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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • lala1
    lala1 Posts: 974
    edited January 2015

    CAS4--Seems like your computer is messing up! There have been hundreds of posts since October!! Hope you figure it out.

  • CAS4
    CAS4 Posts: 16
    edited January 2015

    they are all showing up this time- how bizarre! I blame Breast cancer!

  • CAS4
    CAS4 Posts: 16
    edited January 2015

    last night was night number two for me on Tamox. Slept from 1-2:30 and sprung up like a hungry bush baby- had mild night sweats- like chemopause all over again

  • MagicalBean
    MagicalBean Posts: 192
    edited January 2015

    CAS4, I feel ya. Last night was #2 for me as well. I fell asleep about 12:30, and was ready to start my day at 4am. I was kinda wishing for a mild flash though. It was -3, and I couldn't get warm.

  • CAS4
    CAS4 Posts: 16
    edited January 2015

    haahaa!! Yday was day 3 of Tamoxifen and last night I slept 10 hrs solid. Going thru rads I started being able to sleep at night, unlike chemo. Two weeks ago we added Effexor and it had me sleeping 10-15 hrs straight. Tomorrow I up th Effexor the final time to 150mg. I really think part of the sleeping is my body just trying to recover from the past year. My best friend keeps calling to wake me up bc she's afraid I won't sleep at night, I just laugh. If oversleeping is our biggest concern I'm ok with that. Now, the constipation? I'm going to have to buy magnesium c by the case I guess. I juice, make smoothies, chia, spirlulina, wheat grass, miralax, stool,softeners, goat Kiefer, etc, etc every day and nada but very gassy the last two days and I've been told Tamox is known for that. I really retain water after salty meals now, I didn't before chemo. Anyone else experience this. I had chicken and avocado enchiladas last night w no sauce and I look like a Macy's Day balloon!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Posts: 1,200
    edited January 2015

    ca, welcome to the world of digestive woes. It takes time to work it all out. lol I am on lots of supplements to try and keep my energy up, but able to still sleep at night. I play the game of which med counteracts which other one. It is crazy. SO I enjoy the good times and ride thru the rough ones. I do a magnesium drink in the evening that keeps things moving and helps to calm me. But you are not alone. I was talking to my BIL the other day and he is recovering from tx of bladder cancer, we had a great chat about low energy and how we can't get use to thinking of ourselves the way we are now. Ah well, better than the alterative.

  • CAS4
    CAS4 Posts: 16
    edited January 2015

    macatacmv may I ask what magnesium drink? I need to get on a mgm supplement ASAP. My energy in the day is good as long as I keep moving. I walked one of my pups 4 miles today so that was great. A slow, steady, squirrel hunting pace but still it was wonderful,and we will keep doing it every day. I know this much, I should've run around naked, worn more bikinis, gone topless and had more crazy sex back when I could. Dammit!

  • CAS4
    CAS4 Posts: 16
    edited January 2015

    anyone familiar with natural vitality drink?

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Posts: 1,200
    edited January 2015

    ca, the magnesium drink I have is called Calm, oh I had to go get the container. It is called Natural Vitality but under that it says natural calm. I have been drinking it as a warm drink in the evening. I like it. Now it is part of my getting to bed ritual. When I first tried it, it rushed thru me, so I only use about a tsp instead of 2.

    I walk my dog everyday, too. I try to "do" yoga twice a week and water aerobics, too. I can either exercise or work not both yet.

    And I did lots of crazy stuff when I was younger, so I just enjoy each day as it comes now. But I don't hold back, if I feel like doing something that is a little off the wall. I go for it.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Posts: 1,200
    edited January 2015

    see my avatar. Between the screening mammo that came back suspicious and going back to get the clarification I took a trip to CO and went on a hot air balloon ride with my DD. It was so much fun and so beautiful. My DD was real nervous, but I felt no fear. It was like sailing in the sky.

  • CidneyI
    CidneyI Posts: 32
    edited January 2015

    Dang tamo side effects. Yep, on Effexor for the hot flashes and night sweats which has helped alot - about 90%. Since day one, I have been dealing with chronic consitpation and have tried a lot of differnt things but nothing is helping on a consistant basis.  Not to be gross, but when I do go, I have to work for it, its not a lot and its like rocks! As of today, I am on day 5 without "going". SO, I called my oncologist and asked if he could prescribe Linzess for me and he did. Question, anyone here taking Linzess and if so, has it worked for you?

