The Next Person Game
Actually we do have a dishwasher .
The next person has a nice view from their kitchen window (we don't).
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True. My kitchen window over my sink look out over the pool. I'm working that view every summer.
The next person is attending a concert this afternoon. My oldest grandson is performing with philharmonia with the local Youth Orchestra!
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Vargadoll, I hope you enjoy the concert.
The next person has been reading a contract today.
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No, I haven't.
The next person has been looking at so many numbers today their eyes are beginning to hurt.
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No, I haven't. I hope your eyes feel better soon, Ocean!!
The next person hopes that tomorrow is less busy.
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The "busy" question always reminds me that I'm as "busy" as I choose to be now that I'm retired, and that, I may feel busy when it might be something I have chosen not to want to do!! I'd be busy if doing housework or other tasks I don't like, so I try to spend as little time as I can being "busy." When I was working "busy" meant something different to me--non-stop people and paperwork!
The next person likes to be active--doing things they like to do!
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I like to be active sometimes but some days I just want to stay home and watch TV.
The next person is looking forward to their favourite TV show.
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Yes but in have to wait for the new season😖
The next person will celebrate Mardi Gras.
It's today here and lots of parades, parties and drinking going on before everyone goes to church tomorrow and asks for forgiveness and gets ashes on their foreheads. Gotta love New Orleans. LOL
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The next person goes to church.
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I used to when I was younger but I haven't now for a very long time. I need to get back into the habit of going. I went with my mother-in-law after my diagnosis. She asked me to go with her so that her congregation could pray for me. It was nice.
The next person participated in youth group activities in their church when they were young.
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Hi Ocean!!
Yes I did.
The next person likes hugs.
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Hi Aussie!
Yes, I do. Depending on who is giving them. Lol I come from a big family of "huggers" Lol
The next person likes giving hugs as well as receiving them.
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Absolutely! I'm a massage therapist, so positive touch is immensely important in my world.
The next person uses their hands when they talk.
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Often, depends on how animated the conversation!!
The next person had a paczki today.
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I'm not sure what that is, so I'd have to answer no.
The next person didn't get enough sleep last night.
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No, I never seem to get enough sleep no matter how much I sleep.
The next person goes to bed early and sleeps late.
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I’m early to bed early to rise.
The next person has insomnia.
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I do at times but sometimes I'm so tired that I fall asleep fast.
The next person likes to unwind before they go to bed.
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Aussie, a paczki is a "Fat Tuesday," usually jelly or cream filled roll/donut traditionally eaten the day before the start of Lent. I never see them in the stores any other time of the year. Started out as a Polish/catholic observance and now generally an excuse to have a yummy treat.
I usually take the time to read and relax before bed, although reading doesn't put me to sleep--unfortunately.
The next person needs to make some follow up calls about bills they received.
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Ceanna, thanks for explaining that a a paczki is a "Fat Tuesday" donut.
No, but I've been writing some business emails.
The next person doesn't like making phone calls.
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No, since I'm on the phone so much for work I don't like being on the phone once I go home. Lol
The next person would prefer to communicate through texting or emailing.
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Hi Ocean!!
I do prefer texting and emailing to talking on the phone but I find face to face communication good in some circumstances too.
The next person sometimes feels shy.
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Hi Aussie!
Sometimes. I've never been very confident so that causes me to feel shy at times.
The next person is outgoing.
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Definitely not, LOL!
The next person has some really good friends.
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Yes, I'm lucky to have some very good friends. You included in that group, Aussie!
The next person has a big family. (I do!)
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The next person is tired of cloudy days!
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No kidding!! I am so tired of gloomy, rainy days. I'm ready for some sunshine and warm temperatures!!
The next person is ready for warm weather.
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Ocean, thank you!! I consider you my very good friend too!
Yes, and I hope you get some warm, sunny weather soon. This has been our coldest February for a long time!
The next person slept in today.
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Not today but I plan to tomorrow.
The next person is glad it's Friday. (I am!!)
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Hi Ocean!!
I have mixed feelings about it being Friday night because we're in the middle of a lot of things at the moment and things won't progress over the weekend.
The next person has fun plans over the weekend.