The Next Person Game
The next person will be going to the cinema during this Christmas season.
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The next person has a new year tridition.
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The next person has been to see one or more light displays this season.
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False, I didn't think of it this year.
The next person is relieved that Christmas is over.
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The next person is looking forward to better year!
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The next person is looking forward to having a rest.
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Yes, sigh, I always need a nap.
The next person is hoping they will have more energy in 2020.
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I sure am!
The next person has plans to celebrate New Year's Eve.
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True. Let's just hope DH goes along!
The next person is working on a cleaning/organizing project.
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Yes, I've been trying to organise lots of things and find things to give to a charity shop.
The next person is having more of a rest than usual.
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I had a good night's rest last night, yes!
The next person is fixing a big pot of soup for dinner!
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Made soup yesterday and will have leftovers today.
The next person caught a cold over the holidays!!
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No, not so far. I'm sorry if you caught a cold, ceanna.
The next person just woke up.
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No, it's almost time for me to get off work.
The next person has to work New Year's Day.
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No... not this year... but some thing tells me will be working it next year...
The next person will kiss someone at midnight tonight
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The next person is looking forward to New Year's Eve (mine has come and gone).
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Happy New Year, Aussie!
Yes, I am looking forward to a New Year.
The next person will fix black eyed peas (some folks have that as a tradition).
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Happy New Year, Missouri!
No, I won't be fixing black eyed peas (no tradition of that here).
The next person plans a quiet New Year's Day.
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I had a pretty busy New Years Day. We had a monster snowstorm (26 inches) and have been digging out ever since!
the next person needs to go on a post-holiday diet!
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The next person is looking forward to the New Year!
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The next person has a fun wedding to attend in 2020.
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Not that I know of.
The next person went to a wedding in 2019.
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The next person knows someone expecting a baby in 2020.
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Yes!!! My daughter!! I'm going to be a Grammy for the 2nd time due Feb 4th!!
The next person knows someone graduating from high school or college this year.
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Nephew and his wife are expecting their second child in the spring and oldest granddaughter is on schedule to graduate from Baylor University this year.
The next person is both excited and a little bit sad about children/grandchildren growing up.
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Yes, exactly Beaverntx. As excited as I am to see my daughters becoming Mommys there's a part of me that is missing my little girls. I miss soccer games, band practice, concerts, the chaos in the morning of getting them both on the bus, little girl giggles, them climbing into bed with me because they had a nightmare, the everyday life of being a Mom. I know I'm still their Mom and they show me everyday that I still am when they call and ask me for help with something But I still miss my little girls.
The next person sometimes wishes time would slow down even for just one day.
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The next person wishes one could sneak back in time and revisit chosen days.
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Yes I do sometimes. There are things that I don't remember well and I wish I'd taken more photos.
The next person has taken a lot of photos over the Christmas season.
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No it seams I always forget to take pictures.
The next person has plans for today
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Yes, I might be doing a couple of errands in the afternoon.
The next person does fun things on Saturdays.