The Next Person Game
Not really.
The next person is optimistic.
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Pretty optimistic!
The next person sometimes has a song stuck in their mind for a whole day!!!
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Yes! But worse, all night! Ugghhh. I hate that!
The next person has creative ways of getting things out of their head when trying to fall asleep.
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I think the best way to get something out of your head is to think about something else that you want to think about.
The next person is a planner.
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the next person had a hair appointment today or will before the week is over
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No. My hair appointment is in 5 weeks.
The next person is concerned about all the flu related illnesses and deaths in there area.
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No, it is Summer here, concerned more about the fires and smoke pollution.
The next person has a family birthday coming up soon.0 -
Yes, it's my oldest sister's birthday next month.
The next person remembers birthdays well.
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Yes! That's true!
The next person walks at least 30 minutes every day.
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I get at least 10,000 steps a day. Sometimes walking, sometimes doing other exercises.
The next person likes to mix up her exercise routine.
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True..when I have time...( NEED to make time)
The next person had New York style pizza for dinnet!
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No, what's New York style pizza?
The next person just found something they lost.
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Not that I can think of. Other than a word I was trying to think of yesterday for about an hour. Lol
The next person finds it frustrating when they can't think of a word for something.
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Yes, unfortunately happening more the older I get!! LOL!!
The next person reads a daily newspaper.
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Yes, I do here at work.
The next person watches the nightly news on TV.
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No I don't, it's too depressing.
The next person is good at world geography.
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the next person is going to watch some sort of sporting event this weekend
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I doubt it.
The next person has an appointment this weekend.
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I didn't but my son did at the dentist.
The next person enjoys embroidery.0 -
I've never done embroidery but I do enjoy cross stitch
The next person is good at sewing
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Used to sew almost all my clothes but don't anymore. Barely bother to fix clothes anymore! Like to sew but don't need any more clothes!
The next person needs to sort through and donate clothes they never wear!
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Always true!
The next person needs to organise their house more.
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Oh soooo true!
The next person is having a lazy Sunday morning.0 -
I did sleep in but it's Sunday night here in Melbourne now.
The next person is getting things done on their Sunday.
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No, I didn't get much done on Sunday. It was a lazy kind of day. But was a very relaxing, very much needed day.
The next person is anticipating something exciting in the next few weeks.
(My 2nd grandson will be here in the next few weeks!!! I'm SO excited!!!)
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Congratulations, Ocean!! It's lovely to have something to look forward to.
I hope some things will be done to my new house in the next few weeks and it will be exciting.
The next person is having a good day.
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I had a good day (other than the fact that it is brutally cold here).
the next person might have another winter storm coming her way
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Probably! Only hope the forecasts are wrong!!
The next person loves pecans.
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Yes, I do love pecans actually.
The next person likes pecan pie.
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Yes, I do. But I try not to eat too much of it because it is so fattening.
The next person likes apple pie ala mode (with vanilla ice cream).