Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
3jays, if you're going to have a size malfunction that's a pretty funny one.
Anybody here like John Hiatt?
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Maya2 - you'd fit in very comfortably in Western MA! Also, you sound like me
River Rat - I love, love Kate Wolf. She died terribly young - years ago. I love PBS, lived in London for years, and still miss the great telly! And their sense of humor. Monty Python, Black Books ( which is on PBS here now) and especially that the women actors look like real human beings as they get older!
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I love, love favorite of the last couple of seasons
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SoCalLisa, is NCIS a series that you need to watch all the shows in sequence in order to enjoy it or do you think that each episode stands alone and someone could watch a show here and there?
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River Rat: See my PM to you regarding NCIS. No you don't have to see the shows in sequence.
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Just butting in for a minute, cause I gotta go. But someone mentioned joni Mitchell - yes , I loved her (when I used to listen - heartbroken, crying, splitting up with my bf, listening to Miles of Aisles and in particular "A Case of You") - you know she is Canadian, so is Neil Young, though both went to the US long ago, but we LOVE them and consider them Canadian still.
Last summer Neil Young was on tour in Canada, and we went, and the place was sold out, everybody standing & whistling & singing, and he played All Along the Watchtower for an encore. Now THAT was cool! You have to have guts to do that! He looked like a shuffling bearded bear playing a guitar, and at the end, actually did a "V" sign..we didn't smoke up for the event but I'm sure many others did - LOL Ah - trips down memory lane. ps I'm 63. and Maya - i don't "belong" on very many threads, either, that's why I like it here.
Metta to all
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Caerus: Maya2 - you'd fit in very comfortably in Western MA!
Are we talking Berkshires? Beautiful area. Yes, MA would be a state I could fit into well.
If only the US had our health care. I've actually been thinking of moving back, but buying health insurance would be an expensive deal. Although paying taxes to two countries isn't any fun. The US is one of the few who taxes ex-pats. And then I think about not getting six weeks off and no 35-hour work week. Oh dear, I'm starting to hyper-ventilate!
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flannelette: Maya - i don't "belong" on very many threads, either, that's why I like it here.
Yes, people are more accepting here. I agree. Even though a large percentage of couples are no longer having children, it wasn't that way when I got married. It was always the first thing anyone asked in the States, "How many kids do you have?" It was just assumed that, of course, you had them. And when I said no we don't, it's like the only thing they could think of to say was something unkind.
I still like CSN&Y and Mitchell. Wise before their time. Carly Simon is my favourite singer with Cher coming in second. Other bands I like: Stones, Who, and Queen (sadly the lead singer died).
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Caerus and RR - I also love Kate Wolf. Two of my favorite songs are Emma Rose and The Lilac Bush and the Apple Tree. She died in her early 40s of leukemia.
Did anyone else see Downtown Abbey on Masterpiece Theater? I loved it! I can't wait for the next one.
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The Lilac and the Apple Tree = THE BEST, BEST, BEST - makes me want to turn off the BBC news I'm listening to on NPR - and listen to it instead.
Yes, Downton Abbey was a great success here One of my friends, remarking that it was quite
"raunchy" in places - said it "sure wasn't Upstairs Downstairs." We both laughed! Remake of Upstairs Downstairs is being shown on our PBS next month, still love the original. Also, Brideshead Revisited. I lived in London for years, really loved their "telly."0 -
BUMP and a quote from tomorrow's calendar, which I liked:
Believe nothing merely because
you have been told it.
- Buddha
And on an entirley other note, please forgive me for being blunt and crabby but:
Still trying to get that sour taste of Ayn Rand "that priestess of self-interest", and, I assume, perhaps wrongly, super right-wing American politics, out of my mind. Sorry,, but it did seem to kill my simple enjoyment in posting and reading here.
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I smiled when I read your post -found myself spitting out "pooh, poof pooh" to get rid of the same bad taste. Her theory of Objectivism was so removed from the general warm SPIRIT of all we had been sharing. I think it was just an aberration, and is cleared out now.
