The Next Person Game
True! (high was in the 80's here yesterday, plus there is packing for that upcoming vacay :-)
The next person writes every day...
0 -
true, especially if you count things like grocery lists and checks!
The next person pays most of the household bills.
0 -
True, only because I am the organized one !
The next person does spring cleaning........0 -
True, because I'm the one who cares!
The next person keeps cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink.
0 -
True, no little children around -
The next person has a homemade cleaning solution which is..............0 -
False (wish I did)
The next person is getting ready to plant her garden.
0 -
not until Memorial Day weekend
the next person has snow flurries in her forecast (I do )
0 -
Yikes! False thanks goodness.
The next person is having warm weather this week. (here it will be in the low 80s for some of the week)
0 -
False - back to chilly and rain - April showers bring May flowers.
The next person has already picked something out of their garden........ (we have -a few asparagus!)0 -
very false, no gardens planted yet
the next person has been in a play at some point in her life
0 -
True - I was Cinderella in the 3rd grade class play. The teacher gave me the part bc I could cry the best.
The next person was in the chorus in high school.
0 -
(I was the Gingerman's mother is my kindergarten play & the gingerman had to kiss me at the end......gross!!!)
the next person sings alto
0 -
false, the only tunen I can hold is on a pice of paper.
Then next person has a daughter in competitive dance
0 -
false, no daughters
the next person has coached dance at some point in her life
0 -
False but I sure could 'rock and roll' in the 50's.
The next person has a child that plays a musical instrument and it is................0 -
false, we're DINKS (double income no kids)
The next person usually wears a wristwatch.
0 -
I always wear my fitbit which has the time
the next person has mowed her lawn this spring
0 -
technically false, DH has mowed twice so far this spring.
The next person will deploy a paintbrush this weekend.
0 - know it!
The next person needs to sign off and get started with the day (oh wait......that would be me.....bye! )
0 -
bye, Ruth, have a great day!
False, I'll be online a little while longer.
The next person has a morning routine.
0 -
the next person doesn't get anything done if she doesn't write it odwn
0 -
oh so true!
The next person keeps an on-line calendar and a paper calendar.
0 -
yes, and I write it in a notebook AND have a pocket calendar in my purse!
the next person likes peanut butter
0 -
The next person likes peanut butter on apple slices.
0 -
True true love love pb and apple.
The next person is hoping to clean up the gardens this Sunday.0 -
false, clean-up is done and the perennials are coming up. Now need to buy & plant some annuals.
The lilacs are starting to bloom at the next person's house.
0 -
False - got a little way to go yet. Mother's Day is Lilac Sunday at Arnold Arboretum in Boston
The next person has Hummingbirds at the feeder.............0 -
False, it's a little early for hummers here.
The next person has dandelions in the lawn.
0 -
Unfortunately true
The next person has a chestnut tree in their yard.
0 -
The next person has several little tree seedlings growing in the lawn.
(If so, do you mow over them or dig them up to transplant or give away?)