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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • islandmom
    islandmom Posts: 131
    edited May 2015

    DianeNYS, That is GREAT!!! I knew you do it. I am doing the happy dance for you! You reached your goal and you are setting a higher one. You are so meticulous keeping track of your calories. I give you lots of credit. I am too lazy to keep track calories but I watch the type of food I eat. Except for today, I went to a restaurant that just opened up and I ended up eating a gigantic lunch, which was not the healthiest, that was almost 12 hours ago and I am still full and have low energy, even after working out. It will be a while before I do that again.

    Have fun going through your "skinny clothes". I have feeling you will need new ones soon...


    stage1, Do not give up. If you were loosing weight before it is natural for your body to slow down. It is doing its job of slowing your metabolism to protect you from starving. Just let your body get used to the new weight and over time you will start loosing again.

  • DianeNYS
    DianeNYS Posts: 17
    edited May 2015

    Thanks for the celebration, islandmom Heart

    I've found that my OCD makes it impossible for me to not log every morsel, and my doing that will control what and how much I will eat (I hate going over my calories and/or net carbs for the day--OCD too, I think!). My Husband makes fun of my obsession with Lose It!, calories and net carbs, but is very happy with the outcome Winking  I really like having control over my weight, and this process really does fill that spot in me that needs to obsess about something in my life, and this is something positive and fulfilling. I take no accolades for this behavior Winking, but I am very happy that it works for me--physically and psychologically...


    stage1, islandmom is right...It's really normal for the scale to not move for awhile--or even go up here and there--when you are actually doing everything "right" to lose weight, Tamoxifen or no Tamoxifen. This weight-loss process for me has been long and sometimes aggravating; I started at 150 lbs. on 7/1/2014 and though I lost 10 lbs. within the first 10 weeks, after that (and I'm sure most of that was water weight) it's been in fits and starts, with plateaus all over the place. These last 15 lbs. lost have taken me since last September to lose! Grrrrrrrr......

    What I've found that was the most helpful was staying with the plan, no matter what the scale said--up or down or staying the same, knowing I wasn't "cheating" or going off-plan, I just kept to the process. I never said to myself: "Screw it; I'm being perfect and look! I just gained 8 ounces!!!! I'm eating a pizza today!!!!" And by the next day or so, that 8 ounces was gone and I'd even lost another lb. or 2. The scale doesn't care if the weight gain is fat or water; you aren't going to gain a lb. or 2 of fat overnight, even if you are eating off-plan. Knowing that has helped keep me going...Hang in there and don't give up, stage1; don't let the plateaus and the up and down control you. You can control them by staying on plan...Off my soapbox now  Happy

  • stage1
    stage1 Posts: 285
    edited May 2015

    Thanks for the support, ladies! You both have given me some new-found confidence. Since I lost the 10 lbs on Anostrosole, made no changes to my diet, except Tamox, I thought it to be related to the med. but I realize that after losing some, cutting calories further might be the key for further weight loss. And I am not as OCD as I should be. Although my friends and family think I am. new plan, detail oriented!thanks Diane and islandmom!

  • DianeNYS
    DianeNYS Posts: 17
    edited May 2015

    Good plan, stage1 ThumbsUp

    At each step of my weight-loss journey, everytime I lost any weight at all, Lose It! calculated my new calorie limit (sometimes it was just one or 2 calories, which made me chuckle!) after entering my loss, and I followed it (of course, still do) to the Tee. No doubt, since you already lost some weight, not lowering your calorie intake to coincide with that loss has probably contributed to your maintaining (or even gaining, depending on what is going on). I still plan on using Lose It! and logging all of my food and exercise even after getting to 120 lbs. and maintaining from then on; it's too easy to assume I'm eating this or that many calories and net carbs, and really overdoing it if I'm not logging. You can do this, now that you are in a different mind frame about it...I know that is what has helped me, stage1 Hug

  • stage1
    stage1 Posts: 285
    edited May 2015

    thanks, Diane, I will keep you posted with my success! Hug Checking out Lose it! And waiting for my food scale in the mail. BTW, my 10 lbs was lost first yr with Fitbit, the second year, maintained with Fitbit, with no changes to intake. Yes, 2 years! My plan is making it part of my life, control, without worry. But obviously I need something changed

  • DianeNYS
    DianeNYS Posts: 17
    edited May 2015

    That's great, stage1 ThumbsUp  And most definitely keep us up-to-date with your progress!  I'd love that Hug

    Over on Lose It! (not sure about Fitbit; I never used it) they have Forums if you are on their website (besides using just the app for your phone or tablet). They are remarkably helpful in understanding all the facets of weight loss, weight plateaus, and weight gain. I've just learned so much from them all, and it's really helped me in this endeavor...

