The Next Person Game
With my brother, yes With my sister, no
The next person spends a lot of time alone
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No, seems like DH is always around!
The next person likes summer better than winter.
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Very true!
the next person likes the ocean over the mountains
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YES!!! Like the mountains but LOVE the ocean!!! SO calming!!!
The next person has been to both the east and west coast
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the next person has been to all 50 states
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False, but close. I've driven in 46 states.
The next person loves to drive on vacation!!
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True, I don't mind driving! Its' an adventure!
The next person likes to fly
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false..I haven't figured out how it stays up! Fly only when no other option
the next person enjoys day trips
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the next person is soon going on a trip of some sort
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true - next week to Vienna for a few days. Husband has a conference and is taking me along so I can play tourist during the days. (He never took me alongbefore I got bc)
The next person has bought new shoes this year
(I needed new winter ankle boots and was thrilled to find some within an hour at significant discount! I'm usually not that lucky)
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false - though I probably should buy some!
Congrats on your good luck tessu!!! I'm never that lucky!! Lol
The next person goes barefoot most of the time in the summer. (I do whenever I can!!)
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true (especially in the house)
The next person read a book in two days
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If it catches my fancy, true.
the next person has stayed up all night reading a book
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true (as a much younger me)
The next person likes ice cream
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true but only in the hot summer months.
The next person has met someone famous
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nope (I was waiting to hear a story of someone meeting someone famous but after 4 days I guess it's not happening!! Lol)
The next person is enjoying their weather today
(We are having sunshine and 50 degrees after 5 straight days of rain so YES I AM!!!)
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true. It’s beautiful out
The next person chooses spring as their favorite season
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true! lots of good things always seem to happen to me in Spring...
The next person loves rainy days....
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The next person has put away winter clothes already
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Goodness, no!! Not in Ohio!! We are known to have days where we use our heat in the morning and our a/c in the afternoon!! Lol
The next person has ridden on a motorcycle
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yes. Love it.
The next person has a convertible
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Yes! Got it last summer as a matter of fact because during chemo I was a bit unsteady on the motorcycle! Lol We've ridden for probably 30 years. I plan to ride this year!!
The next person has a boat
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yes. Fishing and skiing.
The next person likes to fish
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the next person likes to eat fish
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Fish: baked, broiled or fried?
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Fish : catfish or bass
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The next person tries to send actual birthday cards instead of social media greetings to friends and family.
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false but should
The next person keeps all the cards they receive
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the next person is watching The Oscars
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The next person is a beer or wine drinker?