The Next Person Game
true (and it was quite different, I feel sorry for the hygienists who dressed like astronauts going to the moon!)
the next person has been to the eye doctor later (I have my annual exam this afternoon)
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No, I haven't had an eye test this year. I hope your appointment goes well, Ruth.
The next person has had phone appointments with doctors lately rather than going into their office.
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Hi Aussie!
No, I haven't had any phone appointments. I've had appointments but mine have all been in person.
The next person has been tested for COVID-19. (I was but it was only because I was having a procedure done at the hospital so it was done as a precaution prior to admission.)
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Hi Ocean!!
No, I haven't had a COVID-19 test.
The next person hasn't had a cold or flu this year.
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that is true
The next person had a busy day
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I haven't been busy so far today but I was yesterday.
The next person thinks Saturdays should be fun days.
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the next person is having a windy day
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Yes, it's been very windy here!
The next person will be going shopping today.
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I did make a shopping run.
The next person does not like circuses.
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Not in my limited experience but I like acrobatics.
The next person would rather watch things on TV than going to cinemas
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False, though we have a really nice home theater set up at home too.
The next person has an extensive video library.
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I have quite a lot of DVDs and still a few videos
The next person likes to watch the special features on DVDs
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Ture!! We love all the behind-the-scenes stuff. My eldest child wants to be an animator when they grow up, so they love watching the rendering and rushes scenes.
The next person likes to have the subtitles on when watching DVDs
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Yes, because it's hard to hear and understand what people say
The next person finds it hard to hear movies and TV
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Yes, I’m always turning the volume up!
The next person has trouble hearing people talking through masks.
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Yes! Sometimes all you can hear is a mumble! Lol
The next person looks forward to talking to people WITHOUT masks again.
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Hi Ocean!!
Yes, I'm so looking forward to people without masks
The next person is looking forward to more freedom
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The next person is meeting up with friends today (I am.....outside, socially distanced, bringing own lunches)
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No, we're not allowed to get together with people from other households
The next person will be seeing family this weekend
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probably DS who lives in same town as me, we usually check in sometime over the weekend & usually do lunch once over the weekend (outside)
the next person wonders how there will be any semblence of 'normal' life once the weather gets cold
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True but for us when it gets hotter if we have to keep wearing face masks.
The next person is sad about all the businesses that have to close permanently because of COVID-19.
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Yes, I'm sad to see so many businesses closing. Some that have closed here have been here for decades. Very sad.
The next person doesn't like the changes they've seen in the world over the last several years.
(I don't. I would like to see the world go back to the way it was when I was a child. But sadly those days are gone.)
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true (I can't imagine that ANYONE likes what's going on in the world right now)
the next person keeps in touch with some people they knew when they were a child
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The next person often writes emails to family members (who they don't live with).
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False. We're more likely to text to each other.
The next person has been swabbed for COVID. (That was fun! #extremesarcasm)
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The next person hasn't had any flu or colds this year.
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The next person is seeing the weather start to turn.
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It is still being unusually nice here, but it's definitely cooler in the mornings & evenings.
The next person's leaves are starting to change color.
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No, but we are getting some lovely spring flowers.
The next person likes gardening.
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on a small scale
the next person has been to a wedding recently