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015


    Anyone taking Tamoxifen mid-day? I took it at night and caused day brain fogginess and insomnia ; took in the morning caused nausea. Mid-day seems to be working. I actually get some sleep -- still have insomnia but when I sleep it is good sleep. I wake-up feeling almost normal, no nausea and most of all I can concentrate now during the day.

  • DianeNYS
    DianeNYS Posts: 17
    edited May 2015

    ladyb1234, I take my Tamoxifen in the morning, with breakfast because I'd read that without something in the stomach, there could be nausea. I didn't want to take the chance of having insomnia, so I didn't want to take it later in the day. I already had problems with insomnia before starting Tamoxifen, though now the Magnesium Carbonate/Citrate powder I take as little mug of hot "raspberry lemonade" before bedtime helps me sleep really well, as well as helping with the leg/foot cramps, and regularity.

    I've never had any brain fogginess with Tamoxifen yet, but I've only been taking it for 6 weeks and 3 days, so maybe that will happen at a later date. I'm glad you've found a timeframe that works for you; from the things I read on this site, it sounds like it works differently for everyone, and being flexible with when you take it and what supplements you use to head off any side effects (like the Magnesium Carbonate; what I take is sold by Vitamin Shoppe: "Calm Zone Magnesium") is what we need to do if necessary...

    Nice to meet you, ladyb1234 Happy

  • light1
    light1 Posts: 22
    edited May 2015

    Hi ladies i am glad to find this thread. I am premenopouse and was diagnosed over a year ago did all the treatments now in chemopause.I had serious blur vision from the tamoxifen after taking it for 4 months. Met with my eyes doctor and results is suspicious of glaucoma, my Onc want to put me on zoladex and Amorasin or to continue the tam. I don't know what to do and is worry about recurrence.

  • fizzdon52
    fizzdon52 Posts: 382
    edited May 2015

    Hi ladies, so I've been on Tamoxifen for 6 weeks now and am having terrible hot flushes. Is this something you have experienced? I had a blood test yesterday and apparently I'm not in menopause or in peri menopause which considering I'm 54 is very unfair. Do any of you have hot flushes on Tamoxifen who haven't gone through menopause yet?

  • josie123
    josie123 Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2015

    fizzdon, yes Tamoxofin can cause hot flashes. I think just about anyone who takes it gets these. Effexor has been prescribed to help counteract these but ddidn't work for me. Only made it worse. I wasn't using it for the hot flashes though. I am depressed and They tried it for that. Tamoxifen also can be linked to depression.Lexapro works better for me.

    My oncologist says Tumeric helps also.

  • fizzdon52
    fizzdon52 Posts: 382
    edited May 2015

    Thank you josie, I am just so disappointed because I was hoping my hot flushes were menopause! I'm depressed also but can't blame Tamoxifen for that, can blame having BC though. Thanks again.

  • josie123
    josie123 Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2015

    Your welcome fizzdon.Take care and hang in there.

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Posts: 645
    edited May 2015

    Fizzdon,  When I first started on Tamoxifen I was 44 and and premenopausal and I got night sweats. The doctor put me on a low dose Effexor and it did wonders. I have since had my ovaries removed and the Effexor has been helping with that as well. 


  • idahoflygal
    idahoflygal Posts: 27
    edited May 2015


    I am here to give you a little ray of hope in all of this hot flash stuff!! I was dx with my BC back in 2012 at age 43 and just starting perimenopause with very few issues. I had almost exact BC DX as yours but only had 2 lymph nodes taken with a 2 cm tumor. I had a double mastectomy in Sept 2012, started taking Tamoxifen in Sept 2012, reconstruction in Jan 2013 and a total hysterectomy in July of 2013.

    I had very few SE from the Tamoxifen and the hot flashes were manageable, life was good. However, after my hysterectomy, my good life changed drastically. Even though I had read about menopause, I was totally not prepared for the attack a surgical menopause would have on my body and mind. I had so many HF's an hour I lost count, no matter how cool I tried to stay, I thought I was going to burn up, couldn't sleep at night, sweating even at 19 degrees! I cried constantly on the phone to my Fiance' who at the time, lived 2 hours away and HATED Tamoxifen. I felt like the rest of my life was going to be horrific and wondered how I would manage to get through it. I tried everything possible to help with the HF's and tried a small dose of Effexor. I still don't think it made a huge difference but I still take it.

