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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Hello Ladies - Will be seeing my onc in Jan to take a ride on the Tamox train with the rest of you.

    Been through Arimidex and Femara.  Terrible nausea with both although the Femara gave me a good night's sleep.  With Femara - felt like I was out of focus and in a fog.  Arimidex lasted 3 weeks/Femara lasted 7 days.

    What is the best time most have found to take Tamox - morning or night?  Worried about joint pain.  Already have degenerative joint disease in right hand.  Already have monster hot flashes - what is recommended for those & Tamox?

    Looking for advice 

  • Lindy137
    Lindy137 Posts: 21
    edited December 2010

    Thanks Mfrog for mentioning the gabapentin.  Since hot flashes are not a problem, I don't know if this drug would be considered for me, but I will look at most anything.  My head hurt so bad yesterday, I could barely walk around the house.  Taking Tylenol like skittles can't be good for me but I have to try to get some relief - I work full-time in a hectic atmosphere.  I don't think my doctor will switch me to a AI yet so I'm still hoping to make friends with T.       

    Many feel taking T just before bed is best.  Some take half in the morning and half in the evening.  I had bad nausea about two weeks in, but it quickly disappeared and hasn't returned.  My doctor said if nausea is an issue, you are best to take it at night.  It's nice to have 7up on hand until you see how you adjust.           

    My calves and lower back ached for the first few months, but those SEs are not that noticable now.  Strange how the SE's change/shift.  



  • kerrie389
    kerrie389 Posts: 19
    edited December 2010

    Wondering if anyone can help me here. I have been taking tamoxifen for 7 months with little side effects. However for the last 2 weeks after some weight bearing exercises my knees have become so sore. I can't squat down anymore and if i walk for half an hour or so i end up hobbling around like an old woman.

    Any opinions would be greatly appreciated .


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2010

    Morning gals!....Kerrie, I remember my knees hurt after taking Tamoxifen for a few months!  Mostly when I would wake up to turn over, they just screamed at me!  But after I woke up & started moving around, it went away....I just thought it was arthritis.....or change in the weather?  But my knees are fine now...still bothered with leg cramps sometimes, but nothing like I used to be.  

     Again today it's my BACK!  For 3 days now!  Yikes!  I've been taking 2 Aleve when it starts acting up...I must have hurt it somehow....My Daughter gave me 1/2 of some kind of pill, she said it was Tylenol & codeine....but I'm trying to not take it...She got it from her boyfriend, and he got them from his Mom....Do any of you know what I'm talking about? 

    Jo....I take mine real early in the morning, and snack on a couple cracker with hummus!  And I have not had any problems with my stomach.  Maybe it's the "beans"....beans cure everything.  Tamoxifen likes beans.....Wink

    Hope you gals had a beautiful Christmas! xoxooxo

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010
    Chevyboy - Thanks!  Will keep that in mind.  I had such bad nausea with the AI's there was no way I was going to try and ride it out to see if they would go away.  I work a full time job and couldn't tolerate the feeling all day.
  • JFV
    JFV Posts: 341
    edited December 2010

    Hi Ladies!  Haven't written awhile.  Chevyboy love the Christmas pic.  I actually enjoy the day after Christmas the most.  The pressure is off.  I slug around in my pjs and look at my Xmas presents and watch movies.

    Just want to say that I have been on Tamox since October.  I take it in the AM because my only major side effect is hot flashes and night sweats and I prefer hot flahses so it is my hope that taking it earlier in the day is better.  I just phoned in a refill and noticed my bottle says take with or without food and says it may cause stomach upset.  Didn't know that one!  If I have anyother side effects I can blame them on chemo pause.  So, so far Tamox has been a fairly easy ride. 

    Now if my hair would just grow a little faster!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2010

    Hi...I just turned 53 and was premeno B4 chemo...I have 4 more rad days then I start Tamoxifen. I think my oncologist was okay about whenever I start it after rads, but...

    I have a couple of questions: If my last rad day is Dec. 30 is it okay to take the first Tamoxifen tablet Jan 1 or should I wait a couple of weeks? Then I'm wondering - I was presciped 20 mg per day - should I start with all 20 mg or maybe start with 5 and work up to 20?

    Then reading about libido...chemo seems to have killed that for me, or maybe it was the stress of BC dx this year??? Everyday fighting SE's. Now my boob is marked for boosts with ink and I have to put different goos all over, just don't feel sexy and I really used to love sex. I love my DH so much and feel sorry for him that I just feel so "fragile" any more and just zero libido. I read about some women getting a script for testosterone gel that they just use a little of on the vulva and it helps - anyone know of this.

    Thanks so much for your help and happy day after Christmas!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Beanius -  I don't think it matters when you start the Tamox.  I won't see my onc until after the holidays sometime after Jan 3.  I am post rads 3 weeks and will be at about 5 -6 weeks when I start.  My body is thanking me for the break.  Stress level is going down and today is the best I have felt in over 4 months.  You may want to think about a short break - it won't hurt you.  

