The Next Person Game
The next person works in health care
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I used to.
The next person likes to eat navel oranges.
0 -
I like to eat almost everything, including navel oranges!
the next person has a member of the military in her family
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Not currently.
The next person needs a new pair of boots!
0 -
no but with all the salt I may
The next person is babysitting grandchildren tonight
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Not yet (still have to wait for a few months before the birth of the first one).
The next person read "Cancer the Emperor of all maladies" by Siddhartha Mukherjee
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True, a fascinating book.
the next person has taken down her holiday decorations (I just did today)
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The next person is going on vacation this month
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False (I wish!!!)
The next person is terribly afraid of dogs.
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false, I love dogs!
the next person is in the middle of a winter storm right now
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false unseasonably mild today
The next person is housecleaning today
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the next person already got stuck in the snow once today (I did)
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false. Ruth getting stuck is not fun!
The next person is going to the movies this weekend.
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If the weather will cooperate.
The next person wants to see The Post
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true going tomorrow. Hanks and Streep!
The next person eats hot, buttered popcorn at the movies.
0 -
Yes, of course!
the next person likes yoga
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Kinda??? It doesn't like me.
The next person likes to drink hot chocolate, especially on a cold day.
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the next person also likes hot apple cider when it's cold out
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The next person is working on a latch hook rug
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Not now, but have made 2 in the past.
The next person knows how to tat.
0 -
The next person has their tv on
0 - tv at work
The next person has an Echo device
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The next person is eating dinner
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The next person is watching the news
0 -
the next person has a cold
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The next person is using a heating pad to relieve pain in the back
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The next person relaxed today
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True, but more from procrastination than relaxation!
The next person likes to shop in dollar stores.
0 -
The next person is watching to see who is going to the Super Bowl
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True.....Go Vikings!
The next person is having pizza for dinner.