The Next Person Game
Not late, late......
the next person would pick coke over pepsi
0 -
True...nothing like an ice cold coke
The next person has a facebook page
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True and sometimes I spend too much time on face book
The next person is going to have a relaxing day today.
0 -
False...been at work since 5am.
The next person loves to draw.
0 -
No...I wish I could!
The next person is having rain today
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No, but it's cloudy & I hope it rains a little ot I'm going to have to go out & water......
the next person likes mushrooms
0 - them
The next person likes a long hot shower
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Actually prefer long hot baths
The next person sang today
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True, in church,
the next person went out to lunch today
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False........ but will be going tomorrow.
The next person is reading a good book
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the next person did not clean their house this weekend but should have!
0 -
true - doing homework instead (would rather clean the house)
The next person is going to watch a movie tonight.
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False...but I watched a movie this afternoon
The next person had carry out for dinner tonight
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sort of, I carried myself out to dinner
the next person set out the patio furniture this afternoon
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False...did it before Easter.
The next person has a headache.
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The next person has to go to work in the morning.
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the next person is going to be in bed by 10:30 pm
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The next person suffers from allergies
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false, thank goodness!
the next person has gotten a spray on tan
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The next person has pink nail polish on their toe or finger nails
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false, just sat down and took pink off my toes about three hours ago.
The next person has more than two TVs
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the next person has a new car
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False, I have no car payments. Paid cash for the last one and when I can do it again, will get another
The next person drives a SUV
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The next person has a jetted tub in their bathroom
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False already out
the next preson loves iced tea
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the next person has little food in the house
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True and DS#2 was home from college this weekend and complaining bitterly.
The next person has brown eyes.
0 -
True...all except my wisdom teeth
The next person subscribes to a newspaper
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The next person loves asparagus
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The next person can speak french.