  • CAS4
    CAS4 Posts: 16
    edited January 2015

    CidneyL I haven't tried it but I know what you are talking about! I take 4 stool softeners daily, I make raw veggie smoothies, miralax, probiotics, now adding magnesium drink and warm prune juice, added prunes yesterday, suppositories, miralax, you name it and nada- I pound a bottle of magnesium citrate twice a week since starting effexor- I will say as I've been increasing my exercise it seems easier- gosh our bodies have been thru so much bs!! Who knows what the root of it all is anymore! If I drank anymore water or carrot, kale, beet, broccoli, cucumber juice....where's a damn vodka cocktail? Lol

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited January 2015

    Try this I take 2 in the evening and no problem in the morning, works well, and I take pain medicines too....Swiss Kriss Herbal Laxative

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Posts: 1,200
    edited January 2015

    Cidney, if you search for the key word constipation on this site, many more helpful posts will come up. You are not alone with this se, at all. I personally have not tried Linzess. I am trying to keep my med list down to a minimum. But I do have the same problems you have, and some times it is worse than others. I take a daily probotic, drink a magnesium drink in the evening and make sure I eat plenty of fiber and drink lots of water. Then rejoice when it works.

    I have seen the ads on tv for that drug. It always catches my interest. Along with the one about fibromyalgia. I have to remember that they are selling a product. It kinda makes me mad but also it lets us know about new drugs. I thought I knew my body pretty well, but with BC tx, all the new meds I am taking and age, it is like I have to figure out what works all over again.

  • lala1
    lala1 Posts: 974
    edited January 2015

    For the Tamoxifen constipation.....try SlowMag from Walmart. Costs about $10 for a bottle of 60 tablets. If you want to start small and work up, take 2 in the morning for a couple of weeks, then add 1 at night if needed and then 2 at night if needed. If you want to start big, take 2 in am and 2 in pm and see what happens. Four was way to much for me. Dropped it to 2 which is perfect. This week I added on since I am having a hysterectomy on Tues and I really don't want to deal with constipation from the pain meds. This was suggested to my by the holistic doctor who used to be a breast cancer specialist, He's now semi-retired and helps BC patients get their groove back!

  • katcar0001
    katcar0001 Posts: 321
    edited January 2015

    yikes1, so sorry I missed your comment earlier. I got lost on other threads ;-).

    As far as a test, I wish I knew. There used to be many in favor of a CYP2D6 test to see how well you metabolize Tamoxifen, but recent studies have shown it not to be useful. You can google and will see many studies pop up. There is also a test done with cough syrup, of all things.

    This was being discussed on another thread as well. I do not know anywhere in where I live that does these tests. I really wish there were a way to know if I am a good metabolizer of Tamox. I am not really having that many side effects. I have always been a bad sleeper--that does seems somewhat worse, but my mind has been preoccupied with someone in my town who does not have that much more time (Stage IV). Other than that, I might be having more night sweats but I sleep with a heating pad for my aching back.

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Posts: 160
    edited January 2015

    Swiss Kris works for me too

  • mamam
    mamam Posts: 9
    edited January 2015

    Can you take Melatonin & Ativan while taking Tamoxifen???? I don't want to take anything that will make the Tamoxifen not work as well. Anyone know? Also, how about drinking green tea

  • katcar0001
    katcar0001 Posts: 321
    edited January 2015

    I am taking Tamox also. It is fine with Melatonin and Ativan. In fact, Melatonin may help it work better. Make sure that you sleep in absolute total darkness (not even a bit of light from an outdoor light or underneath the door and turn off or cover any electronics in your bedroom).

    Green tea should be fine as well (I drink it). Here's an article on green tea and Tamox:

  • ChristyJ
    ChristyJ Posts: 26
    edited January 2015

    I went to my gyno for my annual appt this past Thursday, and he asked me what I was using for birth control. Well... at 45 I've been acting like a teenager and using withdrawl. He (understandably) scolded me, then we discussed options. Nothing with hormones. No condoms as they physically irritate me. So the choices are a IUD without hormones (which he doesn't really like) or surgery for me or my husband.

