The Next Person Game
True! (funny, was thinking of the very same thing about half an hour ago)
The next person could go for a bubble bath
0 -
True (only when I'm in the car ) !
The next person is going shopping today
0 -
Not that I know of
The next person has been to New Zealand
0 -
The next person loves their car
0 -
The next person has siblings
0 -
True (2 brothers)
The next person thinks this is a fun game!0 -
True! I play a lof of the word games.
The next person lives in a big city
0 -
The next person is watching the final four college basketball games tonight.0 -
The next person is rooting for Michigan!
0 -
true......gotta root for the Big Ten team!
The next person has been doing some spring cleaning.0 -
The next person is having a snack
0 -
thinking about it right now....if I had some ice cream in the house I would eat it!
the next person went to a concert this weekend
0 -
The next person did not have a nap today
0 -
true...never nap unless I am sick
the next person saw a robin today
0 -
The next person still has the very first thing she sewed when she was young.0 -
False - it was an ugly skirt. Would be good for laughs though!
The next person makes some of her own clothes.
0 -
True (used to make a lot of my own clothes/ False (but now in ages since kids!)
The next person sometimes stays in their pj's/night clothes all day0 -
false...I teach, so I think that would be frowned on
the next person likes big jewelry pieces
0 -
False...don't wear much jewelry. you ever have pajama day at your school?
The next person enjoys scrapbooking.0 -
False (have supplies but never found the time)
The next person has at least 1 stuffed animal
(Ruth, what about weekends and school breaks?)0 -
Oh yes, I ALWAYS participate gladly in pajama days and any other 'dress up' day that comes along!
false, but if I had more time I think I would enjoy it....a retirement project, maybe?
the next person is trying to stay away from someone in her family who has a cold (DH is banished to the spare bedroom!)
0 -
false - I'm the one with the cold - hubby says he's certain I have bronchitis
the next person is really looking forward to summer
0 -
true, true, true
the next person has some fun summer plans
gargle with warm salt water & see if that helps, garden.
0 -
False unfortunately
The next person will spend some time near the ocean this summer
In addition to the saltwater mom would get out a tablespoon and put a little bit of whiskey, some sugar and some warm water and give it to us for a bad cough.0 -
True (hopefully)
The next person forgets sometimes...
Oh, what was I writing?0 -
True (unfortunately!)
The next person can knit or crochet.0 -
True - both
The next person likes chocolate ice cream0 -
true, but my favorite is mocha
the next person has an iphone (I just got one yesterday)
0 -
False, still have ancient Blackberry
The next person would like a rest today0 -
True - stayed up too late watching the basketball game
The next person has cold feet frequently