The Next Person Game
Sort of (I went to the door a couple times to see the trick or treators & my nephew passed out the candy:)
The next person has candy left over & will eat it all...0 -
Yes and no. I always run out, so this year I was prepared with lots-o-candy but bad weather kept the numbers down. I'm giving leftovers away so I don't eat them. Ok, I'm keeping a Tootsie Roll, but that's all. :-)
The next person has something fun planned this weekend.
0 -
false, I'm way behind on a number of things and HAVE TO catch up!
the next person has already voted
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true true true!!!
The next person is worried the storm will prevent people from being able to vote.
0 -
the next person has sent some money to the Red Cross or other group helping out with the hurricane
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The next person is still at work and REALLY wants to be able to finish the last little project and go home!!! Unfortunately, computers run at their own speed.
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well, 11 hours later - I'm just getting up and preparing to go to the gym.
The next person is going to cross state lines this weekend .... (we're taking a bus trip to Nashville for the Bears game)
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false...nothing exciting happening here this weekend
(Well..sounds like fun...have a good time)
The next person has been to a Super Bowl game
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the next person has been to a baseball playoff game
0 - goddaughter is a muckety-muck with the White Sox so she saw to it that we saw a playoff game with her parents a few years ago.
The next person is heading out of town......
0 -
for Thanksgiving
If a person is supposed to bring a dish to pass, she likes to bring.....
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broccoli cauliflower salad
The next person likes to ice skate
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True: I haven't ice skating in over 10 years! I work really hard at not falling.
The next person enjoyed her extra hour of daylight saving time yesterday.
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True! We shopped till we dropped Sat. so we needed the extra hour to rest up before doing it again. :-)
The next person will be hosting this year's Thanksgiving dinner.
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True, my 24 y/o daughter is bringing her boyfriend & his mom!
The next person starts decorating for holidays Thanksgiving weekend.0 -
the next person puts decorations in and outside her house
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true...our whole subdivision decorates and I think it's the second Saturday of December we line the streets with luminaries..just beautiful...
The next person will have a live Christmas tree this year
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false....we lost our beautiful tree and years of collected ornaments some years back in a flooded basement (sewer back up)...since then I use ceramic trees, small lit trees and lots of poinsiettas, wreaths, etc to decorate. I don't miss having a tree anymore.
The next person will have overnight company for the Thanksgiving holiday
0 -
false - our house is on the market and we are NOT entertaining this year!!!
The next person is taking a vacation next month.
0 -
False - taking it this month to see DD and the beach in Santa Barbara!
The next person has the majority of their Xmas shopping done.0 -
true.....because I shopped for friends in a catalogue at our church with sells fair trade products to support women's small businesses in the third world and my extended family, which has always bought presents for everyone, is getting together and each family group is each only going to bring three presents: a game, a movie, and one more fun 'family' present (we will bring a puzzle). I am so excited!
the next person is watching the election returns
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watched until 10pm then had to go to bed - woke up to the results
The next person still doesn't completely understand the Electoral College
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true...does anyone?
The next person is drinking coffee
0 -
true and still in bed
the next person is happy with the election results
0 -
true - except the House....
The next person would like to see more cooperation in our government between the two parties.
0 -
False, not a thing
The next person knows cpr
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Sorry I naver discuss politics
The next person knows CPR
0 -
I'd love to see cooperation and do know CPR (although whether I would actually be able to perform in an emergency will hopefully be never found out!)
the next person still remembers some poems she memorized as a child
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Only the old version.
The next person helped at the scene of an accident.0 -
the next person saw someone who was jaywalking hit and killed