The Next Person Game
true, we spent a lot of time with those skates.
The next person remembers having a pair of stilts.
0 -
The next person could use a pedicure0 -
The next person used to bite her fingernails
0 -
The next person could use a day at the spa0 -
The next person ate at McDonalds this week
0 -
false - haven't eaten there for probably 25 years
the next person went to Starbucks this week
0 -
False, but I did have a bottled Frappacino today.
The next person painted their nails today.0 -
The next person had a haircut this week
0 -
false, but I just called and made an appointment
the next person has been to France
0 -
Sadly, false
The next person has been on a cruise0 -
The next person has allergies
0 -
sadly, also false
the next person knows quite a bit about her family history
0 -
don't know a lot.
The next person has had pneumonia
0 -
False, bronchitis yes, pneumonia no
The next person remembers a favorite teacher0 -
yes, my 3rd grade teacher
The next person can speak a foreign language
0 -
Not really (took 1 language in high school, 1 in college but can't speak either)
The next person likes Mexican food0 -
the next person likes the really hot sauce
0 -
False! Makes my nose run and face turn red
The next person plans to ride a bike tomorrow
0 -
false, but I do plan a long walk
the next person doesn't like Tom Cruise
0 -
True. I hate to say that, it seems so negative and I don't know him but it was my first thought
The next person is planning a vegetable garden for the summer
0 -
more just flowers with a few veggies thrown in
the next person has a master garden plan
0 -
The next person plans to spend some time outside this weekend0 -
True. A beautiful day here in Michigan! Finally!
The next person will have a great lookng lawn this year
0 -
False. The property is woods and flowers.
The next person's favorite day dream is....
0 -
I won the biggest lottery ever!
The next person's favorite movie is......0 -
I like Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing
The next person can sew
0 -
Oops, mixed this thread with another
True, can, but don't have time
The next person has been camping0 -
Have been camping a little in my younger days but would rather stay in a motel
The next person can water ski
0 -
Weeeeee! Really badly
The next person would like tubing down a slow river
0 -
Sounds like fun
The next person took swimming lessons