The Next Person Game
Would if I could my dad passed away in 99
Next person has a strong faith
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It should be stronger than what it is.
The next person like to read the newspaper over coffee.
0 - to read paper and drink coffee.
Wish I could call my dad too, but he passed away in 2000
My faith is very strong.........but that's not saying it doesn't get tested sometimes.
The next person eats tomato sandwiches.
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no, I don't eat those.
The next person attended Lenten services today.
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I LOVE me some tomato sandwiches!!!!
Lenten? Is that Lent? I'm not a Cathoholic. ;-) (if it's even a Catholic thing... I should Google, but I'm being lazy.)
The next person likes to wear pink.
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Yes I have it on.
Next person loves peanut butter and pickle sandwich
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nope, not even when I was pregnant
next person river dances
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Never have done it.
Next person love to walk the beach
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True, so comforting and serene.
The next person likes mustard better than mayonaise.
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false love mayo more
next person is tired tonight
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True - very tired but had a great day - saw the play Chicago in (where else) Chicago!
Cat - did your hair fall off your head AGAIN?
The next person will be starting yoga soon
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false not me
next person intstant messages
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True - my son always send IM's to me
The next person clips coupons
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Every time I can, and then forget them.
Next person likes to go to a picnic.
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Picnics are great.Our house is crazy enough that sometimes it is an adventure just for the two of us to sit down at the table together.
picnics require horseradish mayonaise
The next person is looking forward to the first night eating at the picnic table. We've aready cooked out (in the rain).
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True.... have already had a picnic outside (we're in FL at the moment)
Well: loved seeing Chicago, tho we weren't in Chicago LOL.... have seen it twice.
The next person has an idea to follow to it's resolution.
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I do faith - and it's walking this good health road. Not always easy, but I'm determined.
The next person is looking forward to a busy day.
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True, I have an appt. with my PS, then going to run some much neglected errands, start to do my income tax return, and get ready for my youngest to return home for college spring break.
The next person has a fun getaway planned for the near future.
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Boo-hoo ~ no getaways planned. Just looking forward to spring! Can't wait until we can sit outside and enjoy fresh air.
The next person has to update their pictures in their picture frames.
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I have alreaddy started doing that, little by little
The next person just got a cut in pay...our owners just gave a reduction in pay accross the board and now we have to pay 20% of the cost of our health insurance. It was either that or close....we certainly dont want to be without a job. They did assure us, as soon as economy gets better..we will go back to the way it was....I hope I can manage financially!!
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False ~ stay at home mom. But my sister & her husband and one other brother in law just lost their jobs! It is just so horrbile!
The next person has a musical instrument in the house.
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True, a violin.
The next person has a wedding to go to in the near future.
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Oh no, thank God....
The next person had nothing for breakfast this morning but coffee
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false. I had cottage cheese and fruit.
The next person is glad that the weather is suppose to be warmer today.
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True! true! True!
The next person has a clean car
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LOL! Not for many months has my car been clean. I just add gas.
The next person wants to take a long shower, but doesn't have the energy
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True I love long showers.
next person is having a lazy day
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true. I still have on pj's.
the next person needs to do some house work.
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I do need to for sure.
next person loves to garden
0 - work is never ever done
Next person can't wait for summer, I'm so done with winter