The Next Person Game
False. I'm not telling
The next person saw snow today.0 -
False, just saw wild winds today.
The next person will go on a walk tomorrow0 -
Probably not. Is not very spring-like in Michigan and is supposed to rain. I can always find an excuse!
The next person carried her lunch to work today.
0 -
False, not working (long recovery from mast/recon so lost job, actually a blessing in disguise)
The next person will wear black today0 -
The next person will use an umbrella today
0 -
false (still snow on the ground, and it looks like everyone here is wearing black today....matches the 'springtime' feeling outdoors )
the next person's weather has been unusually cold this spring
0 -
Yes! The snow is gone but we might see more snow later this week.
The next person has parents that are still living
0 -
TRUE! They drove here from out of state so we can look at assisted living facilities for my mom (her Alzheimer's is getting too much for my dad to handle)
The next person would love a day of pampering0 -
Hope you can find a good placement for your mother.
False. I don't really go for that type of thing. Rather just have a day when I can do what I want - shop, eat out, etc.
The next person loves massages
0 -
The next person is having a wonderful day0 -
Actually, I just got home from a long, frustrating meeting, one where people just talk for the sake of hearing their own voice & don't actually want input.....end of rant....
the next person thinks tomorrow will be more wonderful than today
0 -
The next person has watched Downton Abbey0 -
false - i don't really watch a lot of Tv
The next person practices yoga
0 -
True - just learning
The next person will count their blessings today0 -
So true!
The next person likes sushi
0 -
The next person wants a pretty spring day0 -
True - it has been raining for 3 days
The next person rode a bus to school
0 -
True, elementary school only, walked to jr and sr high
The next person will watch TV today0 -
false - I walked. I was just barely over the distance rule (we had to live over two miles from school to be able to ride the bus). But even though I could ride the bus, I hated it, so chose to walk.
The next person is happy.
0 -
True- feeling good always helps
The next person had a part-time job when she was 16
0 -
the next person has been employed full time for more than 35 years (uninterrupted).
0 -
The next person speaks a second language
0 -
the next person has visited the Grand Canyon
0 -
True and I want to go back.
The next person wears glasses
0 -
the next person has visited the Bahamas
0 -
True, on a cruise
The next person would like to live in another country
0 -
True (and have done that)
The next person can ski
0 -
False, have never tried it
The next person is a good swimmer
0 -
False, can swim but not good
The next person can drive a stick-shift
0 -
The next person has blonde hair