The Next Person Game
Valentine's day is still a working day here but people do celebrate it. I don't have special plans for that day.
The next person has their birthday soon.
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Aussie, Valentine's Day is still a working day here, too. But it's also a big holiday for couples to celebrate. It's actually the holiday when my hubby & I started dating back in high school. We went to the "Sweetheart Swirl Dance" together our Sophomore Year (10th grade) of High School when we were 16. So it's a pretty special holiday for us.
My birthday is in April so not too far off.
The next person has been able to avoid the flu this flu season.
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I would call Valentine's day a special occasion for some people rather than a holiday because here a holiday means you don't work. It could be different in America. Congratulations on your holiday coming up on Valentine's day!
No, I haven't had flu for ages and it's a while since I had a cold too.
The next person has been doing paperwork.
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In America we have all kinds of holidays where we do still work. I think it's to encourage people to go out and buy gifts, cards, flowers, food, go out to eat at restaurants, etc. Lol I hear people tease about that frequently when these kinds of holidays come up.
I've been working on pricing for my work. So it's a combination of paperwork and computer work.
The next person finds paperwork tedious.
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Sweet story, Ocean!
I have been doing paperwork.
The next person is planning a fun vacation.
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No, but I wish I was.
The next person has been too busy.
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It seems like we're always too busy, Aussie!! Lol
Thanks Ruth! That was in 1979! Yikes! A year or two ago! We went out to eat at Pizza Hut before the dance. We used to go that same Pizza Hut on the big anniversaries of our first date 5, 10, 15, etc. Our daughters thought it was cheesy. Lol Last year was the 40th anniversary and it was the first year we couldn't go because they sold the building and moved to a new location! I told my hubby we should go to the new location, buy a pizza and go sit in the parking lot of the Cash Max that was now in it's place and celebrate! He said we'd be arrested as suspicious persons. Lol
The next person had trouble getting out of bed this morning.
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I didn't have too much trouble getting out of bed. I was glad that no one rang me and woke me up.
The next person has trouble making themselves go to bed.
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So true, I have very poor sleeping schedule and love to stay up late and sleep late!
The next person needs their hair trimmed.
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Oh my goodness, yes! I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing with mine. Some days I like it straight, others I like it curly. So I don't know if I want to let it keep growing and get another spiral perm or cut it and keep it shoulder length and straight. It was to my waist and in a spiral perm before cancer. So I just don't know. Hmmmmm.....
The next person is having a difficult time making a decision about something in their life.
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The next person is feeling stressed.
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the next person polishes her fingernails
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Not much anymore.
The next person is currently reading or recently read a biography or memoir.
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Yes, I've been reading the book Lessons From The Mountain by Mary McDonough (who played Erin on The Waltons).
The next person doesn't have as much time to read as they'd like.
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So true! I am currently in the middle of (um, 1...2....) 4 books scattered around the house.
The next person is getting a massage this month.
And if you're not, I hope you'll consider it.
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Yes, I have an osteopath massage every 3 weeks.
The next person knows how to relax.
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I think I do but sometimes I get too stressed and just can't seem to relax no matter what I try. Lol
The next person plans to relax over the weekend.
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I all of the sudden have tons of things I need to get done!
(If you live in the United States) the next person has gotten her Real ID (I just got mine today)
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I got as part of driver's license renewal last year. Great when traveling by air.
The next person has to renew their passport soon.
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Mine's okay for 2 more years.
The next person went out to dinner tonight.
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The next person plans a quiet Sunday.
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The next person has acute bronchitis and feels miserable! (I do!)
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Vargadoll, sorry you're not feeling well. Get better soon!
No, thankfully not sick at the moment.
The next person likes to curl up in bed when sick.
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Vargadoll, I hope you get better soon!
The next person hasn't had a cold for quite a while.
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I'm just getting over a cold. Fortunately it was a short, mild one.
Hope you feel better soon, Varga!
The next person went to a benefit of some sort recently.
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Ruth, I hope you feel better soon.
The next person is doing housework today.
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I feel good, it was one of those quick colds.
I cleaned the whole house yesterday. Laundry today.
The sun is shining where the next person lives.
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Ruth, I'm glad you're feeling good and well done for doing all that housework.
No, it's 3am here!
The next person is having a cold day.
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Yes! I've been freezing all day!
The next person can't wait for warm weather!
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Love warmer weather and currently waiting out winter! My ideal is 75F with sunshine and mild breeze!
The next person regularly wears a ring (besides a wedding band or diamond)