The Next Person Game
True! I meet with my friends for a girl sleepover once a year. We've been doing it for about 25 years. FYI: my 40th high school reunion is this year!
(2nd time around: thanks! Someone had just posted the cartoon on Facebook today).
The next person has been to her high school reunion.
0 -
True, only my 10th (I also graduated 40 years old).
The next person attended their prom0 -
True - We didn't have one my Junior year b/c we had a racial riot at my high school and the school closed down for a week. It was scary! No guns in those days, but there were brass knuckles and bottles.
The next person was in her high school band.
0 -
False, drill team 2 years
The next person doesn't wear the same size she wore after graduation0 -
True I put on more than a few pounds
The next person had eggs for breakfast
0 -
False, just waking up & probably won't have eggs for breakfast
The next person will check the weather forecast before leaving the house today0 -
false - i just assumed it was going to rain (correctly, as it turned out)
the next person is going to the horse races this weekend
0 -
False, probably relaxing after surgery tomorrow)
The next person will be opening the windows to let spring inside the house0 -
true - as much spring as we can get!!
the next person got a massage yesterday
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The next person played with paper dolls as a child
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the next person has a granddaughter
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False, DD is freshman in college, no GC's for a while (plus her boyfriend is in Afghanistan till September)
The next person took Home Ec in high school (gee, I feel ancient!)0 -
False. I don't recall it being offered but I went to a private school. I am even more ancient I think, high school in the early 60's.
The next person likes mystery books
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true - love 'em.
The next person enjoyed reading Agatha Christie when a child
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False. Never liked mysteries and still don't, or scary stories on TV
The next person liked Little House on the Prairie
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TRUE! (Read all Little House in elementary school - way before it was on TV)
The next person played hop scotch on the playground when younger
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The next person played "Jacks" as a child
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True - hadn't thoughts of those in many years!
The next person played under the sprinkers in the summer
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The next person Watched "Lassie" when she was a child
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The next person watched The Jetsons cartoon on tv when they were young
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the next person loved the "Goofy" cartoons from Disney
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False - I don't recall those
The next person liked Mighty Mouse cartoons
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True, when I was young
The next person remembers waking up Saturday mornings to watch cartoons (boy, am I dating myself)
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true, and I remember my children doing the same
The next person remembers Fizzies - a tablet you would drop in water and it would fizz and make a kid's beverage
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The next person used to "smoke" candy cigarettes!
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The next person remembers the candy wax bottles with "juice" in them
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The next person played with Play Doh0 -
False I don't think it was around in my day but I played with clay
The next person wore strictly skirts or dresses to school
0 -
True until the 10th grade. The dress code changed and we could wear pants. Jeans followed the next year.
The next person wore saddle shoes and knee socks to school.
0 -
The next person has flowering annuals planted