The Next Person Game
We don't have any wallpaper but it's something I'd be interested in in the future.
The next person has a fireplace in their house.
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the next person is expecting bad weather (we're in a tornado watch)
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Ruth, hope that watch stays just a watch and then goes away!
Our forecast bad weather is triple digits next week, a gift from Christobal!
The next person had a quiet weekend.
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Quieter than a very busy week prior!
The next person has a doctor's appointment coming up in the next couple of weeks.
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Fairly quiet, yes.
The next person has a busy week coming up.
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No busier than normal.
The next person wants to change their work schedule.
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I'm not working but I always want to be less busy than I am.
The next person likes their job.
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Yes, I do!! I've been here 10 years and I still like it, some days more than others. Lol
The next person is working from home due to COVID-19. (I'm working 50/50 - mornings at the office, afternoons from home, but I'd honestly prefer to work 100% from home)
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Hi Ocean, I'm glad you like your job.
I'm not working but I'm spending a lot of time at home.
The next person is looking forward to when they can go on holiday.
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True.....I have a bunch of travel vouchers from canceled if/when we can travel again, I will have some 'free' plane tickets.
The next person has a passport.
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I have one but have no plans to use it any time soon!
The next person is staying home for more reasons than one (including very hot weather here).
Hi, everybody. Thanks Ocean for getting us started again.
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Yes, we are meant to stay home except for a few reasons to go out, plus I have a slight cold.
The next person is feeling too busy.
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The next person has a pet or pets
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True! Two cats, Inara and Stevie, and a rose-haired tarantula named Princess.
The next person has house plants.
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False, but I have gorgeous outside plants.
the next person is expecting a stormy day
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The next person uses sensitive toothpaste
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No but I do use dry mouth toothpaste!
The next person has an electric toothbrush.
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The next person has nice neighbors
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Hi everybody! I haven't been able to stop by here much recently. I noticed a couple of my favorite pages needed a "kick start". Lol
Yes, I have some very nice neighbors. Most of which have been our neighbors for more than 20 years.
The next person has lived in their current home for a long time.
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Hi Ocean!
No, only since April.
The next person has done renovations to their house.
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Not yet, but we need to.
The next person is happy to see this thread active again.
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The next person loves plants
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Yes, especially pink flowers.
The next person has pretty flowers in their garden.
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Yes (Marigolds, petunias and begonias)
The next person is sick of summer already
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Never! I'm an absolute lizard.
The next person hates cold weather.
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Yes I do hate cold weather and we've been having a lot of it here since it's winter.
The next person is looking forward to autumn or spring.
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yes (autumn)
The next person wants rain for their grass
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Yes, and area farm crops!!
The next person has a vegetable garden.
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Not a whole garden, just a few vegetables & herbs on the side of the house. (Here's some of my pink flowers for you, Aussie.)
The next person likes to watch baseball.0 -
Ruth, thanks for the photos of your lovely pink flowers!
The next person likes to watch gymnastics.