The Next Person Game
No guests for dinner tonight, but you're welcome to swing thru Barbe -- we have enough to share!!
The next person knows how to scan pictures into their computer..... (and can explain it to me.)
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Faith, yes I do know how to scan photos....
The next person is not dressed for the day yet, and it's 1:30pm central time.
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True took shower and then in clean pjs
next person loves to try new recipes
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This person likes to try new recipes if I'm assured a modicum of success.
The next person had fun walking in the snow today, and enjoyed watching the horses run and play in the snow.
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False to walking in the snow but it sure looks like you Easterners got your fill today. Glad you had so much fun!
I'm back from my ENT appt - doc cleaned out my ears and now I can hear a pin drop in the next room!
The next person is going to relax and read a good book tonite
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Very possibly. I got an interesting looking book at our library today. Was thinking I would finish a quilting project, so we'll see what wins out in the end!
The next person has an idea for a book.
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No, never have thought about writing a book.
The next person would like to move to a new house.
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Kind of true... I would LOVE to live in a new house, but I detest moving. LOL
The next person knows how to "sign" at least ten different words.
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False, I only know is something I always wanted to learn tho.
The next person had a snow day from work today and got alot of things done around the house.
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half true......I think I know maybe five My uncle is deaf, so I have learned a few over the years. Wish I knew all of it though. I think it's a beautiful language.
The next person is obsessed with changing sheets! (I am...maybe 'cause I have dogs)
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oh sorry Candie....we tripped.
False...didn't have snow today Haven't seen snow in years !
next person obsessed with changing sheets
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false love clean sheets though.
next person has no clue how to change a tire
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Ya, I have a clue how.....but have never done it and I'm sure I never will.
The next person got their exercise in today?
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Not me.
next persons favorite color is pink
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At this time, I am currently "pinked" out.
The next person is watching tv
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yes listening to the bachelore
next person hates sushi
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ewwww never had it and never will. It sounds and looks disgusting.
The next person loves jelly beans.
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love em
next person loves rollercoasters
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use to love rollercoasters in my younger years, I do still love the log rides and water rides though.
I do love jelly beans but being diabetic don't eat much of them
MissS our church offers a sign launguage course for free, when the next one starts I will be first in line. The lady that teaches it gets up in front of the church and does the songs in sign language and she is so graceful that it gives me goosebumps.
the next person likes a cup of hot chocolate or apple cider before bed at night.
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True - love hot chocolate.
The nest person has a busy day tomorrow.
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Very true, But slow and steady.
Next person has to get ready for springtime.
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false not planning on it
next person loves crossword puzzles
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False - I love word searches & love to read books.
The next person has a lot of DVD movies.
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Yes I do
The next person is a good cook
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not to many dvds
next person cant stand to argue
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True - hate dumb arguments that are usually for no reason.
The nest person has had to deal a a lot of typical teenager problems with DD or DS.
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Not to many
next person is afraid to try new things
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No I take risks.
Next person love to take quiet time.
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i do love that
next person has a hobby
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True, I love scrapbooking.
The next person has ridden a camel.