The Next Person Game
I do feel pretty good right now. I hope you do as well!!
The next person is already looking forward to the weekend!! Lol
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Thanks Ocean, I do feel pretty good apart from nerve pain at the moment.
Now that you mention it, the weekend is looking good and quiet.
The next person sets a lot of tasks for themselves to do.
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Sometimes I do. Other times I try to leave myself open so I have nothing to do. Usually doesn't work very well. Lol
The next person is having good weather right now.
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We have been having terrible weather with cold, rain and wind, LOL.
The next person is indoors today so the weather doesn't matter too much.
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Pretty much. I'm at work and I've already been to lunch so it really doesn't matter what the weather is doing. Lol
The next person doesn't mind being inside when the weather is bad.
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I like being inside when the weather is bad, especially with a nice heater on.
The next person is right handed. I'm left handed.
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I'm right handed. I can't do much of anything with my left! Lol Except type!!
The next person is a good typist. (I am!! Lol)
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I'm a medium typist. I can touch type fairly fast but I make mistakes, especially on my flat keyboard.
The next person learnt to type at school.
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Yes, I took Typing in high school. I started teaching my oldest daughter to type when she was 3!! Then when her hands were big enough to reach the keys I taught her to touch type. When she took "Keyboarding" in high school the teacher looked at her and said "Why are you in this class?!" Lol The same thing happened with her and piano. She started lessons when she was big enough to reach he keys. Then she took a Piano 1 class in high school just to fill her schedule. She ended up helping teach the other students in the class. Lol
The next person has taken some type of class they really didn't need or want just to fill a schedule. (I took Spanish I my Senior year just because I had too many Study Halls and they told me I had to take something. Lol)
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Yes, in my final year of school, I took legal studies because I wanted to drop French and I ended up really liking it and doing well in it.
The next person is good at foreign languages. I'm not.
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No, not at all. I took 2 years of Latin (Because they asked me to so they could fill the class. Lol) & 1 year of Spanish and can't speak either one. Lol
The next person is good at crossword puzzles.
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No, I'm not good at traditional crossword puzzles but I'm fairly good at some other word and number puzzles.
The next person is good at proofreading.
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Yes, I am usually the one that is given THAT task at work!! Lol
The next person is good at spelling.
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Yes, I'm good at spelling and it helped that my parents were both English teachers (not that they were nice about it though).
The next person has a good vocabulary.
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NO! I'm terrible at proof reading. My brain won't let my eyes really read whats there!
The next person is a good at spelling. ..I'm not!
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I am pretty good; especially now that there is Spell Check.
the next person is involved with a house remodeling project
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False, but if you are, that's exciting.
The next person loves house decorating.
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Hi Aussie!!
Yes, I do!!
The next person finds technology so frustrating at times!! Lol
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Hi Becky!! Sorry I missed you.
I definitely find technology so frustrating at times!!
The next person finds it difficult that technology keeps changing.
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Hi Aussie!! Good to see you!!
Yes, it seems like I just get used to one thing and then it changes. Lol
The next person doesn't really like change.
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Partly, I can be very cautious about change but sometimes change can be great too.
The next person is sleepy.
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Yes, I am but I'm sure you are sleepier!! You should be going to bed if you haven't already done so!! Lol
The next person would love a nap in the middle of the afternoon. (I would!!)
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False, if I take a nap in the middle of the afternoon, I am groggy the rest of the day.
the next person exercised today
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False, I didn't exercise. I went to an appointment and slept a lot.
The next person is looking forward to the weekend.
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True. (And I agree with ruthbru--naps make me groggy)
The next person plans to swim this weekend.
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False, it's the middle of winter in Australia.
The next person is enjoying summer weather.
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Yes, I am!! Planning a motorcycle ride for tonight!!
The next person enjoys summer weather more than winter weather.
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Very true!
The next person enjoys fall more than spring.
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Yes, I do!! I love fall!! It's my favorite season!!
The next person enjoys the changing of the seasons.
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true, I just wish we had less winter and more spring!
The next person has gone to the movie Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again