The Next Person Game
Meow (yes).
The next person loves dogs too
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The next person loves sardines
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Um, False!
The next person loves coffee in the morning.
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The next person loves salmon.
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True! Especially blackened!
The next person is having a lazy day.
(The stove is only 5 years old! The oven was giving me issues taking 30 minutes to preheat to 350 then the stove eyes started taking 20 minutes to boil water! It looks like it's the control panel and my husband said at this point we should probably just get a new one. I've been having problems for about 2 weeks and I'm that person who cooks three meals a day at home we rarely eat out!)
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Vargadoll, I hope you can get a new stove soon. It's sad the old one isn't working properly.
No, my day hasn't been lazy.
The next person is making phone calls today.
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No, not making phone calls today.
The next person has brown hair.
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Really dark brown hair...yes.
The next person has long hair.
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Medium length! But, I used to have waist length hair!!! Wish I could still pull that off, but not at my age!!
The next person stopped at their library today!
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No, but I did yesterday and rented 5 DVDs! I haven't seen Ratatouille in ages and love that movie!
The next person has something great to celebrate!
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I can sort of celebrate that I'm going on a short holiday in 2 1/2 weeks.
The next person finds packing for a holiday hard.
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I am the worst packer in the world!!!
The next person always brings too much stuff when she goes on vacation
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I always bring some stuff on holiday that I don't use but I don't pack much too much.
The next person has been answering emails today.
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Answering emails daily!
The next person is planning a picnic this weekend.
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The next person has watched Australian movies or TV shows.
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No but I love those Hugh Jackman and Eric Bana babes you grow down under...
The next person enjoys ice tea with a book on their patio or an outdoor restaurant
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No iced tea but a book on the patio sounds nice.
The next person would rather have hot tea than cold tea.
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depends on the season
the next person is finishing up a project
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No, I've been working on projects but I haven't just finished one.
The next person has been doing work on their house.
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Yes, a huge project which in thankfully almost done.
the next person watched Senator John McCain's funeral on TV this morning.
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Well done, ruthbru!
No, I don't know much about American senators.
The next person follows what happens in politics.
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the next person needs to clean out her garage
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Yep! Or at least straighten up the clutter.
The next person needs to sweep her front porch.
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I have a breezeway and I blow it off every day with a leaf blower! I do not sweep outside anymore.
The next person is getting ready for church.
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No, it's nearly 10pm here.
The next person got up early today.
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Yes, to get ready for church!
The next person will take a long walk today.
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I actually slept in a little (7:30) and will take a walk today.
the next person will pick some tomotoes or other produce today
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The next person will do some cooking today.
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Not if I can help it
the next person wears makeup every day, even if she's not going out
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No, I never wear make up at home and not always when I'm going out.
The next person likes to wear a bit of lipstick or lip gloss.