The Next Person Game
major duh curlieqs! Never did a "next person..." thanks Foots
I try to stay positive as much as I can.
Next person like old movies
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major duh curlieqs! Never did a "next person..." thanks Foots I apparently can not talk on the phone and type at the same time!
I try to stay positive as much as I can.
Next person like old movies
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I love old movies!
Next person has a father that cares.
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True. I do have a father that cares. He has a hard time articulating that into words at times, but his actions are always solid. He's learning now (at age 80) to 'say it too.' It's awesome to see his evolving from his STRICT upbringing.
The next person is working hard at getting more exercise lately.
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True - I kicked up my exercise routine back when I was first dx'd in '07 - I am totally convinced that the increased routine got me thru my tx in one piece.
I haven't bought a lottery ticket in more than a year - the only lottery I care to win is the NED lottery. If I get an all clear today at the onc's I will feel as tho I've won the top prize.
I do love golfing - I really stink at it but who cares? We are going to Phoenix tomorrow morning and will be golfing out there in 70+degree weather - gee I'll have to miss the cold and snow here for a whole week!
The next person has a busy, busy day ahead of her
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um....that could be true. but i've been in a slacking mode, so could ultimately end up being false. I hope it ends up being true. go back to work in 3 days and have nothing to show for my time off this week.
The next person watched The Office last night. (I can't get enough of that show.)
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True, I did, although it was a rerun. That show just cracks me up. I love it! I watched all the prior seasons of it while I was out of work getting chemo. :-)
I'm so glad it's Friday!
The next person loves to wear expensive cologne.
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Ummm, I like expensive cologne, but don't have to have it... I wear everything from expensive to "cheap" as long as it smells nice.
I am also glad it's Friday.
The next person is planning to cook something special this weekend.
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False to cooking something special this weekend. I am planning on completing term paper for master's class. I need to get it in and I am having surgery next week.
The next person needs to get things in order to prepare for the next step.
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TRUE!! Many things to get in order to prepare for the next step here. (That could be on my bumper sticker it's soooooo true.)
Congrats on making progress toward your Masters Pinky. That's inspiring.
The next person has been to the dentist recently.
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Well, if recent is a couple of months ago then yes
The next person is going to the movies this weekend, and having buttered popcorn.0 -
Yummy - I love movie popcorn slathered in butter (or whatever that yellow stuff they call butter at the show is)....but False - no show this weekend, we're leaving for Phoenix in the morning for a week.
Got great news at the onc's today - results from all scans say B-9 on suspicious spots - yippee - good until the 3month check up when they'll re-CT the tailbone. What a huge relief!
The next person is walking on air today
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Yippee on the B9's! Soak up some rays for me.
The next person is alone right now so I'll give you all chemo hugs and ask you to eat a snack for me.
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No not alone. I went for a ride today to have some alone time.
The next person has almost finished cooking dinner tonight.
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Not yet, waiting for DH to come home.
Next person is sick of
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going to the hospital/treatment center/wellness center so many times a week!
The next person is annoyed when kids run through her garden, right on top of the crocuses!
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True. I do love the crocus..... sorry to see them crumpled.
The next person knows how to do the tango.
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False..although I can do a comedic rendition of it, just based on watching others do it on TV or in the movies
The next person can do the Macarena.
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False, I forgot how. Poor me.
The next person has a friend or relative who is a dentist.
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False--No dentist is a friend of mine!
The next person is looking forward to
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True. I am looking forward to seeing our grand kiddos this weekend.
Happy Dancing for Well!!
The next person likes to wear blue jeans.
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Woohoo Well!!!!!
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True--I have 1 pair of blue jeans that are the only pants that currently fit me--all the rest just fall down!
The next person is happy for Wellwater's B9 News!
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True ~ I love when anyone has good news to share!
The next person wants a snack right now.
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Yes, But I will have a glass of water
Next person is not messy
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True ~ not messy. Love everything neat, but not to the extreme my mother's house is like a model home!
The next person pay her car insurance every six months.
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True and I am glad I got it
Next person love to go bike riding
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False ~ not big on bike riding.
The next person has a pool table.
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No I dont have room
Next person loves cats
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No I dont have room
Next person loves cats