The Next Person Game
Not today. I normally do not cook, so the sink is not full of dishes. The dish washer is really great at hidding the dirty dishes when and if I cook.
The next person is looking forward to a relaxing Sunday.
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Next person loves to eat lemons
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True. Had to stop sucking on fresh lemons because they were eating away at my teeth! How'd you know that Foot? Freaky....
The next person is drinking a glass of cheap wine and wondering why she should bother plaing this game
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False..done drinking the wine tonight, but i'm trying to get a smile through my worrisome mind, that's why I'm here.
next person has a great attitude?
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One day at a time
Next person like alot of salt when they eat
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False, my heart was damaged with chemo and I have to limit my salt intake now.
The next person eats grits.
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Absolutely do.... I LOVE grits with butter and salt and pepper !!
The next person has a bird for a pet ..
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ewwwwwww to birds. NOT a bird lover AT ALL.
The next person will do what this Sunday.
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Hmmmmm? Marejo?? Is that a typo? A mystery? Or am I too tired to get it?
I'm 'doing' to go to church, does that count??
The next person likes to shop at Target.
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True - I like discount stores tho these days all stores are becoming "discount" stores.
I'm with Marejo - eww on birds for pets, they are too messy. I like my pet rock - no muss, no fuss.
The next person got a decent night's sleep last night.
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Not me! Not much of a baker!
The next person's husband snores so bad at night that it keeps you up at night!
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False to snoring....since he got he CPAP mahine it's quiet.But I still can't sleep good.
Next person going for a ride today?
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True-we are having chicken enchiladas.
The next person will get some laundry done today.
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true....seems like there's always laundry to do
love animals of all kinds-----EXCEPT snakes!! they scare me!!!!!
LOVE shopping at Target!!
The next person knows someone who was born on 29th of Feb (leap year baby)
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No, I don't.
The next person will watch a movie today. We rented Mama Mia.....I loved it.....dh was bored. Oh well
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True, my son left "W" laying on top of the TV for me.
The next person had/has a stepmother.
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True ~ my dad has remarried four times after my mother!
The next person likes Nascar.
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No never been interested in it.
The next person has tomorrow off for President's Day. (I do!)
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No way, I need these choppers cleaned
Next person is obsessed about their teeth
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Well, not obsessed but picky about making sure I floss everyday.
The next person is going to watch The Amazing Race.
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False. I don't even know if this Amazing Race is real or not.
The next person loves the lengthening daylight.
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False to Amazing Race.
The next person read a magazine today.
(I was INTERVIEWED by a magazine today -- how cool was that??)
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Faith....I read a magazine today and was also interviewed for a magazine (last week) - a hospital magazine in Milwaukee where I went for treatment. A friend I met from their and myself were interviewed. They may even take our pictures and hang a banner in the skywalk at the hospital in their new cancer wing. Also, they are looking into a reporter who may be interested in our story for a human interest story. Cool, huh?
The next person is gearing up for Monday morning.
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Faith, what magazine? That is sooooooooo cool!!!! You too Marejo, awesome! Celebrities !!!!!
I work tomorrow eve so will sleep in tomorrow am!
Next person loves Ginger Snap cookies
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Whooohooooo MJ. cool. huh?? Love it! Love it!
False to gearing up...... staying kinda down-low for another couple of days, till I jump back into the fire again next week.
Edited to say: TRUE to ginger snaps & all cookies!
The mag I was interviewed was called "ADVANCE" and is for occupational therapists.
The next person prefers tulips to roses.
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Sorry, I love roses, They are my favorite,
Next person loves to take quiet time every day
Yes faith ginger snaps are it
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Well, on the nights I am off I actually sleep with THREE pets on the bed !! lol
The next person is allergic to penicillin.