luck! hand in there.