Glad to see everyone's zoo creatures -- especially the giraffes and the flamingos.
I have written songs on both creatures, so they each have near/dear spots in my heart.
Coooooooniest. I am so glad that you had a real, live, no-kidding, breathing sitting get-a-way..... and waves. that counts in triplicate!!!
We wanna see pictures.
LOTS of pictures.
Beachies. I am working so hard to attempt to get my wee little blog to a bigger audience, an audience of educators in particular. So I'm attempting to learn about Twitter -- which is so far beyond me. I've kinda sorta figured out LinkedIn.
I have so much to learn.
It is consuming my days & I'm hardly around BCO at all.
I miss all the chatter here.
Tomorrow is the final 'paint-off' of our plein air festival. I'll do my best to get in early and take a gazillion pictures. Will attempt to share them in some fashion. It's so inspiring!!
Our sunset last night was over the top outragous. Must get pics over to photobucket.
hugs up and down the shores.
Edited to add a picture at the top of the page.
whewwwww I think I got this in before Coonie noticed.
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Faith! That's SPECTACULAR!
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posting as I read, and I'm several pages back ... whales ... we went to a conf in Laguna Beach a few years ago and the weather was horrible in April! one night at a cocktail reception outside...very chilly... all of a sudden someone gasped and pointed - a huge school of whales were migrating, with calves, right off shore. we told the organizers that it was great of them to arrange that "show" to make up for our crappy weather!!! all agreed it was a fair trade
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how neat Mary... the photo!!
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Love all the pictures of the animals and birds and yes Barb even the one of Lucy watching the meercats. Faith - yours of the sunset is outstanding, so beautiful.
Hope everyone has a restful weekend and stays cool in this heat. Night all.
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Faith, most people "in hte know" that I talk to agree that Twitter is not worth it for professionals. LinkedIn and Facebook reach way more people in a more mainstream type environment. Twitter has so many limitations, and is hard to follow even for some who are technically savvy. Just my two cents.
Mum, loved that pic of hub
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Barbara, did you post that pic years ago? I remember a pic of a cat watching the meercats - so cool to see it again!!!
Here are lemurs:
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Barbe, I may have. I do have CRS you know.
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Barbara, don't we DH bought me a coffee cup with it on.".I suffer from CRS"
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(oh yeah---Can't Remember Sh*t)
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You asked for it.
I took the time to upload a few shots of the other night. Here's from several angles around the marina. (This is a block from our little place.)
The backsplash of colors in the clouds AWAY from the sunset, was as dramatic as I've ever seen it. This is my 'new' camera, since I dropped and permanently broke my dear ol' pal. This is also a Canon, more or less the very same model I had before -- but now it has more bells and whistles which I'm attempting to get familiar with.......
It's not hard when you have this sort of subject matter!!!
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Internet disconnected.
We'll see if I can get them from the big bucket of photos to here??
This is me walking on the marina pier
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The sun is completely below the horizon line at this point.
And one final image as I walk off the pier....................
You can see why I look forward to every evening.
They're always different. Every night.
Often a sailboat of two, but the clouds are so different.
These colors were outrageous. I wonder what made them so amazing?
I hope that you enjoyed them!!
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wow the colors are spectacular..
it always takes time to get used to a new camera...each one is different with different sensors
and all the other stuff..where you aim to get your focus, lighting etc is really differntent with each camera. I am using automatic more and more..and then adjusting on my computer more..
Faith, have you been up to the Apoltle Islands on Lake is a neat place. We stayed in Bayview . It is a cute town..
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OMG never have seen those colors in the sky before!!!
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Faith, thanks so much for posting those pics - they were beyond wondermous
Sunsets are definitely one of my favorite all time subjects to photograph, seconded only by sunrises. We're down the shore this weekend, but with the temps at or over 100 I'm not sure we'll get down to the bay for sunsets ... I can't take the heat like I used to. Just going to Home Depot and the food store today did me in for the rest of the day! I sat on the couch reading my Kindle in the air con most of the afternoon. It's not supposed to break 100 tomorrow, assuming we get the predicted overnight storms, so maybe a little more energy will come my way then.
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Faith - the pictures are absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing them with us. I'd say your new camera does a fantastic job of catching all the colors.
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When I took my photography class at the Rocky Mountain School of Photography, they said to let the camera do the focussing as it does it better than we can. We should only adjust shutter speed/f-stops to affect depth of field. Let the camera do everything else and just concentrate on getting the best composition. That surprised me. I thought I was supposed to focus and stuff, but it sure made my job easier their way!!
Those are Disney sunsets Faith. That's what I call things that are over the top. Saint painted a good one last night for you, didn't she!
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Barbe, with cameras now having auto focus, it is a miracle really. Many times mine does not like a particular shot so I back up the zoom and try again.
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Today was the installation into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown NY
my grandmother lived there so I spent most of my summers growing up there with
her..Summers in high school and college I taught swimming in an old gym which
is now a part of the Hall of Fame...I get sooooo nostalgic when I watch it or see
League of Their Own..
We rented a house when Tony Gwynn was installed and our whole family joined
us...across from the house was a corn field and I took pix of our boys and grandson in the
Field of Dreams..
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Lisa - it is a good thing that my camera has the auto focus with my vision being kind of unpredictable. Thanks for the tip on backing off the zoom and trying again. With being able to preview the digital picture right after I take it I find myself deleting most of the pictures I take because they just don't look right.
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Lisa, love the hall of fame pics!!!
Cameras - I go on a yearly trip with 2 other women from work for a user conference. I take tons of pics and get really lucky sometimes. I swear, I have no skill but with a good camera and a steady hand, I get some good shots. One of my favs is taking pics of street signs outside places where we had a particularly good time, or where our hotel was, or stuff like that. It never ceases to amaze me how some of them come out! I always use auto focus and all auto settings, and I don't have a really expensive camera, but somehow my pics are usually the best of others at the same place! I love seeing how they turn out when I download them to my computer!
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taking pix if really a fun thing..for me anyhow..
except when I have to do it for some function..but that is how I volunteer..
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Lisa, I hate when someone gives me their camera and asks that I take pics - I really don't like that at all. Or when they put the disposable cameras at your spot for a wedding ... I just just takijng pics on my camera when I want to ... selfish? maybe!!
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Children of the Corn....very cool.
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Lost my last post so I'll try again.
I like to try and take pictures but I have problems with the steady hand part so I keep the image stablization on all the time. At least it keeps me from having to delete all my pictures.
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Lisa that was the best trip when I took the twins in 2005 and wanta take them again....