The Next Person Game
True. My preference would be to have Spring year round.
The next person didn't et enough sleep last night
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False, slept well.
The next person is having hamburgers on the grill for dinner this evening
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False, hamburgers were last night. Maybe a steak or something. For sure it will include asparagus from my garden.
The next person plans their meals out a day ahead of time
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True, most of the time I plan the evening before what I will make the next day. ( love fresh asparagus)
The next person is not going to stay up late tonight............
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True...having a hard time staying awake
The next person will loves gardening
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SOoooooo True. The problem with growing asparagus is that you cannot harvest anything for the first 2-3 years if you want to establish a good asparagus bed.
The next person watches CSI (any of them)
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False. ( did not know that about asparagus....... interesting )
The next person knows how to knit
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False, when I was little I knew the basics, that's all gone now
The next p[erson knows how to crochet
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True...but haven't done so in a while
The next person has to go to work soon
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True...but haven't so in a while
The next person has to go to work soon
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The next person is wanting to exercise more than they have been
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True, I've been sitting on my butt for a week, miss pilates and walking!!
The next person is wishing someone would shovel their snow!
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False, no snow in Orlando.
The next person has a vacation in the planning stages
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True, planning a trip to CA to visit my daughter!!!
The next person is reading a good book!
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False, not reading at this time. I read mostly in the summer.
The next person will be doing something she always wanted to do...I am. I will be taking a how to crochet course beginning in March...always wanted to learn how...and now I will!
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False, I am trying to get some time in to sew, but I already knew how
The next person can see the blue sky today
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True, cold out but blue skies.
The next person is only 5ft. 3in tall.
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False...on the tall side
The next person is going to take a nap today
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False...well, I don't feel like I will at this time, but that may change!
The next person has been to SeaWorld?
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True, but which one? I've been to the San Diego one.
The next person has been to a Disney park more than once.
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Any of the Sea Worlds! I used to frequent the one in San Antonio, and I think we went to the one in San Diego, when I was very, VERY young!
I'll answer that one...TRUE! My aunty lives about five minutes from Disney Land...the original!
The next person has been to Six Flags?
0 - was just a routine day but I consider that a really good day as all went well.
The next person ate too much for dinner this evening
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False...was a good girl
The next person is looking forward to the weekend
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True, heading to San Diego for the day Satrday
The next person has nothing planned for the weekend
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False-hosting a Valentine's brunch.
The next person is usually punctual
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I would say true, my friends might not!
The next person likes Ellen on American idol
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The next person has errands to run today
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True not enough hours in the day
The next person likes to play solitaire
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True...especially on
The next person likes puzzle books?
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True, DH and I play Wii alot, I love my Nintendo DS that DS got for me
The next person can dance well