The Next Person Game
False. Don't like crafts.
The next person enjoys reading
0 -
True, I love to read.
Congrats, candi. We want to see a picture!
The next person has seen apple butter churned.
0 -
No, never have.
The next person has a cold.
0 -
I've seen butter churned at pioneer day recreations but not sure if there were any apples in it - that IS what makes it "apple butter" right?
Congratulations Candi.......and she's a lucky baby to have you for grandma!
Ok Pinky - what's Mike and Ike over chocolate?
The next person has a medical procedure tomorrow - I have a PET scan....
0 -
True, Cancer appt tomorrow and test
Next person loves to eat chips and dip
0 -
Congrats Candie, great news!
best wishes tomorrow Foots and Well!
Love chips and dip, yum.
Next person loves I Love Lucy (like my new avatar? hahaha!)
0 -
I hope it goes well, Well. I had mine last week and got a good report! yay!
Yes, I love Lucy.
The next person has worn pigtails.
0 -
Yes, but it must have been at least 40 years ago LOL
The next person loves fishing
0 -
Have not gone fishing since I was a kid, but would love to do it now.
Next person has multiple piercings in their ears
0 -
Only one
Thanks for your ear
Next person love cats
0 -
True - I do love cats but we don't have any at the present time
I have 2 piercings per ear but always just wear one earring so I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time I decided to go for hole number two?
Curli - I do love Lucy but now I miss your beautiful smiling face. Were you teased as a child about being related to Lucy with your curly red hair? My goddaughter had/has lovely red hair, blue eyes and a smattering of freckles across her nose - you remind me of her.
I fished in Alaska in '07 (see my avator) and loved it.
Footie - prayers that you pass your tests with flying colors.
The next person actually had a decent night's sleep last night
The next person
0 -
I did! Slept like a rock!
The next person loves to sew
0 -
absolutely HATE to sew.
The next persons city will soon have a new mayor.
0 -
No mayoral changes for us.
LOVE to sew/quilt.
Lucy was an original!
Congrats to Candi.
Wishes to Well & Footie.
Next person is good at juggling.
0 -
OMG !! NOT !! Not a chance I can juggle. Jiggle perhaps, but not juggling ! LOL
The next person has one week left of radiation !
0 -
Looks like we overlapped..
Only if "juggling tasks" can be included --- I am very good multi-tasker.
No to radiation... still have 12 rounds of chemo, then surgery, then radiation...
The next person has compteted in a BBQ Cookoff.
0 -
False ... don't even like bbq that much !!
The next person is bald !
0 -
The next person can play the piano0 -
Not unless you count chopsticks as playing ! LOL
The next person has on white socks today.
0 -
Fuzzy socks today!
(Well , I was called Woody Woodpecker, Strawberry Shortcake, carrot top, and my favorite, BOZO!) Kids are cruel................Explains my issues lol!
Next person will get the homeowners kickback! Thanks Obama!
0 -
Grateful to Obama...... have you seen Patrice's photos from the inauguration?? She was literally standing BEHIND him just prior to his walking out onto the world stage..... they're on her Facebook page.
Curli: I adore your red hair!
True to having on white socks.... went to a stretching yoga class this morning.
Catrenae: multi-tasking is da bomb, if you can do it. Can you coach me in those skills?
The next person drinks V8 juice in an effort to get more veggies into the day.
0 -
No to white socks....or any socks for that matter. Wearing sandals today...80 deg. here in Texas)
Don't think so on the kickback. (What exactly are the conditions for the the kickback for homeowner's?)
No to V8 juice. Not a fan....
(Faith--- Not sure I would be a good coach.. Basically HAD to learn to multi-task.. ever changing project priorities and print deadline!)
0 -
yes ~ love V8 juice! I could use some now!
The next person had snow last night.
0 -
No snow thank you very much
The next person is wearing a blue shirt0 -
False ~ a pink night shirt with buttons, to access these darn drains!!!!!!!!!!
The next person has had more than one surgery.
0 -
True -- 2 so far and more to come!
The next person has had a surprise party given for them.
0 -
False ~ but I would secretly love one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next person has had a surprise party given for them!
0 -
Sort of. I found out the day before.
Yes, I have had more surgeries than I want to remember.
Yes I have on white socks
The next person needs to do some house work and class work but can't get it together thinking about the next surgery.
0 -
NOT.... need to do some housework, and studying for board certification, BUT.
NO surgery scheduled here !! All done !
I woke up early this morning...............
0 -
and so wished I could go back to bed!
The next person can't wait until Friday!