    I have been on the Tamoxifen for almost 3 years now and 2 years out from my hysterectomy. My HF's have calmed down a lot now and I believe most of it had to do with the surgical menopause, not so much Tamoxifen as I previously thought. I still get them through the day and a few at night but it is like night and day. Since I still take Tamoxifen, I am certain it was mostly the removal of both ovaries that caused such havoc in my body and things have finally settled down but it too 1 to 1 1/2 years to get there.

    I know everyone reacts differently to meds, etc., but hopefully once your body gets through the adjustment period, maybe the HF's will calm as well. I know I was absolutely miserable and thought it would never end - It didn't end, but it did get easier and lessen. So since I have been there, I know how bad it can be and I hope and pray you will have some relief eventually!

    Hang in there & Blessings!!

  • fizzdon52
    fizzdon52 Posts: 382
    edited May 2015

    Thank you acaligirl and everyone else for your kind responses. Before Tamoxifen I was on monthly Zoladex injections and Femara (Letrozole). The side effects I got whilst on those drugs were horrible, they affected my heart badly and I even had to take time off work. My blood pressure became dangerously high and I just felt like life wasn't worth living. I felt like I was being poisoned. So the Oncologists decided to put me on Tamoxifen. So far Tamoxifen has been so much better, the side effects are minimal compared to Femara. I can put up with hot flushes, I also have a sore elbow and a few other things. But I guess that's nothing compared to the possible outcome of not taking it? Once again thanks for all your kind responses. It's so nice to know we are not on this journey alone, and we have friends from all around the world in a similar situation, ready to give comfort and advice. Donna from New Zealand xxx

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    DianaNYS, thank you so much for responding to my post. Nice to meet you too. Seems mid-day is the best for me right now - as the brain fogginess was my biggiest issue since I have a job I have to be precise on a lot of decisions and money matters.

  • gemmafromlondon
    gemmafromlondon Posts: 46
    edited May 2015

    Not sure I can trust myself to remember to take Tamox midday! but I might give it a try as I too find it causes insomnia. I had terrible side effects with Letrozole - blood pressure all over the place and dreadful tachycardia as well as serious joint pain and the usual hot flushes let alone the increased risk of fracture from thinning bones. Have now changed to Tamox over the last month and have no heart issues or particular joint pain - just the hot flushes but perhaps they will come at a more convenient time if I try the midday routine. I'll keep you posted.

  • fizzdon52
    fizzdon52 Posts: 382
    edited May 2015

    Hi gemmafromlondon, you are the only other person I've ever heard had the same sort of terrible side effects from Letrozole. My heart problems are the worse side effects and unfortunately I'm still having a racing heart, even on Tamoxifen. So now it's almost like what's worse having a recurrence from Breast Cancer, or having a massive heart attack or stroke. I actually feel like I was poisoned by Letrozole, it has affected my kidneys, my hands and feet are numb (I didn't have Chemo either which can cause this). So I am too scared to let them know about my heart in case they tell me to stop taking Tamoxifen as well because I don't think there are any other options. Take care xxx

  • lala1
    lala1 Posts: 974
    edited May 2015

    acaligirl---You've given me hope that I WILL make it through this stupid surgical menopause!! Mine's not as terrible as I hear it is for some, but for me it still sucks. Hot flashes a few times during the day and a couple of night sweats. I'm trying Peridin-C which so far seems to be helping. I've only been on for 2 weeks so we'll see. Thank god for my magnesium which helps me sleep and keeps the leg pains at bay along with the turmeric and ginger! I'm only 4 months out but you're helping me see the light at the end of the tunnel!

  • ladyb1234
    ladyb1234 Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    Hi gemmafromlondon, I actually have an alarm set for 12:00 noon to take my tamoxifen. I was concerned about forgetting to take my tamoxifen too. I set an alarm for 12:00 noon to remind me. I have a few alarms set with my fitbit and phone as I also have to remember to get up and walk and do my LE exercises. Good luck.

  • smgreen0731
    smgreen0731 Posts: 2
    edited May 2015

    Hello Ladies!!!

    I just started to take tamoxifen today and just a little worried about some of the side effects. I seem to see a lot of you have hot flashes what other side effects has anyone had and what did you do to help you get through it?

  • josie123
    josie123 Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2015

    smgreen, welcome and as far as side effects there can be many such as Brain fog, insomnia,nausea,hot flashes.But you may not have these right away. Also I found my one eye was very itchy and red but when I switched the manufacturer to Teva

    it helped and the eye problems went away. But there are some that swear by Watson manufacturer. Just kind of have to try and see.Also it can cause cataracts or eye changes. My eyesight seems worse since starting it. Depression is also something It can cause which is affecting me right now.

