The Next Person Game
False....(I do live in California, after all).
The next person likes to go to bed before nine...
0 -
false but we got snow squalls Friday night. I told Mother Nature enough already but she's not listening.
The next person postponed a chore today but will do it tomorrow. For sure!
0 -
true I postponed a chore, remains to be seen if I will do it tomorrow
the next person remembers drinking Tab when she was young
0 -
The next person remembers Tang because the astronauts drank it.
0 -
The next person wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up.
0 -
false (although I usually crawl in at 10!)
The next person tries to catch sunrises.0 -
My first kiss was so memorable because ...
0 -
my family was camping in Yellowstone National Park and the family camping in the spot next to us had a boy my age; we starting hanging out & when we went on a walk on our last day before folding camp.......THE KISS happened. He was from New Jersey, so other than a few letters back & forth for awhile, that was the end of that story.
My first real boyfriend......
0 -
turned out to be an idiot
Oops think I was playing finish my sentence.
The next person has never attended their high school reunion
0 -
False (involved in our 50th Reunion - lot's of fun)
The next person will be going to the dentist soon.0 -
Next Wednesday for a checkup.
the next person has never had a cavity
0 -
True! In fact, I have had my dentist call in his entire staff to see a perfect set of teeth...
The next person is planning spring cleaning for the weekend....
0 -
No, but that is what I SHOULD be doing!
the next person is reading a good book
0 -
true, an old Harry Bosch murder mystery
The next person will take (or has taken) a nap today.
0 -
false, but it is tempting as it is a cold, misty day.
the next person has dinner in the oven
0 -
false, defrosting some casserole (baked ziti) to nuke for supper tonight.
Right now, the next person can hear birdsong.
0 -
False (9 pm)
the next person is sitting in a recliner
0 -
false, office chair
The next person recently bought new bed pillows. (I did and they're too puffy! Hope they flatten out soon.)
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False...always hard to get a pillow that is just right
the next person is watching the opening skit of SNL before going to bed
0 -
false but heading to bed soon
The next person will get a Sunday newspaper.
0 -
True, reading comics first!
The next person cooks a family Sunday dinner.......0 -
true, making chicken cacciatore tonight.
The next person goes out to eat at least once a week.
0 -
the next person is redoing a bathroom
0 -
The next person is packing for vacation!!
0 -
false, if you are, have fun!
the next person is tall
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The next person has narrow feet and has a hard time finding shoes that fit.
0 -
the next person wears a Fitbit (or another similar device)
0 -
Sort of true? (I use my iphone which has the software, but hard to remember to always carry it with me)
The next person lives somewhere where it is hot, hot, hot and feels like summer has arrived!
0 -
Very false!
The next person still has her heat on!
0 -
True - but in the form of my wood stove - takes the chill off early morning; otherwise sunny and temps in the 60's during day.
The next person has her summer clothes ready to wear.............0