The Next Person Game
Yes- but I'm forced to be!
The next person is giving their kitchen decor a face lift!
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The next person likes bright colours.
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I like bright colors. Just maybe not NEON bright colors. Lol
The next person likes pastel colors.
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Hi Ocean!!
I like pastel colours but not to wear.
The next person likes to wear navy and black.
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Hi Aussie!!
Yes, I do like navy & black. I usually wear slacks in one or the other color every day for work. Except Fridays when it's jeans day!!
The next person likes to wear reds and pinks.
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Yes, I love to wear reds and pinks!!
The next person has bought new clothes recently. I have.
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Yes, I did!!
The next person likes the way new clothes makes you feel!!
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I have mixed feelings about new clothes but I do like it when I find something I'm looking for.
The next person has been buying clothes for the new season.
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No, not really. I was buying clothes for a football game & more beer clothes. Lol
The next person gets rid of old clothes when she buys new clothes. (I don't but I should.)
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I do get rid of clothes at times but not always at the same time as when I buy something new, it depends.
The next person has clothing shops that they like nearby.
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Not as many as I would like. Sometimes we'll drive an hour north where there's a better selection of shops.
The next person sometimes will go a distance to shop for clothes.
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Yes, I will sometimes go a distance to shop for clothes but most of the shops I go to aren't further than half an hour.
The next person has a shopping centre nearby.
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Yes, a small one just down the street from my work.
The next person has many shopping centres nearby.
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We have a few shopping centres not too far but most of them are in the eastern suburbs.
The next person lives in a nice part of their town.
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It's nice to me....not fancy or anything, but quiet and nicely kept up.
The next person has had a nice, lazy day.
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Yes, I do. I love my neighborhood. Very quiet, deer frequently run through my yard, very little crime...I love it!!
The next person likes their neighborhood.
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Yes, I do quite like my neighbourhood - there are some pretty house and trees nearby and I can walk to the shops.
The next person lives near their work.
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No, about 20 minute drive.
The next person lives near a large town.
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I live in the northern suburbs of a huge city, Melbourne.
The next person has been watching YouTube.
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No, we listen to YouTube at work every now and then. Getting ready to head home now, Aussie!!
The next person watched a sporting event over the weekend. (I watched football - we won! And soccer - we lost in the playoffs!)
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Ocean, have a good evening!!
No, I didn't watch any sport over the weekend. I'm glad your football team won.
The next person likes to exercise.
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Yes, I do.
The next person likes exercise classes more than individual activities
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I used to do aerobics but I haven't done any exercise classes for years.
The next person has lots of friends.
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I have quite a few friends.
The next person has a 'best' friend
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The next person was popular at school. I wasn't.
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I was more of a nerd type,
the next person is more outgoing now than when she was younger
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No, I'm not going through a particularly outgoing phase
The next person feels shy
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I'm not shy at all. I don't like alot of attention but I'll talk to anyone!
The next person has a beautiful new kitchen table!
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I just totally redid my whole kitchen two years ago so have a beautiful new everything!
the next person is on a diet
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Yes! It's working to! I'm down 2 pants size
The next person has grown to love cucumbers