The Next Person Game
I usually don't watch ads and we're not having an election here yet.
The next person opens a lot of windows at once in their internet browser.
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I usually have at least 4 open for work. Then a few for me! Lol
The next person is glad it's Friday! (I am!! The workweek is almost over!!)
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I'm glad it's Friday too - there are no appointments or phone calls on the weekend.
The next person has weekend plans.
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Yes, I do!! I'm going to a concert tomorrow night with my brother & sister in law and some friends. I'm really excited about it!!
The next person likes veggies on pizza.
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Yes, especially mushrooms.
The next person likes mushrooms on pasta.
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Yes, I do! I love mushrooms!! But my hubby doesn't. Lol
The next person likes to try new foods.
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Yes I do, within reason.
The next person likes trying new experiences.
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I'll take your answer - I do within reason!! (I don't zip line, I don't like haunted houses, I really don't like roller coasters, etc. Lol)
The next person is adventurous. (Not me!! Lol)
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I'm a mixture of adventurous and cautious but most people would only see the cautious side of me.
The next person is a fun person.
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I try to be. I've spent the whole workday looking for the person who put a sticky note on a broom that says "Reserved parking for Becky". They think they are so funny!! I'll get them!! Lol
The next person likes to joke.
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Not much; I'm a fairly serious person.
The next person likes watching comedy shows.
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I do. Some of my favorite shows have been comedies.
The next person likes crime drama shows.
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I don't watch much crime drama except Law and Order SVU.
The next person watches reality shows.
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Some of the Learning Channel shows are OK, but I don't like ones like 90 Fiancé or Housewives of...wherever!!
The next person is looking forward to catching up on some sleep by sleeping late tomorrow morning!!
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I hope I'll be able to sleep in on Sunday.
The next person has a busy weekend.
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the next person has to buy some Halloween candy
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No, we don't celebrate Halloween.
The next person has been listening to music.
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true.....I just got back from a football game & they were playing lots of fun music between the plays
the next person is following the World Series
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False, I don't even know which sport that is.
The next person would rather stay home and watch things on TV than go to music or sports events.
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(The World Series is in professional baseball)
False, I like to get out.
The next person has visited three or more countries other than her own
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No, I've only visited England and New Zealand.
The next person would love to see Australia.
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Yes, would love to see Australia. I've toured a number of countries, but not Australia!!
The next person is dealing with a mouse invading their home!!! Ugh!! I am!!! I hate them!!!
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False (had to deal with that on Saturday, but my cat took care of that)
The next person is having their morning coffee
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False, it's the evening here and I don't drink coffee.
The next person has a sore back.
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Aussie, I like your new picture!
Rarely have backache. Only when I do too much yard work!
The next person needs to sort and file paperwork!
BTW, the mouse is still on the loose and I've set numerous traps! Very smart mouse!!
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Thanks so much, Ceanna!! I'm sorry that you have a mouse on the loose.
I definitely need to sort and file paperwork - I always need to do that and I never feel like I can catch up.
The next person has a big filing cabinet.
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Always on the paperwork. Try peanut butter in your mousetraps, if you aren't already--works at our house.
The next person is packing for an outing.
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False but I went on a trip in September.
The next person is feeling hot.
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false, it is a nice day here, but definitely not hot
the next person is watching Dancing With the Stars
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Had Dancing with Stars on while on computer so missed much!
The next person likes reading historical fiction.
Update on mouse--multiple traps set with peanut butter but it's not biting!!! No sighting tonight! I just don't want it back with its whole family! It's hard to fall asleep knowing there's a mouse in the house!!!