The Next Person Game
oh oh oh Faith, I get Advance for nurses! I wonder if it will be in there! Which issue?? Have I told you that you totally remind me of my sister? Really do!
you work nights pbcc1? Me too
No allergy to PCN
Next person still has not done their taxes!
0 -
I did our taxes a few weeks ago - all filed and refund received.
The next person is a happy person.
0 -
True - I am a happy person - I know I'm lucky that all the brain chemicals are where they should be, depression is a serious dreadful state of mind and I'd sure hate to be there.
I finished MOST of my tax stuff yesterday and that's only getting it organized, totaled, etc., for the accountant - we see him next month.
The next person is going to get to the gym today.
0 -
Oh, geezzee, I wish that were true. Have some errands and setting a website up for a friend.
Curlie.. nights at inpatient hospice.
The next person hates to wear shorts.
0 -
True, I don't wear shorts.
False, what's a gym? I do need to get to the gyn, though. :-)
The next person has visited an outhouse.
0 -
Yep, as a very young child, I do remember one when visiting relatives.
The next person hates to wear shorts !!
0 -
False - I love to wear shorts, especially after these long Canadain winters! Hurry up summer!
The next person loves carrots!
0 -
TRUE: I do ADORE carrots -- with or without dip!
Have visited MANY an outhouse -- in several countries, no less! Old camper here. Used an outhouse for an ENTIRE summer. Fresh air.
I hate to wear shorts..... must go find some long ones for FL, tho.
True to being a happy person -- that's an objective always.
True to having been to a gym this morning!! Whooooohoooooo.
The next person has had a professional massage.
0 -
That's right! I'm not a dress girl.
Next person like to go fishing!
0 -
True -- I love to go fishing! Can't wait to go again.
The next person watches Big Love.
0 -
I don't know what Big Love is.
We will be watching Antique Roadshow tonight.
The next person only turns on the TV for an emergency, one TV show and the Patriots games.
0 -
No, more than only in an emergency
The next person had a good day at work.
0 -
False. I haven't worked since July 2008.
To the outhouse question: We had an outhouse until I was in the 5th grade. My grandmother had one until after I graduated from highschool. Even some of the local churches had outhouses when I was a kid.
I also will be watching Antique Roadshow tonight. I saw it last night and the lady had a wedding gift painting that was worth at least $500,000. That is what I call a gift.
The next person is trying to gear themselves up for some up coming procedure.
0 -
True, I need to get a colonoscopy! I was told to get one when I was dx with bc, but I keep putting it off. This is the year!
The next person has been in a play.
0 -
You have a procedure coming up Pinky, right? Hope I did not miss it. HUGS PINKY!
No to been in a play, although growing up my Mom always said I was a drama queen
next person knows how to make perogies (sp?)
0 -
False. Not much of a cook, no perogies in this house.
Drama queen, curlie. Too funny.
I've been in several plays -- back in the day. And I worked at a dinner theatre, too.
The next person chooses Coke over Pepsi.
0 -
I'm not sure what they are.
Yes, I have procedure coming up. I am scheduled for my exchange on the 26th.
I have been in a couple of plays at the local theatre.
The next person feels tired but is not sure why.
0 -
No....has lots of energy today.
The next person has a sick poor dh has this cold type flu (that I gave him) and today started the stomach flu tooooooooooo... OYE
0 -
Pinky - dont't think I have ever met anyone who hasn't heard of the sodas Coke or Pepsi. They are advertised everywhere.
False husband feeling fine..
The next person has heard of Coke or Pepsi.
0 -
Umm, true - I am drinking a Pepsi right now in fact.
The next person likes iced coffee.
0 -
Pinky hasn't heard of perogies, you silly rabbit.
False, I abhor iced coffee.
I do LOVE Coke Zero.
The next person types at least 60 wpm.
0 -
I type pretty fast...... wonder if I make the 60 wpm. Probably can't sustain it for very many minutes tho. LOL.
I really created a ruckus with the simple Coke/Pepsi question. LOL.
No iced coffee for me. Nor hot coffee either.
The next person owns a yoga mat.
0 -
Oh my gosh MissShapen thanks for clarifying that. Now that makes more sense.LOL I do feel like a silly rabbit.
No I do not own a yoga mat. Always wanted to try yoga.
The next person has read a magazine today.
0 -
No, not today.
The next persons cable/internet/phone service went out tonight. Had to sit around and talk. Hahahahahahahaha!
0 -
LOL, false, everything is working here. :-)
:-) to Patty
The next person has a daughter.
0 -
Nope, Just four legged kids.
Next person love to go boating
0 -
True-- I love to go boating but I don't like taking care of a boat.
The next person has chemo tomorrow.
0 -
No I have breathing class, Chemo shot next day.
The next person bird watches
0 -
True, but mostly in my backyard
The next person is going to eat something later she probably shouldn't.
0 -
I guess, Animal Crackers
Next person want to go on a trip