    The clincher that I needed to make a decision was him telling me that Tamox is sometimes used like Clomid to promote fertility.

    I'm choosing to have a tubal in which they remove my tubes. It's positive in two ways: I'm done having babies & it reduces my risk of ovarian cancer.

    I'm posting this because I had NO CLUE that tamox could be used to promote fertility!

  • Sjacobs146
    Sjacobs146 Posts: 155
    edited January 2015

    ChristyJ, I had a tubal ligation about 10 years ago once we decided not to have any more children. Pretty easy surgery, I just experienced some abdominal tenderness for a few days. They do it laparoscopically, very tiny scars. I decided to do it because I had high blood pressure and I didn't want to increase my chance of stroke with birth control pills. It was great to have that peace of mind and not have to worry about pregnancy

  • MrsDarcy
    MrsDarcy Posts: 50
    edited January 2015

    Sjacobs146 - I may not know what I am talking about, but I am curious. When I had my dx, I was told to get off my birth control pills IMMEDIATELY. I also was ER+/PR+ like you.

    You mentionned ".. I didn't want to increase my chance of stroke with birth control pills .. ". You were still allowed or given the choice to continue with birth control pills given your recent dx ? I know you had a tubal ligation though.

    Again, I may be missing something .. I was just under the impression that birth control pills were not the way to go considering ER+ and PR+ breast cancers.

  • lala1
    lala1 Posts: 974
    edited January 2015

    ChristyJ--Also have your gyn do a vaginal ultrasound (if you haven't already) for a baseline endometrial lining measurement. I am 5 days PO from a laparoscopic hysterectomy which I had to have due to the Tamoxifen causing fibroids, ovarian cysts and endo lining thickening. None of them were considered "bad" themselves but all together along with a slowly thickening lining caused alot of concern for my gyn. I had no issues prior to the surgery like heavy periods or painful cramping. It was pretty much "preventative". But I do get peace of mind knowing that I've removed reproductive cancer risks. And the best part is that I feel really good! I am 51 so I was already having mild menopause symptoms, and I'm sittling here just waiting for it to get worse, but I'll deal with it when it comes. I just really hope all gyns do the TVUS early on with Tamoxifen users so they will at least have a baseline to work with.

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Posts: 320
    edited January 2015

    I'm curious to know how a tubal would reduce risk of ovarian cancer? Ovaries aren't removed, are they?

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited January 2015

    I saw my gyno last week as well and she recommended a hysterectomy as well. She wants me to get vaginal u/s this week and complete my genetic testing to get more info, but she thinks it would be for the best at any rate.

  • Lorijo
    Lorijo Posts: 2
    edited January 2015

    Hi there!  I am supposed to start taking Tamoxifen next week.  Has anyone experienced increased skin wrinkles, drying or aging as a side effect?  I just heard about this se today.  Thank you.

  • MrsDarcy
    MrsDarcy Posts: 50
    edited January 2015

    Lorijo - Nope. Never heard of any of those. My skin is dry due to winter weather - but that's it. Never heard of those SEs before.

    Welcome to the Tamox train - I have been on it almost a year - all is well over here :)

  • katcar0001
    katcar0001 Posts: 321
    edited January 2015

    My skin has been painfully dry since I started on Tamoxifen, and I normally have normal/oily skin. I've been doubling up on the moisturizers, taking fish oil and drinking more water. Winter is not helping either as this is our dry season. It's too soon for me to tell if it is aging me faster.

  • lala1
    lala1 Posts: 974
    edited January 2015

    tangandchris---look into as well as Hysterectomy Sisterectomy on Facebook. You'll get lots of good info on having a hysterectomy. Alot depends on your age since you will want ovaries removed as well if you are doing it for Tamoxifen reasons. My gyn called yestereday and said my pathology results were all good but they did find polyps in my lining which CAN be a precursor to cancer, This did not show up on my TVUS and wasn't found with my biopsy which was negative. So he was very happy we did this. As am I.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited January 2015

    Ok, so I've been on Tamoxifen for almost 3 years now, I've had to have a hysterectomy with ovary removal, my triglyceride levels are off the chart at 255 and my potassium level is low all the time but can't blame that on Tamoxifen. Has anyone else had this problem or am I the only weirdo?