Whoopsi, sorry, I think we are looking for food.
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Wouldn't this be loverly?
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What to wear?
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I need #30
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Already started to cook........................
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where is everybody?
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Doesn't it look delicious????????????
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Everybody is MIA.
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It's a good thing I popped out the shower.
Looks like the party is underway.
I want one of those pineapple/mango deals.
May I have an umbrella in mine?
Pretttttty please?
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Its served Faith.
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Sheila. You are good,
Seriously gooooooooooooooood.
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Busy day, sorry I am so late to the party. I will be back early tomorrow, hopefully I will be on time.
Lisa, yes, that was a blue heron. I was watching it watch the fish on Wednesday. I would have taken more, but I got one step too close and off he flew. That was pretty awesome to watch him fly right overhead. It doesn't seem aerodynamically possible.
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Lagoon somewhere in Thailand
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Hey!!! We really do have reason to celebrate today.
It's Makraz's birthday!!!! It's been a while since we've seen her beachside.
Maybe if we have plenty of cake we can lure her back for a nice party.
If we serve enough lemonade maybe Footie will make an appearance.
It will take craft projects to get Spar to spar-kle on thru.
Some one find some great beach art as a lure for Celia.
There hasn't been a Coonie sighting or an Arnie appearance for a while either.
Elaine we know you've caugh the life preservers -- how about if you come stop by the spa.
There was even a back-in-the-day when Checkum splashed here regularly.
Wonder what we'd have to do to get nEEsie and Winger and KatieBug and some of our other 'readers' to pop in for a splash??
Angel hugs to each & all of the regulars, the irregulars and the not-so-regulars. LOL
Must go find cake.
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(That's some serious pink.)
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OOooooo pretty cake! Wishes from me too Linda!!!
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What do you think?
Maybe this one will lure Konakat back for a peek??
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Today we will make seashell picture frames
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PLenty of refreeshing lemonade here.
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I had to put the last polka dot on the cake. Here it is
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Not feeling so good now, had to eat the whole cake myself, and wash it down with a whole lot of lemonade. I don't think I will want either for quite awhile now.
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Dang Meece, Had I seen this forum earlier I would have helped you with the cake!!!!!