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The Next Person Game



  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, but I'd like to see it when it comes on TV. I enjoyed the first movie.

    The next person watches a lot of DVDs.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590

    not very much

    the next person is already sick of political commericals

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, we're not getting many political commercials in Australia but I would just press the mute button anyway.

    The next person loves the mute button on their TV, LOL!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590

    Yes, and I've been pressing it a lot already!

    the next person has too many pictures hanging up all over her house & is contemplating taking some down

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    False, I have just the right amount of pictures hanging in my house.

    The next person loves collecting pretty pictures.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590

    I do, but I really, really have to downsize; it looks cluttered around here!

    The next person (very badly) ate a piece of chocolate cake today

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, but I think it would be appropriate to forgive yourself.

    The next person is too hard on herself.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590

    No, I give myself LOTS of leeway (as evidenced by the cake!)

    the next person needs to go to bed (I do, good night!)

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No, but I hope you sleep well.

    The next person is going to downsize their house contents.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Yes! And phone calls!!!

    The next presin plans to enjoy the weekend because it's going to be beautiful outside

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, I do!! Rain isn't forecasted for a change and it's not supposed to be 95 degrees!!

    The next person plans to get some work done around the house as well as doing something fun this weekend.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Hi Ocean!!

    Yes, I should do some vacuuming soon as well as wanting to watch TV on the weekend.

    The next person has a lot to do at the moment.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Hi Aussie!!

    Yes, it seems like I always have a lot to do!! But it's Friday and we tend to only do what we have to on Friday!! Lol

    The next person is putting off something they should be doing.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Yes, but that's because I can only do one thing at once and I will get to it soon.

    The next person has a computer that works well.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, my office computer works great!! I got a new one when I was on medical leave. My home computer works pretty good, too.

    The next person hates fighting with outdated or equipment that isn't working right. (I do!! Dealing with a 25 year old printer here at work like that!! We can't find anybody to work on it. Go figure!! Lol)

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Yes, I definitely hate fighting with outdated equipment or equipment that isn't working right! It was frustrating when I had to get a new printer recently.

    The next person keeps their software up to date. I don't - I still have Windows XP!

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    No, I don't either!!

    The next person's printer runs out of ink and may be out for weeks before they finally get around to replacing it. (This is me at home!! Lol)

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    No I hope not, I must buy some replacement coloured ink or my printer may not work when I want it to. You may as well get some ink too, LOL.

    The next person has a messy desk like I do.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    At home, yes I do!! But I work my desk is very organized!! Lol I can't really explain the difference or the reason why!! Lol

    The next person knows right where everything is even if they do have a messy desk.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I am mostly good at knowing where things are but moving house a lot over the years and accumulating a lot of stuff related to surgery hasn't helped.

    The next person has a lot of storage in their house. I wish we did.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, we do. Especially since our girls moved out. We have 3 bedrooms & a full basement, garage & outside storage room under our patio. We still have managed to fill it all up in the 20 years we have lived here!!

    The next person has lived in the same place for a long time.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I think we're on our 7th rental house since 1999! Four times the owners decided to sell the house we were living in and one time we decided to move because we didn't like where we were living. We've been here for over two years and we're not planning to leave but I'm not happy living here with wool carpet which I'm allergic to.

    The next person looks at houses online.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, we have been recently because we were looking for a rental house to buy for our daughter. We recently bought one for her. But I still like looking.

    The next person likes to go to open houses (houses for sale).

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Ocean, how lovely that you bought a house for your daughter!!

    I love looking at houses for rent or sale so long as they're nice!!

    The next person likes old houses.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    We didn't really buy it "for" her. We have 2 rental houses that we bought and our daughters rent from us. For much cheaper than they would normally pay. We just wanted them to have a place to live if something happened to us. With my BC and my husband's heart issues we decided we wanted to plan ahead for their futures.

    Yes, I love old houses!! The one we just bought was built in 1913!!

    The next person doesn't like things that are too modern.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    That sounds like a good arrangement. A 1913 house sounds lovely!!

    I agree, I usually don't like things that are too modern.

    The next person doesn't like most modern furniture.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    No, not at all. I like more antique furniture. It has a more cozy feel to it.

    The next person likes things that feel more lived in.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Yes, lived in sounds good.

    The next person thinks most decoraters make a lot of mistakes.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Sometimes. But sometimes I think the rooms they do look like they belong in a magazine.

    The next person likes watching home improvement shows.

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I love watching home improvement shows! I've been enjoying House Rules lately.

    The next person also likes watching home improvement shows.