The Next Person Game
False. I do have a good friend who used to teach at a school for the deaf and hard of hearing.
The next person reads before bedtime.
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The next person takes a walk after dinner
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The next person takes a walk in the morning
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true - daily (almost)
The next person prefers to exercise in the late afternoon/evening
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The next person is going to a birthday party this weekend
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False. But I used to. Loved it. Early morning is my favorite time.
The next person goes to the gym.
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false --- Pilates and similar classes only
The next person has an i door plant more than twenty years old. (My cliva lily was a birthday gift almost thirty years ago, still blooms every year, and I'm running out of friends to gift th "baby" plants to).
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The next person takes physical therapy
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true --- three times this year, but not a regular customer...
The next person still has to wash the dinner dishes
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The next person likes to bake
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false (lazy, plus no self-control when there are sweets in the house......or home made bread...or anything tasty!)
the next person has plans for the 4th of July
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False. Nothing special
The next person watched the mini-series Genius. (Just finished it today. AMAZING!)
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false but I wanted to see it
The next person likes to take bubble baths.
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The next person likes amusement park rides. ( Generally I do not)
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I used to......not so much anymore.
the next person is going on a picnic pretty soon
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Probably true around the 4th.
The next person does calligraphy. (I used to.)
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The next person likes firework displays.
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The next person likes to dress up.
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the next person has too many shoes
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False. (actually DH claims he married me because I owned less than ten pairs of shoes :-))
The next person has too clothes that she/he never wears.
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True, and too many shoes too!!!
The next person loves reading historical novels.
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Sometimes. I go in phases. Right now I am reading cozy mysteries.
The next person likes long periods of alone time.
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true. Sometimes
The next person meets with a friend at least once per week
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false. Talk on phone once a week; lunch/shopping every two weeks.
The next person is a transplant to their state.
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The next person has never traveled outside their honebstare
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the next person has visited all 50 states
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False - still have NJ and DE to visit
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Wow, you've done well!
The next person has visited at least two other continents (no counting the one you live on)
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false ... only europe
the next person drives more than 25 miles to work
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false retired
The next person is organized.