  • Mm68
    Mm68 Posts: 36
    edited May 2015

    smgreen, hello and welcome. I have been taking Tamoxifen now since April 1st. Had some brain fog early on but that has subsided. Also, had hot flashes at night but have been taking magnesium with my tamoxifen and it has helped a bunch. Also taking biotin as I have noticed my hair thinning. I take the Watson brand.

    Best wishes for minimal side effects

  • Stenokim
    Stenokim Posts: 76
    edited May 2015

    smgreen, I've been on tamoxifen since January of 2014. I started on Watson, then pharmacy switched to Mylan about five months ago. I've had no side effects from eitherexcept mild calf cramps occasionally at night. I work out a lot, so can't even say the cramps are from tamoxifen. Once I started tamoxifen, I've not had another period and blood tests show I'm post menopausal. Never even had a hot flash! So, don't freak about taking it. Hope your SEs are minimal or nonexistent too. Kim.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Posts: 177
    edited May 2015

    smgreen, for me other than hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia, I have the bone and joint pain and my eyes. My tamoxifen of choice is Mylan, which I just found out today it has supposedly been discontinued AGAIN?!

  • jjontario
    jjontario Posts: 157
    edited May 2015

    Good news...thought I would share a POSITIVE menstrual cramps. I literally would eat Advil ...I was the girl who's Mom wrote notes when I missed school every DH has spent every month for the last 23 years watching me sick with killer cramps...but Tamoxifen has changed that. Now....if I can just figure out my cycle (def not 28 days anymore) and take away the moodines, body aches and hot

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Posts: 5,145
    edited May 2015

    Hi all, I am new on this thread - just today decided to search and see if there was a bunch of tamoxifen junkies on here Loopy

    I will be 3 years on tamox in August. I was pre-menopausal at DX but have no feckin' idea what I am these days. Apart from I do know I am 47 (not for much longer tho, birthday next month!).

    I suffered hot flushes badly at first but a combination of getting used to feeling like a clammy frog plus a subsidence in severity means they are not so big a prob by now.

    I have had creeping weight gain despite no change in diet or lifestyle and am now sporting a rather depressing spare tyre (or tire for US folks and for the nice US spellchecker on here!) but hey, I'm alive so feel a bit mean for minding especially when I see what some ladies on are dealing with. But truthfully I do feel a bit sad when I see the other Mums at DD's school, and they look nice and slim like I used to look. (Whinge over)

    My big shock was a month before Christmas when the brain death occurred! It was like someone flipped a switch. I got up one morning and could hardly hold a thought in my head long enough to cross a room. Had not known of this side effect but it was so sudden and dramatic that I did immediately suspect good ole tamox as I am not on any other meds (lucky me). Since then I have all the classic combos - difficulty with recalling words, names, details, lack of concentration, doing STUPID things like seeing 2 recycling bins for 2 different types of recyclables and just walking up to one and tossing the can in without any part of my brain switching on and saying "hey, there are TWO bins, you need to see which is the right one" or having to double back to a shop because I have no idea whether the email address I wrote down 5 minutes ago was the right one because again, no part of my brain kicked in and said you have to make a choice here, instead I wrote down something like an automaton, and I have no idea what it was.

    Plenty of days I am pretty good and not as bad as the above. But some days I am pure ding-batty from lack of concentration.

    I did a bit of a google search on this yesterday and found that it is not all women on tamox who get the brain death, just some, and also that not too much research work has yet been done on it. I did come across a post from a lady on a different BC site who had been on tamox 3 years like me, and when this happened to her hshe said her onc took her off it immediately for 2 months, followed by going back on to half dose for 2 months and then she was due to go back to full dose.

    I have been experiencing this befuddlement since early Dec and am not due to see my onc til August. It had never occurred to me to report these symptoms until I see him,

    Any thoughts?

  • AmyfromMI
    AmyfromMI Posts: 115
    edited May 2015

    Mstrouble, I just called Mylan. The customer service rep said it looks like it's on a manufacturer back order. They have no plans to discontinue. She said they have a few weeks of supply in inventory. She also said that the product should be shipped to their wholesalers by June 22. So, I'm assuming no worries!

    Welcome feeling feline! In addition to leg cramps, hot flashes, night sweats, and pelvic/ovarian cramping, I've also had the pleasure of experiencingbrain fog since staring tamoxifen May 10, 2013. More of a short term memory loss. It is what it is and I'm very thankful that I'm not working outside the home. Below is a picture of my feline, Hermione.


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Posts: 5,145
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Amy. Hermione is beautiful. What a great name - really suits her! This is our cat Arthur.


    Not a bottle or packet of tamoxifen in sight..Nerdy