The Next Person Game
False -
The next person is a sci-fi fan/reader (I just saw an interview with Cory Doctorow about his new book Walkaway)
0 -
False, but I'm married to a sci-fi movie fan. Just bought the first season of Expanse for Father's Day
The next person has a thunderstorm headed her way.
0 -
True - Everyday for the last two weeks
The next person is crazy about the ocean
0 -
True, true, true!!!!!
The next person loves to swim
0 -
The next person likes to eat fresh caught fish
0 -
The next person has caught a fresh fish.
0 -
True, I grew up on a lake!!!
The next person has cleaned a fresh fish.
0 -
The next person dislikes seafood
0 -
The next person made a Costco run last week
0 -
The next person is waiting for a rain storm today
0 -
false --- stormed yesterday, and a new one predicted for tomorrow
The next person planted more summer flowers today.
0 -
The next person watered flowers today!
0 -
False - But, DH did water the flowers.
The next person drank 8 glasses of water today.
0 -
The next person will drink 8 glasses of wine this weekend.
0 -
The next person prefers tea over coffee.
0 -
The next person got off coffee for a while.
0 -
true (hot coffee during chemo. I could handle iced coffee better)
The next person has a busy day ahead
0 -
True, although almost at the end of my busy day.
The next person is planning a relaxing day tomorrow.
0 -
False, volunteering
The next person has a green thumb
0 -
oh so false, you have no idea. We are plant killers through and through.
The next person LOVES to crochet!
0 -
True, mainly filet wall hangings.
The next person loves to read novels.
0 -
true reading "A Man Called Ove"
The next person went swimming today
0 -
the next person just got back from a vacation (I did!)
0 -
False-but am going to Ixtapa, Mexico next month with friends
Next person has been on a cruise
0 -
False (unfortunately)
The next person will take a bath this weekend.
0 -
true. Usually bathe daily
Ruth : where did you go on vacation ?
The next person has been to a wedding this summer
0 -
Patty, the ladies of my family meet up for an annual Girls Beach Vacation. This year we went to Myrtle Beach; so fun!
I am invited to a wedding this Saturday.
The next person is going to a reunion this summer.
0 -
The next person can tolerate gluten
0 -
true welcome back Ruth
The next person is going to garage sales this weekend
0 -
Sounds like fun Ruth
The next person has a family member who uses sign language