The Next Person Game
False...can't dance at all
The next person likes sports
0 -
The next person likes cheesecake
0 -
The next person is going to watch at least some of the Olympics this evening
0 -
True...Winter Olympics is my fav
The next person is going to bed early tonight
0 - least I am not planning on doing so
The next person is waiting for a phone call
0 -
The next person is going out to a restaurant for Valentine's Day
0 -
False, I am hosting a Valentine's Brunch.
The next person is planning to weed out closets
0 -
The next person going to relax for the rest of the day
0 -
False, I'm going to go down in the basement right now and get on the treadmill.....really I am!
The next person is going to watch some of the Olympic Events tonight
0 -
The next person will shop a few of the President's Day sales tomorrow ( I am planning to )
0 -
False (already went pre-President's Day shopping yesterday)
The next person will go out to lunch with friends on President's Day
0 -
False, I have to work.
The next person Got to sleep in this morning
0 -
False as I woke up early.
The next person has the tv on
0 -
True, watching Fox & Friends
The next person is going to do something fun today
0 -
True I am going fun shopping ........... I also put on Fox and Friends in the morning.
The next person is wanting to have a play day rather than a work day
0 -
True...but a sinus infection will keep me from having either one
The next person is having their morning coffee
0 -
True, but the vanilla flavoring...tooo strong!
the next person is going to walk their dog
0 -
false (I have three cats)
the next person is going to do the crossword puzzle in the paper
0 -
False .......but I am about to throw some in the machine and get it going.
The next person did not accomplish as much today as they had planned
0 -
True...oh well
The next is having leftovers for dinner
0 -
maybe (or maybe a frozen dinner)
the next person will take a bubble bath tonight
0 -
False, having a board meeting at my house. Wouldn't be good if their president was in the tub.
The next person will have a glass of wine with dinner tonight.
0 -
False, only wine on the weekends since BC DX
The next person will have to scrape ice in the AM
0 -
false, but it would be true if I didn't have garage
the next person is going to polish her fingernails tonight
0 -
False......they are already done.
The next person is going to bed early tonight
0 -
False, stayed up way too late, and got up too early.
The next person is going to treat themself to a wonderful breakfast!
0 -
False, no time for that. I have too much to do. I am tired of the squishy mud in my garden though.
The next person has a doctor's appointment this week
0 -
False...woo hoo!!!
The next person has to iron today
0 -
False (what's an iron? )
The next person had to stop at the store to pick up some groceries