The Next Person Game
Yes, of course .
The next person was not suprised about tonight's outcome
0 -
The next person has flowers outside their home.0 -
I will if it ever quits snowing!!!
the next person has mostly perennials
0 -
True (totally missed the fall season, didn't rake leaves, prune roses with Halloween mx. My first red rose of the season is in bloom!)
The next person hates weeds0 -
True....been trying to get the chickweed out of the flower beds!
The next person tries to do their gardening organically.
0 -
The next person likes ladybugs0 -
True unless they are in the house
The next person has been to a park this week
0 -
The next person owns a truck0 -
True - my husband drives it
The next person colors her hair
0 -
the next person is experiencing beautiful spring weather this morning
0 -
False it is raining AGAIN
The next person is watching the news now
0 -
the next person didn't get enough sleep last night.
0 -
The next person has a plan for tonight's dinner
0 -
The next person had tea this morning0 -
The next person heard thunder today
0 -
False (bright sunny skies)
The next person will go for a walk today0 -
The next person does volunteer work
0 -
true - not a relaxing walk - but a walk
the next person will get a massage today
0 -
False - not getting a massage today
The next person picked up a prescription this week
0 -
the next person loves tangerines
0 -
The next person has plans fora vacation this summer
0 -
True - NC beach and DC
The next person visited a relative today.
0 -
The next person did dishes today
0 -
True - at home and at a sick relative's home
The next person likes to relax with a glass of wine.
0 -
sounds good to me!
the next person prefers a red wine
0 -
The next person prefers their eggs scrambled0 -
over medium
the next person secretly loves bacon
0 -
True, but no secret (trying to cut back, then cut out entirely)
The next person has a pair of fuzzy slippers0 -
Wonderland... Cute!
The next person still keeps in contact with someone that they went to high school with0