The Next Person Game
The next person likes pb & j sandwiches?
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Sounds delish!!
The next person has seen a Robin already this Spring
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True, I love hummingbirds - they'll be in Michigan in about a month. (Jo, there must be an island of lost sweaters and blouses somewhere)
The next person has Sandhill Cranes in their backyard.
0 -
False too cold up here
the next person is working tomorrow
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the next person is going to a concert this week
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The next person likes tea
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True, especially iced tea.
The next person is going to watch the season premiere of "Deadliest Catch".
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The next person shops at Marshalls
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True........ but there are not too many stores I don't like to shop at!
The next person feels like having a snack
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(Suz, I had a little hummingbird on my porch this morning sipping from my shrimp plant. I will be watch Dealiest premier, but it will be difficult knowing about Capt. Phil. we've beeen watching since day one.)
True, but I won't not even my allotment of Cheetos.
The next person has not completed their tax returns
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The next person likes to dance
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True, but my hubby doesn't
(Meece, it is very hard watching Deadliest knowing this is Capt Phil's last voyage - so sad)
The next person can see the stars tonight.
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I won't know until it gets dark, but perfectly blue skies right now
The nex person can iceskate
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Very poorly!
The next person can water ski
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very poorly, been too many years
The next person plays tennis
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Very poorly again!
The next person bowls
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Kinda, we bowl but not seriously. A few times a year.
The next person competes in something
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False...but I used to compete in races (running)
The next person has a vacation coming up.
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TRUE!!! Cannot wait!
The next person just came back from a vacation
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The next person likes to go boating
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True - as long as I'm the passenger and not driving the boat!
The next person is really wishing it was Friday and not Wednesday.
0 - 2 days as a hairdresser,I would go nuts if I didn't work a little..
The next persons hair is at least 2 inches long
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False- less the 1/8" & almost all gone
the next person is planning this years garden
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False- less the 1/8" & almost all gone
the next person is planning this years garden
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Oh yea...and very excited
the next person is whooped today
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more like frazzled!
the nest person would love to remodel their kitchen
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True even though it is fine the way it is .......would be nice to have something different!
The next person has plans for the weekend
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the next person would rather eat fruit than vegetables
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True...but I still like my veggies
The next person likes the circus
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Not true anymore...I looooovvve my veggies!
the next person is a bargain hunter