    Stress has a lot to do with the lack of libido - and it is on your mind - more stress.  Give yourself time to recover from all the BC stuff and it will come back. 

  • Beanius
    Beanius Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2010

    jo - thanks for your help (once again). My body will be glad for a break. Maybe to wait is a good idea. I get worried about estrogen, but I think you're right, a break won't hurt. It would be so nice to feel a bit back to normal!!! Big hugs to you and thanks again!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010



  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited December 2010

    Hey Jo! Welcome aboard the T train!! I take mine in the morning along with all my supplements. I have had ZERO side effects! I've been on it since August, I was having night sweats and warm flushes from chemopause but in September sweats subsided and then ended and I got my period back. For those of you who have had joint pain hot flashes etc. I swear by Acupuncture. I did it after Chemo left me with achy joints. After 3 sessions (of 5) I felt so much better by the last session all pain was gone. Also, I threw my back out Wednesday could hardly move I was in so much pain and can't take advil cause I am having surgery tomorrow. My acupuncturist and friend came to my house for a treatment..literally 45 minutes later I feel great. Not 100% of the pain is gone but I literally could not move when she got to my house. She had to help me on the table. I just really believe in it and think its worth a shot for whatever your aches or SE's from T are..just humble opinion

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I have my revision surgery tomorrow UGH not looking forward to the recovery process..again.

    Stay strong ladies!!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Diane - Thanks!   I will give it a try in the mornings along with everything else I am taking.  I won't start for a couple of weeks but wanted to get on here and meet everyone.  I am on several rad threads plus the stage 1 sisters and middle age thread.

    Hope all goes well with your surgery tomorrow and you recover quickly.  

    BC sure is the give that keeps on giving with no refund policy. 

  • didel
    didel Posts: 733
    edited December 2010

    Thanks Jo! Yeah I wish when you're diagnosed the docs would just say ..put your life on hold for at least two years. This time last year I had my mx and naively thought by end of January I was done with cancer and treatments,...not so fast.

    This thread has been very helpful to me too. I wish I had found BCO when I was first diagnosed. It's a great group of women, and wealth of knowledge and amazing support and comfort.


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Diane - I wish I had found BCO right after I had my biopsy.  It would have been so helpful then to gather information before I jumped right into treatment.  All I knew when my surgeon told me I had cancer, I wanted to keep as much of my boob as I could.  Looking back, it seems like I just did what I was told.  I mean, I did ask lots of questions and spent alot of time on the computer learning about SNB, lumpectomy, rads, etc. Just did the treatment - wanted to get through this as quickly as possible.  

    Hope I am done with the exception of Tamox.  I can handle another pill in my cabinet and I know I don't have to keep track of how long I have been on it or when I get to stop.  That job I will leave to my onc - I pay him enough money.

    The group of women on all the threads have been amazing.  I would honestly be a basket case without BCO.  Now is the time to start looking forward and leave the past behind.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2010

    Yes Jo....Ya gotta think positive!  It will come, the longer you go!  It' just been a year for me, & I feel great, & always have.   It's over with now...& if something else comes along, man, I can face it, knowing there IS life on the "other side!"  Ha! 

    Someone was talking about libido?  If you go back a few pages, the same topic was talked about a little...and there are things you can do to help yourself!  If I can do it at 73, you gals surely should find some way to keep that spark going....  (I know if I was reading this in my 30's, that would sound gross...) But life goes on....Wink  Geez, hope I didn't shock anybody....xoxoxoxoxo

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    Chevyboy - I have to agree with you.  If something else comes along at least I know what to do and how to get through it. They say knowledge is power.  Well, I will be loaded with all kinds of information and decisions won't be as overwhelming.  It will be just another hiccup in the road of life.

    I hope at 73 my spark is still going.  Good for you - you go girl. 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Posts: 1,204
    edited December 2010

    Hey Chevyboy! Just saw your post and, as usual, it's full of good advice - which I will follow. I mainly tolerate side effects because I get busy and forget about them, and when I remember - they're gone! But in the rare case that I don't forget about them, I'll hold off on treating them. Because like you say, I don't want to take another pill to treat the SEs of another pill!

    The Tamoxifen train isn't quite in the station yet. I can see it coming 'round the corner, though! I'm sure I'm making much ado about nothing. I'm starting Jan. 1st - 6 days and counting...but who's counting?

    Diane - I have heard so many times that acupuncturists really help at relieving pain. I am definitely going to try one next time I have terrible pain. HA - I accidentally typed "reliving" pain - no, I think I'll pass on reliving all my pains.

    Jo - so glad the break from treatment is helping! I hear they make a big difference, and I will be sure to ask for one if it boils down to the pill or me!

    beanius - once all this active treatment is over, I may go see a naturopath to get everything "balanced" again, and I'm going to ask about testosterone. I've heard it works and, hey - it's not estrogen! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    heartnsoul76 - I forgot how long it has been since you were done with rads (rad brain kicking in) but do seriously think about taking up to a month if you want to before jumping on the Tamox train.  There really is no big hurry.  If this train leaves the station on Jan 1st, there will be another one coming along soon.  Give yourself a much needed & deserved break and let the body and mind rest.  It has done wonders for me.

