The Next Person Game
The next person went swimming today
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False, but did go to the beach!!
The next person did at least one load of laundry today.
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false, cleaned the whole house & did a bunch of yard work though
the next person has too many shoes
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false - you can never have too many shoes lol
The next person has a brand new skillet that is too darn heavy to lift!
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It's not new, but I have a big cast iron skillet that I need two hands to lift
the next person got married in June
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The next person is going to a bridal shower this month
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The next person likes banana pudding
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The next person like peppermint ice cream.
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True, especially home made
The next person planted tomatoes this summer
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The next person has a rosemary plant
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The next person likes to read romance novels
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The next person is relaxing
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The next person plays golf
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The next person plays tennis
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the next person is doing something fun tomorrow (I am......I am going on a Girls Beach Vacation with some of the female members of my family .)
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False, but glad you are going to be having a fun get away Ruth
The next person will be making a large purchase this week.
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true. Need to do a clean out
The next person needs to shop for summer pants/slacks.
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false - last week - new area rug
The heat person bought summer clothes today. I did! Ruth, have a great trip
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false. Need to
The next person is already wishing for cooler weather
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False. I wait all year for spring and summer and dread fall and winter cold.
The next person read for pleasure today. I did, and at the beach!!!
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The next person went swimming today
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The next person went to the doctor today
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false - thankfully
The next person is enjoying the rain
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False- I wish it would rain. We are going into a heat wave. At least 5 days of triple digits.
The next person likes to go campin
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The next person likes to grill
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The next person knits
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false, but would love to learn how to knit
The next person likes numbers
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The next person likes historical drama
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The next person loves to drive
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False! I'll help pay for gas though!
The next person is a "backseat" driver