The Next Person Game
False ~ I only like kittens when they are tiny and cute
The next person got paid today!
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I got up today, Thats my pay
Next person loves each day, Even when not going good.
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True ~ I love everyday - good or bad, pain or no pain!
The next person has been to Las Vegas.
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Nope I have been everywhere else (Air Force Brat)
Next person would like to be in Hawaii
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Would I ever! I wanted to go in December, but had just had surgery and so we didn't get to take a vacation last year.
The next person had chocolate today.
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WHOO HOO WELL I am so happy for you girl!!!!
No chocolate today..........not yet!
Next person is tired of all this snow
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Yep, I am. Today we are getting up to 8 more inches. YIKES.
Next person had a piece of dark chocolate already today.
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False ~ not a chocolate person. WOuld rather have Twizzlers.
The next person likes Swedish Fish.
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False. It must be chocolate.
The next person is thinking pizza for dinner.
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False--I never think pizza, although I don't dislike it.
The next person has a list of things to do but not enough energy.
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So true, I have to go shopping, due the laundry, clean the house, ect..........
The next person is having a birthday this month
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False, But close, It was last month.....
OK, The next person likes getting her nails done......
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True-but I have not done it during my current recurrence
The next person has had energy work done on them this month (i.e. reiki, acupuncture, healing touch)
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I had a patients wife do reiki on me when I had no idea what she was doing. She just said, "give me your hands....." I will take what I can get at this point!
Next person jazzercises
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False--I never have jazzercised, but I do like dancing to music for exercise
The next person is procrastinating right now.
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True, what to do tomorrow.
Next person loves to visit friends on surprise
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I like to surprise friends with encouraging, loving and supportive cards.
The next person takes good care of themselves MOST of the time.
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Its hard to living alone, But I try.
Next person is waiting for spring to spring
0 - spring!
Next person loves to burn candles.
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Yes I love lavender one the best.
Next person love to make things for people that are suffering
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False, I have not really done that, but it would be a wonderful thing to do. Mostly I have only sent cards or letters. I need to do better. I have seen the quilts that get sent to some of the women here and that is such a beautiful labor of love.
The next person takes at least one RX regularly. (I take 5 because of my heart.:()
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Oh yeah.... not a hard one to imagine !
The next person has blue eyes ....
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False. Big brown ones here for me.
The next person will make a point to worship today.
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I did privately faith - not in church this weekend. Dh and I are still battling with these bad colds etc. and didn't want to sit and cough and cough. So, I had my own private devotion and prayer time. Now I will go down in the basement to walk on the treadmill and listen to praise and worship music.
The next person shoveled today.
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Not today but maybe tomorrow as we have another storm coming. UGGGHHHHHH
The next person had bacon and eggs this morning for breakfast! Yum, Yum!!!
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No....just a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and a little honey.
The next person has errands to run.
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True, I just have to get out of my pjs to do it!
The next person is watching their children do their homework!
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Nope...watched the grandkids do watercolor painting yesterday. They must take after their grandma
Next person went out to lunch for German food?
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No. Havn't had lunch. did church this morning and came home.
The next person is fighting off a pitty party.
0 - pity party today but have had plenty in the past.
The next person is bored.