The Next Person Game
No, I don't mail any bills.
The next person often goes to a post office. I don't very often.
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I do a couple of times a month, I would say. I still have maybe one bill I mail. My van bill comes out automatically but then I mail them an extra principal payment every month. Then we mail rebate forms in to the hardware stores a couple of times a month.
The next person still receives a lot of mail.
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I don't get much mail - mostly bills - but I've been sent a number of hospital appointment letters this year.
The next person is feeling sleepy.
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I'm sure you are. I'm not. It's still early here. But it is about time to go home.
The next person should be going to bed soon.
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Yes I should but I'm glad to have got a lot done. I need to get prepared before my holiday.
The next person will have a busy day tomorrow. I hope you have a great vacation!
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Yes, I probably will. Especially getting everything done before vacation. I hope you have a good holiday, too!!
The next person is looking forward to tomorrow!!
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Thanks. I'm looking forward to Monday when I'm leaving for my holiday but not particularly to tomorrow.
The next person has a lot written on their calendar.
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Yes, for this month! A lot of virtual school activities for my son like welcome calls, discussion based assessment phone calls (we survived the algebra phone call today!), physical therapy, dr.visits, church, and scheduled fun at Disney! It is so therapeutic for my son and we walk there for miles.
The next person likes to keep a personal diary.0 -
Yes, I do.
The next person wonders about lots of things.
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Naturally curious about lots of things!!
The next person looks up things (anything and everything of interest) online a lot.
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Yes always! I have a short attention span lately so Google is my friend. Especially when it talks to
The next person is going to enjoy the sunshine today.
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Varadoll, glad you've having sunshine after the hurricane. I hope the flooding is improving and you were not hit by it.
Not much sun for me today.
The next person needs to mow their lawn.
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True our yard does need to be mowed but that DH job. I do need to clean up the sticks and twigs out of the yard and blow the leaves off the pool deck.
The next person had to get a new car battery today
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.Not today but a month or so ago.
The next person is anticipating rain tomorrow.
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No, I don't think we'll be getting rain tomorrow.
Is your weather mostly predictable or often unpredictable?
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Fairly predictable but subject to change!
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The next person is having good weather today.
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Depends on whether or not you consider thunderstorms good weather!
The next person will go shopping today.
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No, I don't consider thunderstorms good weather, LOL!
No, I don't plan to go shopping today (Sunday).
The next person has a busy day planned.
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Busy tomorrow, yes. Need to clean house! Today was checkup with PCP.
The next person will smile in the morning.
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Yes I will! I always have a smile for my son and pets! My dog makes all kinds of funny sounds that sound like uh-huh, yawns with squeaks in them, sighs that trail off in a bored groan, etc. And princess cats have been finding new royal places to be. They are rivaling for top shelf on the bookcase right now. 😻 😼
The next person will try something new tomorrow.
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I am attempting to be co room mom for my sons 4th grade class. What is not new is adding too much to my schedule! Hes going to middle school next year ( wasn't even in preschool when we started this cancer I'm thankful)
The next person is or has been a volunteer for something they believe in
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Yes. I have volunteered for Meals on Wheels for 13 years
The next person is getting a much needed pedicure!
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false, but maybe I should if I can wear sandals again!
the next person should rake leaves
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Not yet, but will in next month or two.
The next person is currently reading an ebook.
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No, not reading an ebook.
The next person is tall. (I'm not).
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No, I am not tall and am getting a bit shorter every year!
The next person enjoys walking in the fog.
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Probably not.
The next person is fit.
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I would say yes.
the next person exercises every day
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Yes, now I do. Target is 12,000 steps a day!
The next person has a busy day planned.