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The Next Person Game



  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False -- Though that would be cool !

    The next person has had their teeth whitened Laughing

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    True, I am constantly trying to whiten (best stuff I have used  is Opalescence from my dentist)

    The next person prefers keying on a regular keyboard VS a laptop.

  • ravdeb
    ravdeb Member Posts: 277

    True...I don't like working on my dh's laptop.

    The next person lives outside the United States. (I do!)

  • Yogi70
    Yogi70 Member Posts: 214

    False, Sweet Home Alabama

    The next person served in the military. (I did)

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - tho I did have a boyfriend in Viet Nam.  I wanted to join but not a lot of women in the service back then....I am due for a colonoscopy this year - what great fun!

    Pepper, I hope you got the sunshine I sent you....we are having our 2nd day of it - gulp, could spring be here?

    The next person has been snowboarding

  • pconn03
    pconn03 Member Posts: 49

    False - never been snowboarding but broke my  leg skiing way back when in my 30's!!!  Does that count??


    The next person is going out to volunteer today.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, no volunteering today....but I do on Sundays...I teach CCD to 4th graders

    The next person likes "red" pistachios.

    catbert...I have a duck collection too and I do have a rubber duckie!

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701

    False.. don't even like "green"

    Next person have an Anniversary today?...I do!

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    False, contrats to you, Artsee!

    The next person will eat eggs for breakfast. 

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    note to smithlme:  Breast cancer raises your risk of colon cancer.  (I just found this out.)  48 may not be too early to get a colonoscopy.  You might want to look into it.

    see my thread about it.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    True....I just did.

    Next person still has the odd Christmas decoration up.....I have, some I can't reach, or can't be bothered to shift.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    Thanks for posting that about colon cancer & bc... I was just about to post it myself... that is the reason I will be getting one on Wed., because I am only 44... my surgeon won't leave me alone so I finally agreed to do it! 

    True.. I have some 'favorite' decorations that I can't seem to put away, so they stay up all year.  I just got this angel note holder, and I keep outgoing mail clipped to it...  It is an angel, so technically, not just for Christmas, I guess.

    The next person...has a headache today... I do!

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258

    True,True,True--my sinuses are driving me crazy.

    The next person is babysitting grandkids this weekend

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    Harley:  So glad you're getting it done!

    False, no grandkids yet (that I know of).

    The next person is going to the dry cleaners today. 

  • Yogi70
    Yogi70 Member Posts: 214

    False, I did go yesterday though.

    The next person collects stamps.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    False...I just use them to mail bills!

    I've heard of the risk of colon Cancer...I'll ask my Onc when I see her two weeks after surgery. Gee...another test :-(

    The next person thanks military personnel when she sees them.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310


    the next person gets manacures

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    True, and I will be going either today or tomorrow.  Pedicures are my favorite part, though.  I basically go to the nail place for the foot rubs, period.

    The next person will get their car washed this weekend. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    Options is rainy here this weekend, so I don't think we'll bother washing the car!

    Thanks, gsg...  I had read about the connection between bc and colon cancer, but waited for my surgeon to mention it, just checking to see if he keeps up with all this stuff!  Also,  I figured I had been thru enough... hence my hesitation to be further probed... EEW!

    Smithlme... glad that you are going to go get it checked out...

    The next person has chemo curls!  I do...but I know they won't last very long!

  • Barb1953
    Barb1953 Member Posts: 258

    false--I had mine almost 8 yrs. ago !

    the next person had fish for dinner last night.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I had a ham sandwich. LOL

    The next person has blue eyes.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False -- Brown

    The next person has a large family...meaning a lot of people not fat ! LOL

  • cdean
    cdean Member Posts: 14


    The next person has highlights in her hair.

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310


    next person eats late at night

  • cdean
    cdean Member Posts: 14


    next person golfs

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, unless you count miniture golf.

    Next person will visit someone in the nursing home today.

  • cdean
    cdean Member Posts: 14


    next person will rent a movie

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False, heading to friends for dinner and to learn how to play a card game called spades.

    Harley/Smith, I was 43 at dx and had to have one two days after my first chemo infusion (what a fun week that was!).  Three benign polyps were found and removed, so get checked ladies.

    The next person loves Jon Bon Jovi (sorry, just saw him in concert last night and still on cloud 9)

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    false live near golf course lol

    next person was over 30 when had the first baby

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False -- 27 and 30

    The next person is Spring Cleaning