More Tips (and a Shopping List) for Getting Through Chemo
Soteria, love the hat!0
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Thank you Rhody!
Let's Bump it up!0 -
Bumping in honor of my bumping buddies ~ badger and Soteria205 !0 -
back at'cha Nico1012 ~ let's BUMP it up again! ♥
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Ladies: I have another AC question. In the advice above I found the statement about ice chips to prevent mouth sores. "Eating a popsicle or ice chips or something else very cold, while being given adriamycin". I did the same when I was getting Taxotere and had no problems w/my mouth.
I see that AC also lists nail problems as a side effect. I kept my fingers & toes in frozen ice/peas all during the Taxotere infusions. My nails are somewhat brittle but I'm only going to lose my two big toenails. Has anyone heard or tried a similar things with AC or is it useful at all? Thanks.0 -
Minus Two~~I didn't do any icing for either chemos. I used the salt/baking soda rinse and took acidophilus to avoid mouth sores and thrush. I had absolutely NO problems with my mouth at all.
As far as the nails. I had no problems with my fingernails at all, but I lost 2 large toenails. They didn't hurt at all. I'd had a fungus problem with those two for years, so I was glad to be rid of them. That made getting rid of the fungus very easy.
Paula0 -
Minus Two, I have just had my third round of A/C. I have not done any icing, want to make sure the poison gets everywhere it needs to be! I have noticed that my nails are more brittle, but that's about it. No trouble with mouth sores, I use Biotene toothpaste and Colgate Total, and faithfully use Peroxyl mouthwash several times a day. And I drink lots of water which keeps my mouth flushed out. Good luck to you!0 -
bump for Amy (and for Nico! So sorry to hear of Lou Reed's death today). D*mn, d*mn, d*mn cancer.0 -
rock~~I was just reading about Lou Reed.
Paula0 -
Bumping it up !0 -
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Bumpin for the weekend0 -
bump for the newbies, with thanks to 'rock' ♥
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Just a short update to thank you all for the advice. I've finished my second A/C round. I'm thrilled that the SE's seem to be minimal compared to the Taxotere/Carboplatin/Herceptin treatments. I'm using the Biotene as suggested and taking Zofran twice a day for a couple of days after tx. I'm fortunate that my MO is proactive w/nausea and adds Kytril, Emend and Decadron (a steroid) to my infusion regime. Bothered by minor constipation but Colace, prune juice and one Senna seems to take care of it. I'm not having the extreme bone pain w/the neulasta this time either. Took Claritin both times so maybe the difference is caused by the Herceptin or Perjeta addition. So many variables. And yes, what hair had regrown (about 1") started to fall out again right on schedule - day 16. Thanks again. Valuable thread.0 -
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minustwo, glad you are doing well this time! I read that the first shot of neulasta is the hardest bc it makes the bone marrow expand, inflame, whatever and it has never done that...once it has, it is not so severe the next time; kind of like a ballon being blown up I guess! Good luck on your future treatments!
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bump for the newbies!
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Thanksgiving bump!
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Bumpin out November0 -
and bumping in December! ♥
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Bumpin' for the newbies !0 -
bumping0 -
bump it up! ♥
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