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The Next Person Game



  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    False  i have a neat desk

             Next person has never changed a tire

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    True, thank you Auto Club!

    The next person made crank phone calls when they were a kid.

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    So True!  Remember "Excuse me mister, is your refrigerator running? Oh geeze!

    The next person likes classical music.

  • Pepper_B
    Pepper_B Member Posts: 173
    Options Bach

    The next person dislikes one of their co-workers! (I know I do)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False -- I am a stay at home mom.

    The next person loves yogurt !

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274

    True love any knid of yogurt expecially the go gurts that come in a tube that you push up

    The next person likes spelunking (hiking through underground caves)

    I really enjoyed that~!~!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False -- Are you kidding?....I hate to even clean my oven..I must hate dark small spaces ! LOL  but, I LOVE nature walks !

    Oh, one time I was in a bat cave...THAT was fun! Until they said cover your hair ! Foot in mouth

    The next person, loves Halloween !

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    False.  I used to, but now I seem to be over it, and I don't know why.

    The next person has not had their birthday yet this year.

  • Pepper_B
    Pepper_B Member Posts: 173
    Options b-day is the 15th of this month

    the next person got in a fist fight in high school (I know I did)

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274

    TRUE TRUE, then I got the crap beat out of me when I got home,,, it was worth it tho..

    I also love halloween, it's my anniversary... We got married in a haunted cemetary 10 minutes past the bewitching hour

    The next person has rappelled off the side of a mountain/cliff

    (My daughter and I did that last year and it was awesome)

  • LoriFL
    LoriFL Member Posts: 587

    Halloween is my anniversary too!  25 yrs.!

    I went zip lining in Mexico a few years back. It was fun! No cave diving for me! In my area of Florida,it is very popular and extremely dangerous. I will play in the springs when the water pops up out of the ground!    thank you!

    The next person has gone tubing or rafting.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    False but i have always wanted to

      The next person has gone deep sea fishing

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, I am afraid I will get seasick.

    The next person has nieces and nephews.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274

    True to deep sea fishing and I did feed the fish as I got very sea sick, caught a baby tiger shark,

    True to nieces and nephews

    The next person has rock climbed

    (I attempted to but my fat ass said OH NO YOU DON'T plus it was too much strain on the arms...)

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

      true i have lots of them

          the next person is over 55

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I am not there yet.

    The next person likes to eat crabs.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    TRUE  -- I LOVE LOVE crab legs !

    The next person, broke a mans heart

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467


    The next person has grandchildren.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274

    True and he's my heart

    The next person watches CSI

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    I broke my hubby's heart when I did when I told him I had BC Cry

    False -- Never watched it ..I like Survivor and Big Brother and Desp.Houswives

    The next person,  has a bad temper

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    False, and if anyone disagrees me, there's gonna be trouble.

    The next person sees the glass as half full.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Some people see the glass as half full some people see it as half empty I say, " Are you going to drink that ? "  LOL

    The next person laughs at themselves.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Constantly!!!  Laughter is always the best medicine!!

    The next person is running in a 1/2 marathon this year! 

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    False I couldn't run a block


  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    False I couldn't run a block

    Nexr t

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    False I couldn't run a block

    Nexr t

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    False I couldn't run a block

    True next person has lied to best friend

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True -- I am going for the Komen Race in October...haven't registered just yet...not until May.

    The next person loves, jewelry

    Yes, laughter is food for the soul !Laughing

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    ooops !

    But, I want to say,  I will WALK in the "race" LOL

    False -- I never had to...if they don't like the truth then we aren't best friends....but perhaps a little white "No your butt looks great in that itsy bitsy tiny weeny yellow polka dot bikini !

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I love jewelry, but since I have lymphedema and my body is all swollen, I don't wear a lot anymore.

    The next person likes New Balance sneakers.