It is almost Spring. Giggle, giggle, we're supposed to be getting a "major" storm in the next few days. Reporters won't even take a guess at the snow totals, yet. Time to hunker down with tea, and my painting. Hope everybody else is at least seeing some crocus! Maybe a daffodil or two?
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Spring has sprung here
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Lisa, thanks I'm getting excited at the promise of spring. So far only my snow drops are in bloom but my daffodils are about 3" above ground now and my helleborus orientalis looks like it will be blooming soon.
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Just around the corner for you RiverRat
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Well, I don't have many blooms around right now but I do get to see a deer herd most days. I wish I could get close enough to get a pic for you but there's no good place to get off the road right there. Maybe when the ground dries a bit I can walk in from further out.
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Winter’s done,
–Charles G. D. Roberts (1860–1943)
and April’s in the skies.
Earth, look up with laughter
in your eyes!
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flanette, love those blooms
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flannelette, my snow drops are looking a little sadder than those. They're almost finished. They bloomed very early this year and then set under the snow for quite awhile. They didn't have much left in them by the time the snow finally went away for good - at least I hope it's gone til next winter, I've had enough.
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I can tell no one lives near me in Western MA, where we're expecting a "winter nor'easter' - yup, more than a foot of very wet, heavy snow - we've been warnd to expect power outages cuz of wetness/heaviness of snow on April 1. The mind ( what's left of it after this winter) boggles!0
C.S. We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow night too, but just an inch for us and it should melt quickly, might not even stick.
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I hate to say it but it is 85 , blue skies, and beautiful here...
saw these on the way home from the post office this morning
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Those are beautiful but I can barely breathe when it's 85. So the trade off is your flowers will have to tide me over for a few weeks.
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We'd kill for a little snow here. We have had virtually none in March. Our average is 18 inches. Can you say "fire danger"??
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Anne, crazy weather all around...we are officially out of our drought this year. The reservoirs are full for the first time in a long time...hoping you get enough to quell the fire dangers..
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odd weather, for sure, ladies.. here, in Ft. Laud.(close) we ALREADY have drought warnings, per watering.. i have a pretty good system i installed when we moved here, so we're ok.. most of my flowers made it thru the winter, and spring is def. here. yesterday, the first Plumeria bloomed!!! my garden is 90% grown for butterflies, and i think we'll have many this year.. so sorry for you ladies worrying about brush fires. my sister in Daytona always gets one near her house, every yesr. they're already warning about flinging cigarettes on the major roads.. last yr. after the 1st one, they had an asorist. caught him. an older teernager mad at his mother! CAN you imagine?!! be well. 3jays
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Oh, 3jays - my favorite scent. Where I smelled it, the hills in India, in December, years ago - it was a night blooming tree - near some jasmine, full moon - I can still feel the experience. Didn't realize Plumeria could grow anywhere in the USA. enoughof a reason for me to someday want a greenhouse. I have two houseplants - a gardenia, and a jasmine "vine" - all green, but no flowers...maybe some day. But I think they're both too fussy for my greenish thumbs.
Plumeria - JOY!
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I love plumeria too..when I smell it I think of Hawaii
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mu DH, Murray, and i honeymooned in Hawaaai, and ever since, i've had/used plumeria for thei scent. they were the flowers in the lei we got in the airport. didn't get out og bed till 8PM tonite, but read, didn't sleep..
Here, plumeria is very common, and soeasy to grow. when it gets tall, you break it off, and just stick it in the ground.. i have a powder you put on sprigs when you plant them, and have really good luck. its' from Miracle gro.... maybe 2morrow the poicture?... 3jays
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The Plumeria sounds to me like our Frangipanni, a very fragrant summer flowering tree that grows like a weed here.
Does it have white petalled flowers that graduate to yellow in the centre? We also have some deep pink varieties which were generated by plant nursery men.