The Next Person Game
false had one recently
next person has just spilled something I did made a mess
0 -
No, didn't spill anything.
The next person is a kind person and treats people equally.
0 -
True ~ I honestly try to
The next person wants to sleep in tomorrow
0 -
false cant have dr and chemo
next person wants a snack now
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nope....just had one.
The next person is enjoying Idol. We DVR'd it and are watching it now.
0 -
No watching biggest loser
next person is a neat freak
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Yup, I am - how did you know that kbugmom -
The next person loves their doggies.
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I want to get one just a pet fish now.
next person has to run errands in morn
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I do. I have to take a friends son to school - then take dog to groomers - then come home and clean - all before 9:00 a.m. Woosh!
The next person is reading a good book. I'm reading 3 YIKES
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True. Just started a new book, can already tell I'm gonna like it.
The next person likes to do ballroom dancing.
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I think I would love it....but never have taken ballroom dance lessons.
The next person liked lil rounds on Idol. Danny is still my favorite.
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No I didnt watch it.
Next person love poetry
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Yes like it
Next person can draw not me
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False - I can do beautiful calligraphy - but no drawing
The next pseron watches soap operas
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A lil not much
next person has been on a cruise
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True, to the Greek Islands when I was 18
The next person will have a traditional Irish dish this month.
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not me and I am part irish
Next person is wanting to go to the movies
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False--It is more comfortable to lay on the couch and watch a movie for me.
The next person will be decorating for Easter.
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Not me
Next person is thrifty
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True-I have always been very thrifty, but now that I am stage 4, I am rethinking that.
The next person likes Breyers Triple Chocolate ice cream.
0 -
False - not an ice cream person
The next person should be sleeping already.
0 -
Hmmmm? Slept relatively 'soundly' for me.... it's a new day, so sleep will wait till tonight.
The next person feels bouyant with sunshine shining.
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Yes faith I do and the warmer temps are nice too.
The next person will have a good day.
0 -
Thanks I will, and I hope you all do too!
The next person is going to a school play....0 -
false----------wish I was though. I love them!
Next person has a birthday this month.
0 -
Nope, not until November, Yea
The next person has a lot of errands to do today
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No errands, just a day at work.
The next person is craving Italian food.
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nope....craving the dinner I just put together though - chicken/asparagus casserole
The next person made a special meal and dessert for their husband...just because.
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The next person likes to do volunteer work
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this person likes to quietly do things for people who might need sometihg.
The next person likes to call her father.