The Next Person Game
False to bored.
False to pity party.
Having a lovely Sunday, with all the bells & whistles, including a lovely little nap.
The next person buys those prepackaged, 100 calorie do dads.
0 -
I do buy those, one way to control my eating-lol!
The next person enjoys a hot cup of tea.
0 -
I do.
The next person likes chinese food
0 - chinese, mexican, italian, american, japanese... (lol) guess this means I eat too much, huh?
The next person will watch the oscars tonight.
0 -
It's all about comfort food lately. and absolutely nothing crunchy.
The next person is tired of pain tonight.
0 -
What is shaking Stormy? Miss ya girl! Hope you feel better!
Yes, pain sux Stormy, I agree but hang in there! (I will make you a rice pack!)
Next person loves bagels with butter
0 -
Mmmm...I love bagles with butter & cream cheese.
The next person knows how to make lasagna.
0 -
True, it's one of my favorites.
The next person is missing a dear friend.
0 -
hmmmmmmm. I heard from a dear friend today, wishing that we could meet up for lunch............
the next person had to scrape their windshild today: YUCK.
0 -
Thank goodness no, but I park in a parking garage at work, that is why!
Next person received cookies today from a friend, nice!
0 -
No I received a smile from Curlieqs
Next person got a candy heart for Valentines Day
0 -
False ~ but I did get a diamond ring!!!!!!!!!!
The next person has to go to work tomorrow.
0 -
No, I have a appt tomorrow
Next person is got a long day tomorrow
0 -
hugs Foots!
I do have a long day tomorrow.....12 1/2 hr shift of work, ugh
Next person can not sleep so will clean!
0 -
False--I will NOT clean but hopefully be able to sleep!
Next person took a hot bath today.
0 -
I took a hot shower while sitting down if that counts, need a plug stopper for my tub....
Next person is planning a garage sale for the spring.
0 -
True--I am planning it in my mind only so far.
The next person can't have a garage sale until she gets some dead cars out of the driveway.
0 -
False ~ no cars in driveway. I do have a whole spare bedroom filled with stuff for a garage sale. I have up to size 18 months of baby girl stuff in mint condition to get rid of.
The next person loves to go to garage sales.
0 -
True--I love going to garage sales so much that I made a business out of it.
The next person has pruned her roses already this season.
0 -
(hey 2new1s, think of selling on ebay?? I am an ebay junkie!)
I have not gone to a garage sale in years, not sure why. i do go to thrift store though...
Next person gives to the Good Will
0 -
Toyful I am so sorry! I keep tripping!!
0 -
No es un problema!
True--I give to the Goodwill every month.
The next person has pruned roses this month.
0 -
Gracias toyful
I pulled a rose bush last month, it was dead dead dead!
Next person will celebrate St Patricks day
0 -
True to that! I even have a 6.5 foot white tree with white lights that I am decorating in St. Patrick's decorations. It is 1/3 decorated so far.
Next person was dehydrated when she woke up today.
0 -
That is awesome, would love to see that!
Yes, feel like I am chronically dehydrated.
Next person subscribes to magazines
0 -
I will send you a photo after I get some more decorations for it.
False--I do not like magazines very much. I love books though.
Next person sometimes has a grocery delivery service come to her house.
0 -
False ~ no magazines, nor do I have roses. I used to get Cosmo delivered until my kids started to get older & read it! Too much inappropriate things in there for them.
The next person needs to sleep. (I wish for a good night's rest).
0 -
Oops, I am up too late again! How did you know? I'm supposed to be in bed by 10:15, because we get up at 6:15 to walk every morning. I'm 1 1/4 hour late right now. No more boob stuff tonight!
The next person wears glasses.
0 -
Next person wondering what they are going to do today?
0 -
False ~ I know that I can do nothing today, accodring to my PS. I was going to get my drains out today, however I overdid it this weekend and had too much ouput.
The next person has St. Patrick's Day decorations.