    Hopefully I will find out the first week of Jan when I get my RX, if you want to, take a break and wait for me - we can board the train at the same time.

  • swanseagirl
    swanseagirl Posts: 171
    edited December 2010

    Hi sisters,

    just finished rads ans switching over to the Tamox thread. If you'll have me? LOL

    Start Tamox tomorrow. Sighhhhhhhhhhhh

    JapanLynn, I too am on Prozac (started taking it when I got dx). My pharmacist told me prozac lessens the effect of Tamox and I should slowly ween myself off the prozac. She told me not to go cold turkey as I would get terrible side effects/withdrawal. Was a little disappointed I had to hear this from the pharmacist and not my medical team. I believe they merrily write prescription. OK that is my rant.

    I have heard Tamox gives you all sorts of SE's. My onc played everything down. I guess only time will tell.

    Thanks for listening


  • Beanius
    Beanius Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2010

    Hey swanseagirl - I'm a little behind you now, but we can suffer thru Tammy together soon - maybe it won't be bad - I hope I hope!!

    Love and hugs to you all!!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010
    swanseagirl & Beanius - Let's jump on the tammy train together and go for a ride with no SEs.  That would be a wonderful trip.  Trying to think positive here.
  • JustmeAlicia
    JustmeAlicia Posts: 629
    edited December 2010

    HI girls...

    I have been busy with houseguests for Christmas !   I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 

    JO ~ that ride with no SE's would be wonderful.

    After 3 months of finally getting a period after chemopause, I am now period free again and the hot flashes are so intense again.  I haven't slept throught the night in weeks.......... 

    But I am feeling good otherwise. 

    Have a great night all !


  • Beanius
    Beanius Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2010
    Choooo chooooo! All abord the no SE Tammy train!!! Choo chooo!!!Laughing
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010

    JustmeAlicia - I understand that Effexor does help with the hot flashes.  My may want to ask your onc for a script.  I did the research of the med and came across the same information.

    The hot flashes really suck.  I have had really bad ones since coming off Prempro.  Hate having to get up several times a night - sometimes have to change clothes and the pillowcase.  Sleep through the night?  What is that?  I haven't done that in a long time.

    Beanius - You can be the conductor. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010
  • Lindy137
    Lindy137 Posts: 21
    edited December 2010

    Kerrie - It seems like your leg pain is a bit extreme.  You should watch for swelling and touch base with your doctor - bloods clots can be sneaky.  My boyfriend had a big one at his knee and a couple of pieces of it broke away and went to his lungs.  Swelling is usually the give away.  When blood flow gets cut back near the knee, the calf tends to swell and get warm to the touch.  Since you have pain in both legs, it is probably the T.           

    Beanius - I was asked to begin taking T right after I finished rads and he wanted me to take the full 20 mg each day.  Your doctor may have a different plan but I don't think they will want you to wait too long.  I've heard of others taking 10 mg a day at first but I don't know if this is a common approach these days.  They say it takes two weeks to get to the level where you will stay so it is kind of a slow process even taking the full dose. 

    Fragile is the perfect way to put it but that seems to fade once rads are finished and you get your life back.  The boosts are nice because the rest of the breast doesn't get zapped any more and your skin starts going back to normal.  It is hard to feel sexy with a painful, scarlett red breast but it gets better.    

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2010

    I KNOW!!!! I remember being soooooo afraid of that little pill!  But once the first one is down, you are ON your way!  That pill makes your eyes shine, your hair grow, & you instantly lose 20 pounds!  So see?  It's all in our head...I think because we are so afraid of having cancer again, & we just want to be "DONE" with everything.  And 5 years sounds like a long time....oh well.

    I take the 20 mg in early mornings....and Jan. 6th, is the one year point!  So come on board gals,.....You will be glad you did! I think if you don't jump on-board by the 1st, your pass expires!   Wink xoxoxoxoxoxoo

  • JustmeAlicia
    JustmeAlicia Posts: 629
    edited December 2010

    JO ~ I looked up the side effects of effexor ~ and it says it is next to impossible to get off of ! NO thank you.......  so I will just grin and bear it........

    Chevy ~ it is so true, I was so afraid to pop that first pill.  But then it isn't all that bad, and at least I feel like I am still doing something to try to prevent recurrance....

    We got some snow ~ probably about 8 inches or so.  It looks pretty !!!

    Have a good day tamoxibabes !

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Posts: 487
    edited December 2010

    I'm on the Tamox train now, it's been....I think more than two weeks.  The only SE I can report is warmer "warm moments", probably more of them.  But tolerable.  No weight gain, nothing else to report.  In fact, the weight has stayed so steady even through the holidays that I barely wish to go to the gym ; )

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited December 2010